JavaScript 代码同时为 运行 而不是等待

JavaScript code is running at the same time and not waiting

我正在 javascript 中制作一个排序可视化工具。 这是排序算法之一的示例:选择排序 但是当我 运行 代码时,即使 选择排序 和 visualizer.swap 函数有 1 秒的暂停,数组立即排序而不是暂停。我认为这是因为 javascript 运行s 是异步的,因为如果我改为将条形图的高度交换为超时的代码,它 运行s 就像正常一样,除非超时时间已经过去所有的高度都同时改变了,这很奇怪

所有代码都是 运行 通过向按钮添加单击事件 运行 单击时的 selectionSort 函数 (github代码

function selectionSort(array, visualizer) {
    let arrayLength = array.length;
    let minIndex;

    // loop through the array and sort each value array
    for (let i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { // loop through all indexes of array   
        minIndex = i; // assume that element with i index is minimum

        // Find the minimum element in unsorted array 
        for (let j = i + 1; j < arrayLength; j++) { // loop through indexes of unsorted elements
  , j); // run the comparing visualizer
            if (array[minIndex] > array[j]) { // check if the element of minIndex is larger than value of the index j
                minIndex = j; // set minIndex to j

        visualizer.swap(minIndex, i); // run the swapping visualizer
        let temp = array[i]; // Swap the minimum element with element of index i 
        array[i] = array[minIndex];
        array[minIndex] = temp;
        visualizer.finished(i); // change the color of the bars at index minIndex to the finished color

export {selectionSort, generateArray};


// change the colors of 2 bars to the swapping color and swap
export function swap(index1, index2) {
    let bar1Style = arrayBars()[index1].style;
    let bar2Style = arrayBars()[index2].style;

    // save the previous colors
    let bar1Color = bar1Style.backgroundColor;
    let bar2Color = bar2Style.backgroundColor;  
    // change the colors to the comparing color
    bar1Style.backgroundColor = swapColor;
    bar2Style.backgroundColor = swapColor;
    // swap the heights of the bars
    let bar1height = bar1Style.height;
    let bar2height = bar2Style.height;
    bar1Style.height = bar2height;
    bar2Style.height = bar1height;

    // change the colors back to their original colors
    bar1Style.backgroundColor = bar1Color;
    bar2Style.backgroundColor = bar2Color;

// some helper functions that are in the visualizer.js file
export function arrayBars() {
    return document.getElementsByClassName('array-bar');
// sleeps for pauseTime seconds 
export function pause() {
    setTimeout(function() {}, pauseTime);    

也许使用基于承诺的延迟 async/await

function delay(time) {
  return new Promise(res => {
    setTimeout(() => res(), time);

async function main() {
  console.log('First... waiting for two seconds');
  await delay(2000);
  console.log('Second... waiting for five seconds');
  await delay(5000);
