使用 replace() 从 Python 中的文本数据中删除完整的句子

Using replace() to remove full sentences from text data in Python

我正在尝试从文本数据的段落中删除三个句子。我有一个 pandas 数据框,其中包含几行段落,我想从中删除相同的三个句子。例如,

import pandas as pd

df_1 = pd.DataFrame({"text": ["the dog is red. He goes outside and runs.", 
                              "i like dogs because they are fun. i don't like that dogs bark at mailmen", 
                              "dogs bark at mailmen and i think its funny."]})
custom_stopwords = ["the dog is red", "i like dogs", "dogs bark at mailmen"]
for i in custom_stopwords: 
    df_1['text'] = df_1['text'].str.replace(i, '')


pandas.Series.str.replace 有一个默认的关键字参数 regex=True 这意味着它假定替换是正则表达式(比如你的“安装(s)”可以被解释)。您正在尝试替换字符串文字(或至少是非正则表达式)。添加 regex=False 应该可以正常工作:

for i in custom_stopwords: 
    df_1['text'] = df_1['text'].str.replace(i, '', regex=False)

使用 str.replace 和参数 regex=False(s) 被解释为正则表达式组,在这种特定情况下等于字符 s.