
How to automatically resize or reposition controls on a form when the form is resized?



我想要的是,如果窗体缩放以适合显示,窗体上的控件也应该调整。具体来说,每个控件上的 LeftTopWidthHeight 等属性。



  Option Explicit

  Private Type ControlInfo_type
    Left As Single
    Top As Single
    Width As Single
    Height As Single
    FontSize As Single
  End Type
  Dim ControlInfos() As ControlInfo_type

Private Sub Form_Load()

  Dim ThisControl As Control
  ReDim Preserve ControlInfos(0 To 0)
  ControlInfos(0).Width = Me.Width
  ControlInfos(0).Height = Me.Height
  For Each ThisControl In Me.Controls
    ReDim Preserve ControlInfos(0 To UBound(ControlInfos) + 1)
    On Error Resume Next  ' hack to bypass controls with no size or position properties
    With ControlInfos(UBound(ControlInfos))
      .Left = ThisControl.Left
      .Top = ThisControl.Top
      .Width = ThisControl.Width
      .Height = ThisControl.Height
      .FontSize = ThisControl.FontSize
    End With
    On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()

  Dim ThisControl As Control, HorizRatio As Single, VertRatio As Single, Iter As Integer
  If Me.WindowState = vbMinimized Then Exit Sub
  HorizRatio = Me.Width / ControlInfos(0).Width
  VertRatio = Me.Height / ControlInfos(0).Height
  Iter = 0
  For Each ThisControl In Me.Controls
    Iter = Iter + 1
    On Error Resume Next  ' hack to bypass controls
    With ThisControl
      .Left = ControlInfos(Iter).Left * HorizRatio
      .Top = ControlInfos(Iter).Top * VertRatio
      .Width = ControlInfos(Iter).Width * HorizRatio
      .Height = ControlInfos(Iter).Height * VertRatio
      .FontSize = ControlInfos(Iter).FontSize * HorizRatio
    End With
    On Error GoTo 0
End Sub


此代码取决于控件每次都以相同的方式迭代,这可能会中断。解决这个问题的一种方法是使用 Collection 或其他以控件名称作为键的数据结构;在 .Resize 事件中迭代时,将按名称查找每个控件。如果任何控件本身就是数组,则需要额外的结构,如果控件是动态加载或卸载的,则更多。