我无法在 kali 上安装 Codelite linux

I can't install Codelite on kali linux

我正在尝试在 kali linux 上安装 Codelite 编译器,但我不能。我尝试安装 gtk 3+,但它也不起作用......我不知道该怎么做,我很绝望。


sudo apt-key adv --fetch-keys http://repos.codelite.org/CodeLite.asc


Warning: apt-key is deprecated. Manage keyring files in trusted.gpg.d instead (see apt-key (8)).
Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.9KZU1WEkrx/gpg.1.sh --fetch-keys http://repos.codelite.org/CodeLite.asc
gpg: key request from 'http://repos.codelite.org/CodeLite.asc'
gpg: key 6856E1DB1AC82609: "David Hart (codelite key) <david@codelite.co.uk>" unchanged
gpg: Total number examined: 1
gpg: unedited: 1


sudo apt-add-repository 'deb https://repos.codelite.org/ubuntu/ buster devel'



sudo apt-get install codelite


Reading package list ... Done
Dependency tree generation ... Done
Read status information ... Done
Some packages cannot be installed. This can mean
that an impossible situation has been requested or, if you are
using a development distribution, which some packages required
have not yet been created or have been removed from Incoming.
The following information can help resolve the situation:

The following packages have unsatisfied dependencies:
  codelite: Depends: liblldb-7 (> = 1: 7 ~ svn298832-1 ~) but is not installable
             Recommend: gdb
             Recommend: lldb (> = 3.4) but not about to be installed
             Recommend: nodejs but not about to be installed
             Recommend: clang-tools but not about to be installed
E: Unable to fix problems, there are bad packages blocked.   

您正在尝试从特定于 Debian buster (Debian 10) 的软件源安装 Codelite,但是您使用的 Kali Linux 版本是基于 Debian 的下一个版本 Debian bullseye,因此您在尝试安装它时会收到未满足的依赖项错误消息。此问题的解决方案是安装与您的 Kali Linux 所基于的相同版本的 Debian 兼容的 Codelite 版本。

Codelite IDE 是当前稳定版 Debian bullseye (Debian 11) 存储库中的一个软件包。你可以使用 apt 安装这个包。要在 Kali Linux 中安装此软件包,请打开终端并输入:

sudo apt update  
sudo apt install codelite codelite-plugins