使用 Grails/GORM/DataServices @Query 注释分页
Pagination with Grails/GORM/DataServices @Query annotation
如何在通过 grails.gorm.services.Query
注释使用 GORM JPA-QL 查询时添加分页
abstract class UserDataService implements IUserService {
@Query($/SELECT DISTINCT new Map(user.id as id, user.username as username)
FROM $User user
join $UserRelationship ur on ur.user.id = user.id or ur.manager.id = user.id
join ur.manager manager
abstract List<Map> searchAllUsers(String searchString, [offset: 0, max: 10])
您可以在 listWithQuery 和 listWithQuery2 等方法中传递 Map args,args 需要看起来像 [offset: (rows to offset) , max: (limit of rows to return)]
interface IUserService {
List<User> findAll()
List<User> list(Map args)
@Query("from ${User user} where ${user.lastName} like '%halp%'")
List<User> listWithQuery(Map args)
@Query("from ${User} user where user.lastName like $nameLike")
List<User> listWithQuery2(String nameLike, Map args)
如何在通过 grails.gorm.services.Query
注释使用 GORM JPA-QL 查询时添加分页
abstract class UserDataService implements IUserService {
@Query($/SELECT DISTINCT new Map(user.id as id, user.username as username)
FROM $User user
join $UserRelationship ur on ur.user.id = user.id or ur.manager.id = user.id
join ur.manager manager
abstract List<Map> searchAllUsers(String searchString, [offset: 0, max: 10])
您可以在 listWithQuery 和 listWithQuery2 等方法中传递 Map args,args 需要看起来像 [offset: (rows to offset) , max: (limit of rows to return)]
interface IUserService {
List<User> findAll()
List<User> list(Map args)
@Query("from ${User user} where ${user.lastName} like '%halp%'")
List<User> listWithQuery(Map args)
@Query("from ${User} user where user.lastName like $nameLike")
List<User> listWithQuery2(String nameLike, Map args)