(Telegram bot/Pyrogram) 如何在 Python 上制作一个文本随机化器,它会在不需要重新启动代码的情况下选择随机文本?

(Telegram bot/Pyrogram) How to make a text randomizer on Python that will be picking random text without a need to restart the code?


import random
lines = open('C:\Users\User\Desktop\singnplur.txt').read().splitlines()
myline =random.choice(lines)

@bot.on_message(filters.command('rng') & filters.private)
def command1(bot, message):
    bot.send_message(message.chat.id, myline)


Python 从上到下逐行解释。

由于您首先存储 myline,然后稍后重复调用您的 command1 函数,因此您将继续使用来自 myline 的相同内容。
如果你想每次都得到一个新单词,存储你的单词列表,并且只选择一个随机项目 command1:

with open("words.txt") as f:  # automatically closes file afterwards
    lines = f.read().splitlines()

def command(bot, message):
    word = random.choice(lines)  # Choose random item every time
    bot.send_message(message.chat.id, word)