如何修复添加了 geom_ablines 的分组散点图的图例

How to fix the legend for a grouped scatter plot added with geom_ablines

我想用两个不同的组(基于大小)制作一个散点图,每个组都用指定的颜色(蓝色和红色)绘制。此外,我想向具有相同蓝色和红色的散点图添加 4 geom_ablines(2 条线 一条实线和一条虚线 ,蓝色和 2 条线 一条实线和一条虚线,红色。

然后我想显示一个图例,其中可以看到这 4 条线。即蓝色虚线、红色虚线、蓝色实心和红色实心。

我一直在使用 scale_color 手册,但它并没有帮助我解决问题。


    cols <- c("Blue", "Red")
    ###Plotting data
    fig <- ggplot(scalingdata, aes(x=Re, y=Sw, color=Size)) + 
      geom_point(size=3) +
      scale_color_manual(values=cols) +
      theme_minimal() +
      theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#f0f4f5",
                                            size = 0.5, linetype = "solid"),
            panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
            panel.border = element_rect(color = "black",fill = NA,size = 1),
            plot.title = element_text(size = 25, face = "italic"),
            axis.title.y = element_text(size=17.5),
            axis.text.y = element_text(size=15, face="bold"),
            axis.title.x = element_blank(),
            axis.text.x = element_blank())
            # legend.position ="none")                                    # If no legend to be shown
    # Converting scale with better numbering style format
    fig <- fig + scale_x_log10(limits = c(1,10^8), breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
                               labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) + 
      scale_y_log10(limits = c(1,10^8), breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
                    labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) + annotation_logticks()
    # ###Scaling fit by Vladimir Nikora___Dashed for Fishes and Solid line for Larva
    fig <- fig + geom_abline(aes(intercept=1, slope = 13/15, color="Sw ~ Re^13/15"), size=1, linetype="solid") #Undulating High Re
    fig <- fig + geom_abline(aes(intercept = 0.79, slope = 9/10, color="Sw ~ Re^9/10"), size=1.25, linetype="dashed") #Motionless High Re
    fig <- fig + geom_abline(aes(intercept = 1.35, slope = 2/3, color="Sw ~ Re^2/3"), size=1, linetype="solid") #Undulating Low Re

    fig <- fig + geom_abline(aes(intercept = 1.1, slope = 3/4, color="Sw ~ Re^3/4"), size=1.25, linetype="dashed") #Motionless Low Re

    fig <- fig + scale_color_manual(values=c("Sw ~ Re^13/15"= "Blue" ,"Sw ~ Re^9/10"="Blue",
                                     "Sw ~ Re^2/3" = "Red", "Sw ~ Re^3/4" = "Red"))




使用 dput 的 MRE 是:

    structure(list(Sw = c(118612, 119946, 122211, 122442, 124753, 
126631, 128301, 128781, 135193, 137232, 137489, 137744, 138263, 
141664, 144336, 150394, 152376, 152664, 156417, 158480, 160867, 
162985, 170000, 172000, 172000, 175000, 183000, 185000, 185000, 
193000, 198000, 202000, 206000, 209000, 213000, 213000, 214000, 
221000, 221000, 221000, 221000, 232000, 236000, 236000, 240000, 
240000, 241000, 248000, 251000, 256000, 258000, 260000, 271000, 
272000, 274000, 292000, 297000, 299000, 308000, 315000, 327000, 
327000, 329000, 342000, 359000, 366000, 368000, 376000, 377000, 
387000, 394000, 396000, 407000, 416000, 420000, 428000, 431000, 
456000, 456000, 463000, 473000, 490000, 491000, 498000, 512000, 
518000, 524000, 528000, 574000, 592000, 609000, 611000, 631000, 
634000, 646000, 669000, 672000, 677000, 703000, 751000, 762000, 
781000, 794000, 823000, 846000, 849000, 853000, 882000, 887000, 
898000, 941000, 979000, 1030000, 1060000, 1070000, 1080000, 1090000, 
1140000, 1170000, 6469900, 7584900, 7914000, 7995300, 8139300, 
8254100, 8482100, 8485600, 8557900, 8642000, 8730800, 8734400, 
8779000, 8812900, 8869100, 8902600, 8914600, 8975200, 9075000, 
9203000, 9269900, 9481200, 9565700, 9656200, 9664300, 9821400, 
9825700, 9989900, 10410400, 10552900, 10820800, 10959400, 11449900, 
11855900, 41766.8, 44815, 46421, 51017, 52530, 54453, 55151, 
60703, 60748, 61022, 61850, 62083, 64308, 65524, 66017, 66115, 
66963, 69001, 70887, 74872, 74928, 76174, 85619, 85940, 300720, 
349790, 414460, 507870, 538620, 540430, 570270, 595730, 617120, 
667810, 687150, 697620, 704690, 717830, 741100, 754920, 760010, 
769000, 825210, 875180, 899020, 1042220, 1665250, 1687780, 1930520, 
2071620, 1484730, 1560040, 2205640, 3198090, 3225130, 4840500, 
73.698, 91.148, 91.843, 126.687, 130.467, 155.199, 232.717, 602.22, 
615.05, 619.05, 626.62, 655.73, 677.34, 747.73, 768.65, 778.66, 
816.82, 859.61, 885.06, 906.12, 925.43, 975.49, 1020.79, 1024.12, 
1091.84, 1094.5, 1114.2, 1122.36, 1165.94, 1290.31, 1291.33, 
1302.88, 1361.19, 1477.34, 1543.46, 1564.86, 1609.89, 1679.22, 
1720.21, 1748.66, 1769.04, 1778.18, 1804.09, 1816.32, 1842.21, 
1861.27, 1861.88, 1875.09, 1957.71, 1975.41, 2028.23, 2049.21, 
2193.15, 2214.41, 2320.91, 190.301, 213.437, 215.963, 217.451, 
226.594, 227.932, 243.172, 244.607, 292.403, 297.318, 308.91, 
310.428, 319.697, 332.16, 339.738, 345.449, 363.165, 388.971, 
399.016, 414.572, 415.794, 453.714), Re = c(77600, 36434, 49900, 
70000, 81300, 54900, 83300, 73400, 49100, 70000, 78800, 53200, 
86600, 79400, 71700, 50700, 58000, 97400, 64200, 92200, 79400, 
70000, 69500, 95900, 54800, 74500, 128000, 61200, 94400, 121000, 
108000, 139000, 102000, 156000, 46100, 125000, 83200, 113000, 
123000, 94400, 146000, 88600, 82600, 155000, 102000, 155000, 
125000, 169000, 122000, 81900, 114000, 159000, 133000, 155000, 
114000, 169000, 144000, 209000, 156000, 189000, 137000, 168000, 
186000, 187000, 184000, 186000, 246000, 152000, 231000, 332000, 
202000, 222000, 239000, 214000, 302000, 219000, 307000, 260000, 
312000, 241000, 348000, 235000, 196000, 324000, 244000, 324000, 
357000, 250000, 357000, 380000, 337000, 3e+05, 351000, 414000, 
389000, 293000, 417000, 335000, 374000, 512000, 401000, 343000, 
537000, 414000, 595000, 392000, 448000, 421000, 633000, 496000, 
633000, 466000, 648000, 524000, 729000, 516000, 504000, 795000, 
802000, 4114000, 3809200, 4687400, 4130800, 4228400, 4891300, 
3757100, 3974800, 4798000, 4516600, 4074300, 4310400, 4479500, 
3904400, 4358000, 6464600, 3851100, 4824400, 4412200, 5069000, 
4642300, 4316300, 6473400, 4096700, 4572600, 5340600, 5041200, 
5224500, 5429300, 5481800, 5952800, 7097300, 7165900, 7781600, 
25778, 29630, 20784, 28523, 38410, 36744, 33414, 56160, 41702, 
49165, 30384, 42771, 33623, 46439, 47329, 24810, 38161, 56150, 
51390, 47929, 54400, 56860, 59810, 67890, 303110, 236540, 282380, 
354240, 408170, 391180, 377560, 408170, 391180, 402420, 526760, 
435040, 411070, 585800, 508420, 450730, 497730, 463680, 477010, 
745400, 553540, 846800, 889800, 935100, 1047300, 1148400, 553800, 
723800, 746600, 1720200, 2939400, 2374500, 10.115, 10.11, 12.227, 
29.025, 20.106, 10.165, 17.613, 83.12, 105.2, 123.1, 148.64, 
113.79, 111.14, 333.77, 120.21, 283, 206.68, 287.45, 341.67, 
318.34, 291.98, 366.66, 456.8, 296.57, 467.7, 439.2, 415.7, 390.39, 
456.8, 308.38, 478.8, 671.2, 606, 587.2, 542.8, 749, 760.9, 692.4, 
659.3, 667.6, 643, 560.6, 777.7, 686.5, 735.2, 856.6, 690.8, 
870, 710.4, 894.7, 730.6, 825, 817.3, 920.1, 880.8, 25.031, 32.901, 
29.787, 27.193, 23.62, 29.056, 30.791, 23.425, 30.537, 36.339, 
50.199, 58.272, 52.758, 54.085, 68.21, 27.193, 71.09, 50.617, 
48.967, 44.702, 73.49, 73.49), Species = c("Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", 
"Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", 
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"Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", 
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"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", 
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", 
"Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", 
"Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", 
"Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", 
"Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", 
"Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", 
"Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", 
"Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", 
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"Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", 
"Sharks", "Sharks", "Sharks", "Sharks", "Sharks", "Sharks", "Ascidian Larvae", 
"Ascidian Larvae", "Ascidian Larvae", "Ascidian Larvae", "Ascidian Larvae", 
"Ascidian Larvae", "Ascidian Larvae", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", 
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"Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61"), Size = c("Fish", 
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", 
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", 
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", 
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"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", 
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", 
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), St = c(0.243268582034501, 0.523959877133545, 0.389788362056428, 
0.278388628178544, 0.244219067477153, 0.367102048635318, 0.245134340978561, 
0.279238212500755, 0.438219631492664, 0.31201571537706, 0.277690390877163, 
0.412078707080919, 0.254101483129468, 0.283960618825043, 0.320386808203692, 
0.472108334099284, 0.418126498248202, 0.249457632595693, 0.387764494072905, 
0.273566338387061, 0.322452372293089, 0.370568682018262, 0.38929895045003, 
0.285449282566378, 0.499536244491161, 0.373853018937899, 0.227541300611154, 
0.481104503595853, 0.311902495975278, 0.253858117251408, 0.291783380018674, 
0.231289376443841, 0.321429819699716, 0.213226316167493, 0.73535626042963, 
0.271199388846448, 0.409363920393332, 0.311266904187258, 0.28596065181431, 
0.372597035732629, 0.240912055980549, 0.416747860646413, 0.454727345483648, 
0.242325669270641, 0.374481343339475, 0.246432884004042, 0.306850012732366, 
0.233552269751365, 0.327440961481463, 0.497479489076128, 0.360191923659416, 
0.260252757478063, 0.324292396384391, 0.279290601871247, 0.382529407297209, 
0.274988962771768, 0.328256302521008, 0.227690032080688, 0.314228255404726, 
0.265257618198795, 0.37987988825258, 0.309783004110735, 0.281515343185172, 
0.291074135050228, 0.310524407391415, 0.313175123421803, 0.23808488657843, 
0.393698149116106, 0.259745771586872, 0.185520538993253, 0.310430202684134, 
0.283897342720872, 0.271028913657513, 0.309384586459903, 0.221340793993696, 
0.311041809833107, 0.223438501844327, 0.279132632073809, 0.232610526728174, 
0.305761686039938, 0.216322161048327, 0.331854211704024, 0.398698440415127, 
0.244626470116666, 0.333963689797827, 0.254450826346251, 0.233605028464149, 
0.336134453781513, 0.255895584615308, 0.247946068379505, 0.287611672670147, 
0.324144809438927, 0.286115482193914, 0.243729463678313, 0.264302963531755, 
0.363393883771318, 0.256479308531784, 0.321634759738359, 0.299159527690512, 
0.233447427266361, 0.302433374165808, 0.362389853900744, 0.235323518267981, 
0.316386985184939, 0.226293726046568, 0.344699568138944, 0.303033145076212, 
0.333430716272689, 0.223017542504579, 0.288146783640142, 0.236594709692005, 
0.334361212296077, 0.252977172911813, 0.321953903004644, 0.233601359236799, 
0.333114218203138, 0.344203337900817, 0.228221648865378, 0.232183102213908, 
0.250295128437197, 0.316909457357351, 0.268709577645423, 0.308048935041855, 
0.306358622430061, 0.268574355248053, 0.359310368633893, 0.339771064454215, 
0.283874302307228, 0.3045241557553, 0.341051647591493, 0.322503638696486, 
0.311913824779625, 0.359239145081061, 0.323900368274474, 0.219176667244061, 
0.368414047393468, 0.296087410852063, 0.327348653980426, 0.288952360656955, 
0.317805173505505, 0.349599499061661, 0.23518164782688, 0.375138127690756, 
0.336377010833042, 0.292686346632698, 0.310204924915008, 0.304323523404437, 
0.30517060120053, 0.306385178491378, 0.289305836077696, 0.245760867447159, 
0.254302170218483, 0.242484923070044, 0.257870165748749, 0.240719274240546, 
0.355471244064845, 0.2846681185215, 0.217661796677678, 0.235860109140741, 
0.262690301692974, 0.17202920082822, 0.231843122013434, 0.197537480456343, 
0.323976771042564, 0.231016184479705, 0.304402110063851, 0.224562202134299, 
0.221997238656593, 0.424123516982184, 0.279276421804133, 0.195580134425664, 
0.219536681625896, 0.248622358777944, 0.219212016357345, 0.213215622321579, 
0.227832389358595, 0.20146919759615, 0.157899648862937, 0.235354178413181, 
0.233597292524979, 0.228178161508506, 0.210019930393074, 0.219878073423756, 
0.240388487016993, 0.232288390949214, 0.251079985698921, 0.264114641433334, 
0.207614593756514, 0.255216558855981, 0.272835854188107, 0.19502547907645, 
0.231992157091137, 0.266565280053204, 0.243021448263837, 0.263953297612413, 
0.27533163553866, 0.186864632918074, 0.258487448689974, 0.195883416277148, 
0.297855865613987, 0.287261150364813, 0.293374469828208, 0.28710187409247, 
0.426691163020906, 0.343033292092993, 0.47018174096222, 0.295890385833758, 
0.17462549544427, 0.32444207224037, 1.15960193451398, 1.43487842039073, 
1.1954881211204, 0.694670633111126, 1.03274740893889, 2.42996854423028, 
2.10287709536259, 1.15310473651356, 0.930494475702483, 0.800362608672448, 
0.670946160047344, 0.917149369794335, 0.969963623056172, 0.356546865546547, 
1.01767041791117, 0.437905647321569, 0.628994758168588, 0.475946636660009, 
0.41227308378791, 0.453016082808868, 0.504440080025434, 0.423426859723028, 
0.355655416919196, 0.549594966348079, 0.371544423161221, 0.396618119014455, 
0.426581724604903, 0.457564804982094, 0.406227408970275, 0.66592753876014, 
0.429242005148684, 0.308938181405404, 0.357491106253483, 0.400417939035907, 
0.452558426733727, 0.332516184043711, 0.336734593477769, 0.385984313372426, 
0.415257522282799, 0.416877219867739, 0.437870609858534, 0.504826034458151, 
0.3692029958207, 0.421086132923672, 0.398797799365072, 0.345820252410603, 
0.428961656779362, 0.343022005040261, 0.43859585449659, 0.351397709779422, 
0.441831474644956, 0.395322591846656, 0.42707677378149, 0.383038227789757, 
0.419372655758695, 1.20999057171145, 1.0324754309382, 1.15390937655487, 
1.27269225907284, 1.52681925668428, 1.24850012592141, 1.25692362442215, 
1.66191343132771, 1.52396351968135, 1.30216898419267, 0.979390794690607, 
0.84785205830123, 0.964426984707154, 0.977438888352537, 0.792711561574157, 
2.02183603756457, 0.813045009817121, 1.22303796362965, 1.29689832478866, 
1.47601961377895, 0.900469664727307, 0.982591604164768)), row.names = 300:585, class = "data.frame")


fig <- ggplot(scalingdata, aes(x=Re, y=Sw, colour=Size)) + 
  geom_point( size=3) +
  scale_color_manual(values=cols) +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#f0f4f5",
                                        size = 0.5, linetype = "solid"),
        panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        panel.border = element_rect(color = "black",fill = NA,size = 1),
        plot.title = element_text(size = 25, face = "italic"),
        axis.title.y = element_text(size=17.5),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size=15, face="bold"),
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x = element_blank())
# legend.position ="none")                                    # If no legend to be shown

# Converting scale with better numbering style format
fig <- fig + scale_x_log10(limits = c(1,10^8), breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
                           labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) + 
  scale_y_log10(limits = c(1,10^8), breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
                labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) + annotation_logticks()

cols2 <- c("Blue", "Red", "Blue", "Red", "Red", "Blue")

# ###Scaling fit by Vladimir Nikora___Dashed for Fishes and Solid line for Larva
fig <- fig + geom_abline(aes(intercept=1, slope = 13/15, color="Sw ~ Re^13/15"), size=1, linetype="solid") #Undulating High Re

fig <- fig + geom_abline(aes(intercept = 0.79, slope = 9/10, color="Sw ~ Re^9/10"), size=1.25, linetype="dashed") #Motionless High Re

fig <- fig + geom_abline(aes(intercept = 1.35, slope = 2/3, color="Sw ~ Re^2/3"), size=1, linetype="solid") #Undulating Low Re

fig <- fig + geom_abline(aes(intercept = 1.1, slope = 3/4, color="Sw ~ Re^3/4"), size=1.25, linetype="dashed") #Motionless Low Re

fig <- fig + scale_color_manual(values=cols2)



关于点颜色的第一个问题很简单:在 ggplot2 中,每种美学只能有一个比例尺——如果您添加另一个比例尺,它将取代第一个。您为第一个块中的点设置颜色,但随后在末尾替换该比例,使点没有颜色。

解决这个问题的简单方法是将 2 个尺度组合成一个 scale_color_manual,其中包括线条和点的颜色:

scale_color_manual(values=c("Sw ~ Re^13/15"= "Blue" ,"Sw ~ Re^9/10"="Blue",
                            "Sw ~ Re^2/3" = "Red", "Sw ~ Re^3/4" = "Red",
                            'Fish' = 'Blue', 'Larvae'='Red'))

你更大的问题是合并线的图例并隐藏点的图例。为此,您需要使用手动定义的线型摆脱单独的线,并将线型移动到 aes.

最简单的方法是用所有的线信息制作一个data.frame(在下面的代码中称为lines),然后使用比例尺为每种类型设置颜色、大小和线型行(名称中的 name 变量)。通过将比例命名为相同(使用 name 参数),如果可能,它将合并它们。

要消除图例中的点颜色,请在 scale_color_manual 中使用 breaks 参数并仅提供线条的名称。它仍然会为 values 中列出的所有值着色,但只有 breaks 中包含的值会出现在图

fig <- ggplot(scalingdata, aes(x=Re, y=Sw, color=Size)) + 
    geom_point(size=3, show.legend = FALSE) +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#f0f4f5",
                                          size = 0.5, linetype = "solid"),
          panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
          panel.border = element_rect(color = "black",fill = NA,size = 1),
          plot.title = element_text(size = 25, face = "italic"),
          axis.title.y = element_text(size=17.5),
          axis.text.y = element_text(size=15, face="bold"),
          axis.title.x = element_blank(),
          axis.text.x = element_blank())+
    scale_x_log10(limits = c(1,10^8), breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
                  labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) + 
    scale_y_log10(limits = c(1,10^8), breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
                  labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) + annotation_logticks()

lines <- data.frame(name = c("Sw ~ Re^13/15", "Sw ~ Re^9/10", "Sw ~ Re^2/3", "Sw ~ Re^3/4"),
                    intercept = c(1, 0.79, 1.35, 1.1),
                    slope = c(13/15, 9/10, 2/3, 3/4))

fig + geom_abline(data = lines, aes(intercept=intercept, slope=slope, color=name, size=name, linetype=name))+
                       values=c("Sw ~ Re^13/15" ='Blue', "Sw ~ Re^9/10" ='Blue',
                                "Sw ~ Re^2/3" ='Red', "Sw ~ Re^3/4" ='Red',
                                'Fish' = 'Blue', 'Larvae' = 'Red'),
                       breaks=lines$name) +
                      values=c("Sw ~ Re^13/15" =1, "Sw ~ Re^9/10" =1.25, "Sw ~ Re^2/3" =1, "Sw ~ Re^3/4" = 1.25)) +
                          values=c("Sw ~ Re^13/15" ='solid', "Sw ~ Re^9/10" ='dashed',
                                   "Sw ~ Re^2/3" ='solid', "Sw ~ Re^3/4" ='dashed'))


Remove legend entries for some factors levels