如何从声明的描述符生成 class 的 __init__ 方法?

How to generate class's __init__ method from declared descriptors?

example from python's documentation:

class Component:

    name = String(minsize=3, maxsize=10, predicate=str.isupper)
    kind = OneOf('wood', 'metal', 'plastic')
    quantity = Number(minvalue=0)

    def __init__(self, name, kind, quantity):
        self.name = name
        self.kind = kind
        self.quantity = quantity

如何让 python 为我生成 __init__ 方法?

您可以使用 python 的数据类,它会工作得很好:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Component:

    name: str = String(minsize=3, maxsize=10, predicate=str.isupper)
    kind: str = OneOf('wood', 'metal', 'plastic')
    quantity: int = Number(minvalue=0)


    Component(name="Log", kind="wood", quantity=3)
except ValueError as e:
Expected <method 'isupper' of 'str' objects> to be true for 'Log'
c = Component(name="LOG", kind="wood", quantity=3)
[c.name, c.kind, c.quantity]
['LOG', 'wood', 3]

我发现它在处理 类 时非常有用,它充当具有许多描述符字段的数据容器。