Git bash 显示了 ed25519 密钥而不是 rsa 密钥指纹

Git bash shows me the ed25519 key instead of the rsa key fingerprint

我尝试了教程来设置 GitHub SSH 密钥,但是当我输入提示时,它显示的是 ed25519 而不是 rsa 密钥指纹。

关于如何添加 rsa 密钥指纹的任何指示?

ED25519 key fingerprint is...

这与您的 id_rsa/ 密钥对无关。

作为 :

The reason you're seeing an ECDSA key being offered is that OpenSSH prefers ECDSA over Ed25519 keys.
This is less a comment on the security, as most folks agree that Ed25519 keys are just as secure (or more) as 256-bit ECDSA keys, and more for backwards compatibility.
When OpenSSH added Ed25519 keys, if they had been prioritized over ECDSA keys, then a changed host key error would show up when logging in the next time.

你可以在“GitHub’s SSH host keys are now published in the API


只需回答 'yes' 'authenticity' 问题,然后 您的密钥将用于建立连接。