在 R 中将两个图合二为一 window
Arranging two plots in one window in R
我有两个名为 fig 和 fig2 的图。每个地块包含 4 个 geom_ablines,一个地块还包含图例。
我想将它们绘制成一个 window 垂直对齐。我在 R 中使用 ggarrange 函数,但是当它绘制它们时,它不显示 geom_ablines 并且还会弄乱图例。
# First Plot
fig <- ggplot(scalingdata, aes(x=Re, y=Sw, color=Size)) +
geom_point(size=3) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#f0f4f5",
size = 0.5, linetype = "solid"),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_rect(color = "black",fill = NA,size = 1),
plot.title = element_text(size = 25, face = "italic"),
axis.title.y = element_text(size=17.5),
axis.text.y = element_text(size=15, face="bold"),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
legend.title =element_blank(),
legend.text = element_text(size=15, face="bold"),
legend.position = c(0.2, 0.7))+
scale_x_log10(limits = c(1,10^8), breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) +
scale_y_log10(limits = c(1,10^8), breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) + annotation_logticks()
lines <- data.frame(name = c("Sw ~ Re^13/15", "Sw ~ Re^9/10", "Sw ~ Re^2/3", "Sw ~ Re^3/4"),
intercept = c(1, 0.79, 1.35, 1.1),
slope = c(13/15, 9/10, 2/3, 3/4))
fig + geom_abline(data = lines, aes(intercept=intercept, slope=slope, color=name, size=name, linetype=name))+
values=c("Sw ~ Re^13/15" ='#e66419', "Sw ~ Re^9/10" ='#e66419',
"Sw ~ Re^2/3" ='#278ccf', "Sw ~ Re^3/4" ='#278ccf',
'Fish' = '#e66419', 'Larvae' = '#278ccf'),
breaks=lines$name) +
values=c("Sw ~ Re^13/15" =1, "Sw ~ Re^9/10" =1.25, "Sw ~ Re^2/3" =1, "Sw ~ Re^3/4" = 1.25)) +
values=c("Sw ~ Re^13/15" ='solid', "Sw ~ Re^9/10" ='dashed',
"Sw ~ Re^2/3" ='solid', "Sw ~ Re^3/4" ='dashed'))
# Second Plot
fig2 <- ggplot(scalingdata, aes(x=Re, y=St, color=Size)) +
geom_point(size=3) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#f0f4f5",
size = 0.5, linetype = "solid"),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_rect(color = "black",fill = NA,size = 1),
plot.title = element_text(size = 25, face = "italic"),
axis.text = element_text(size=15, face="bold"),
legend.position ="none") + # If no legend to be shown
scale_x_log10(limits = c(1,10^8), breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) +
scale_y_log10(limits = c(10^-1,10^1), #breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) + annotation_logticks()
lines1 <- data.frame(name = c("St ~ Re^-2/15", "St ~ Re^-1/10", "St ~ Re^-1/3", "St ~ Re^-1/4"),
intercept = c(0.15, 0.03, 0.55, 0.38),
slope = c(-2/15, -1/10, -1/3, -1/4))
fig2 + geom_abline(data = lines1, aes(intercept=intercept, slope=slope, color=name, size=name, linetype=name))+
values=c("St ~ Re^-2/15" ='#e66419', "St ~ Re^-1/10" ='#e66419',
"St ~ Re^-1/3" ='#278ccf', "St ~ Re^-1/4" ='#278ccf',
'Fish' = '#e66419', 'Larvae' = '#278ccf'),
breaks=lines$name) +
values=c("St ~ Re^-2/15" =1, "St ~ Re^-1/10" =1.25, "St ~ Re^-1/3" =1, "St ~ Re^-1/4" = 1.25)) +
values=c("St ~ Re^-2/15" ='solid', "St ~ Re^-1/10" ='dashed',
"St ~ Re^-1/3" ='solid', "St ~ Re^-1/4" ='dashed'))
ggarrange(fig, fig2, widths=c(1.8,1.8),heights=c(1.8,1.5),ncol=1,nrow=2, align='v')
MRE 是:
structure(list(Sw = c(118612, 119946, 122211, 122442, 124753,
126631, 128301, 128781, 135193, 137232, 137489, 137744, 138263,
141664, 144336, 150394, 152376, 152664, 156417, 158480, 160867,
162985, 170000, 172000, 172000, 175000, 183000, 185000, 185000,
193000, 198000, 202000, 206000, 209000, 213000, 213000, 214000,
221000, 221000, 221000, 221000, 232000, 236000, 236000, 240000,
240000, 241000, 248000, 251000, 256000, 258000, 260000, 271000,
272000, 274000, 292000, 297000, 299000, 308000, 315000, 327000,
327000, 329000, 342000, 359000, 366000, 368000, 376000, 377000,
387000, 394000, 396000, 407000, 416000, 420000, 428000, 431000,
456000, 456000, 463000, 473000, 490000, 491000, 498000, 512000,
518000, 524000, 528000, 574000, 592000, 609000, 611000, 631000,
634000, 646000, 669000, 672000, 677000, 703000, 751000, 762000,
781000, 794000, 823000, 846000, 849000, 853000, 882000, 887000,
898000, 941000, 979000, 1030000, 1060000, 1070000, 1080000, 1090000,
1140000, 1170000, 6469900, 7584900, 7914000, 7995300, 8139300,
8254100, 8482100, 8485600, 8557900, 8642000, 8730800, 8734400,
8779000, 8812900, 8869100, 8902600, 8914600, 8975200, 9075000,
9203000, 9269900, 9481200, 9565700, 9656200, 9664300, 9821400,
9825700, 9989900, 10410400, 10552900, 10820800, 10959400, 11449900,
11855900, 41766.8, 44815, 46421, 51017, 52530, 54453, 55151,
60703, 60748, 61022, 61850, 62083, 64308, 65524, 66017, 66115,
66963, 69001, 70887, 74872, 74928, 76174, 85619, 85940, 300720,
349790, 414460, 507870, 538620, 540430, 570270, 595730, 617120,
667810, 687150, 697620, 704690, 717830, 741100, 754920, 760010,
769000, 825210, 875180, 899020, 1042220, 1665250, 1687780, 1930520,
2071620, 1484730, 1560040, 2205640, 3198090, 3225130, 4840500,
73.698, 91.148, 91.843, 126.687, 130.467, 155.199, 232.717, 602.22,
615.05, 619.05, 626.62, 655.73, 677.34, 747.73, 768.65, 778.66,
816.82, 859.61, 885.06, 906.12, 925.43, 975.49, 1020.79, 1024.12,
1091.84, 1094.5, 1114.2, 1122.36, 1165.94, 1290.31, 1291.33,
1302.88, 1361.19, 1477.34, 1543.46, 1564.86, 1609.89, 1679.22,
1720.21, 1748.66, 1769.04, 1778.18, 1804.09, 1816.32, 1842.21,
1861.27, 1861.88, 1875.09, 1957.71, 1975.41, 2028.23, 2049.21,
2193.15, 2214.41, 2320.91, 190.301, 213.437, 215.963, 217.451,
226.594, 227.932, 243.172, 244.607, 292.403, 297.318, 308.91,
310.428, 319.697, 332.16, 339.738, 345.449, 363.165, 388.971,
399.016, 414.572, 415.794, 453.714), Re = c(77600, 36434, 49900,
70000, 81300, 54900, 83300, 73400, 49100, 70000, 78800, 53200,
86600, 79400, 71700, 50700, 58000, 97400, 64200, 92200, 79400,
70000, 69500, 95900, 54800, 74500, 128000, 61200, 94400, 121000,
108000, 139000, 102000, 156000, 46100, 125000, 83200, 113000,
123000, 94400, 146000, 88600, 82600, 155000, 102000, 155000,
125000, 169000, 122000, 81900, 114000, 159000, 133000, 155000,
114000, 169000, 144000, 209000, 156000, 189000, 137000, 168000,
186000, 187000, 184000, 186000, 246000, 152000, 231000, 332000,
202000, 222000, 239000, 214000, 302000, 219000, 307000, 260000,
312000, 241000, 348000, 235000, 196000, 324000, 244000, 324000,
357000, 250000, 357000, 380000, 337000, 3e+05, 351000, 414000,
389000, 293000, 417000, 335000, 374000, 512000, 401000, 343000,
537000, 414000, 595000, 392000, 448000, 421000, 633000, 496000,
633000, 466000, 648000, 524000, 729000, 516000, 504000, 795000,
802000, 4114000, 3809200, 4687400, 4130800, 4228400, 4891300,
3757100, 3974800, 4798000, 4516600, 4074300, 4310400, 4479500,
3904400, 4358000, 6464600, 3851100, 4824400, 4412200, 5069000,
4642300, 4316300, 6473400, 4096700, 4572600, 5340600, 5041200,
5224500, 5429300, 5481800, 5952800, 7097300, 7165900, 7781600,
25778, 29630, 20784, 28523, 38410, 36744, 33414, 56160, 41702,
49165, 30384, 42771, 33623, 46439, 47329, 24810, 38161, 56150,
51390, 47929, 54400, 56860, 59810, 67890, 303110, 236540, 282380,
354240, 408170, 391180, 377560, 408170, 391180, 402420, 526760,
435040, 411070, 585800, 508420, 450730, 497730, 463680, 477010,
745400, 553540, 846800, 889800, 935100, 1047300, 1148400, 553800,
723800, 746600, 1720200, 2939400, 2374500, 10.115, 10.11, 12.227,
29.025, 20.106, 10.165, 17.613, 83.12, 105.2, 123.1, 148.64,
113.79, 111.14, 333.77, 120.21, 283, 206.68, 287.45, 341.67,
318.34, 291.98, 366.66, 456.8, 296.57, 467.7, 439.2, 415.7, 390.39,
456.8, 308.38, 478.8, 671.2, 606, 587.2, 542.8, 749, 760.9, 692.4,
659.3, 667.6, 643, 560.6, 777.7, 686.5, 735.2, 856.6, 690.8,
870, 710.4, 894.7, 730.6, 825, 817.3, 920.1, 880.8, 25.031, 32.901,
29.787, 27.193, 23.62, 29.056, 30.791, 23.425, 30.537, 36.339,
50.199, 58.272, 52.758, 54.085, 68.21, 27.193, 71.09, 50.617,
48.967, 44.702, 73.49, 73.49), Species = c("Dace, Trout, and Goldfish",
"Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish",
"Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish",
"Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish",
"Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish",
"Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish",
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"Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish",
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"Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish",
"Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish",
"Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish",
"Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish",
"Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Stingrays", "Stingrays",
"Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays",
"Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays",
"Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays",
"Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays",
"Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel",
"Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel",
"Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel",
"Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel",
"Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel",
"Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel",
"Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel",
"Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel",
"Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel",
"Sharks", "Sharks", "Sharks", "Sharks", "Sharks", "Sharks", "Ascidian Larvae",
"Ascidian Larvae", "Ascidian Larvae", "Ascidian Larvae", "Ascidian Larvae",
"Ascidian Larvae", "Ascidian Larvae", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61",
"Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61",
"Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61",
"Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61",
"Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61",
"Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61",
"Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61",
"Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61"), Size = c("Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae"
), St = c(0.243268582034501, 0.523959877133545, 0.389788362056428,
0.278388628178544, 0.244219067477153, 0.367102048635318, 0.245134340978561,
0.279238212500755, 0.438219631492664, 0.31201571537706, 0.277690390877163,
0.412078707080919, 0.254101483129468, 0.283960618825043, 0.320386808203692,
0.472108334099284, 0.418126498248202, 0.249457632595693, 0.387764494072905,
0.273566338387061, 0.322452372293089, 0.370568682018262, 0.38929895045003,
0.285449282566378, 0.499536244491161, 0.373853018937899, 0.227541300611154,
0.481104503595853, 0.311902495975278, 0.253858117251408, 0.291783380018674,
0.231289376443841, 0.321429819699716, 0.213226316167493, 0.73535626042963,
0.271199388846448, 0.409363920393332, 0.311266904187258, 0.28596065181431,
0.372597035732629, 0.240912055980549, 0.416747860646413, 0.454727345483648,
0.242325669270641, 0.374481343339475, 0.246432884004042, 0.306850012732366,
0.233552269751365, 0.327440961481463, 0.497479489076128, 0.360191923659416,
0.260252757478063, 0.324292396384391, 0.279290601871247, 0.382529407297209,
0.274988962771768, 0.328256302521008, 0.227690032080688, 0.314228255404726,
0.265257618198795, 0.37987988825258, 0.309783004110735, 0.281515343185172,
0.291074135050228, 0.310524407391415, 0.313175123421803, 0.23808488657843,
0.393698149116106, 0.259745771586872, 0.185520538993253, 0.310430202684134,
0.283897342720872, 0.271028913657513, 0.309384586459903, 0.221340793993696,
0.311041809833107, 0.223438501844327, 0.279132632073809, 0.232610526728174,
0.305761686039938, 0.216322161048327, 0.331854211704024, 0.398698440415127,
0.244626470116666, 0.333963689797827, 0.254450826346251, 0.233605028464149,
0.336134453781513, 0.255895584615308, 0.247946068379505, 0.287611672670147,
0.324144809438927, 0.286115482193914, 0.243729463678313, 0.264302963531755,
0.363393883771318, 0.256479308531784, 0.321634759738359, 0.299159527690512,
0.233447427266361, 0.302433374165808, 0.362389853900744, 0.235323518267981,
0.316386985184939, 0.226293726046568, 0.344699568138944, 0.303033145076212,
0.333430716272689, 0.223017542504579, 0.288146783640142, 0.236594709692005,
0.334361212296077, 0.252977172911813, 0.321953903004644, 0.233601359236799,
0.333114218203138, 0.344203337900817, 0.228221648865378, 0.232183102213908,
0.250295128437197, 0.316909457357351, 0.268709577645423, 0.308048935041855,
0.306358622430061, 0.268574355248053, 0.359310368633893, 0.339771064454215,
0.283874302307228, 0.3045241557553, 0.341051647591493, 0.322503638696486,
0.311913824779625, 0.359239145081061, 0.323900368274474, 0.219176667244061,
0.368414047393468, 0.296087410852063, 0.327348653980426, 0.288952360656955,
0.317805173505505, 0.349599499061661, 0.23518164782688, 0.375138127690756,
0.336377010833042, 0.292686346632698, 0.310204924915008, 0.304323523404437,
0.30517060120053, 0.306385178491378, 0.289305836077696, 0.245760867447159,
0.254302170218483, 0.242484923070044, 0.257870165748749, 0.240719274240546,
0.355471244064845, 0.2846681185215, 0.217661796677678, 0.235860109140741,
0.262690301692974, 0.17202920082822, 0.231843122013434, 0.197537480456343,
0.323976771042564, 0.231016184479705, 0.304402110063851, 0.224562202134299,
0.221997238656593, 0.424123516982184, 0.279276421804133, 0.195580134425664,
0.219536681625896, 0.248622358777944, 0.219212016357345, 0.213215622321579,
0.227832389358595, 0.20146919759615, 0.157899648862937, 0.235354178413181,
0.233597292524979, 0.228178161508506, 0.210019930393074, 0.219878073423756,
0.240388487016993, 0.232288390949214, 0.251079985698921, 0.264114641433334,
0.207614593756514, 0.255216558855981, 0.272835854188107, 0.19502547907645,
0.231992157091137, 0.266565280053204, 0.243021448263837, 0.263953297612413,
0.27533163553866, 0.186864632918074, 0.258487448689974, 0.195883416277148,
0.297855865613987, 0.287261150364813, 0.293374469828208, 0.28710187409247,
0.426691163020906, 0.343033292092993, 0.47018174096222, 0.295890385833758,
0.17462549544427, 0.32444207224037, 1.15960193451398, 1.43487842039073,
1.1954881211204, 0.694670633111126, 1.03274740893889, 2.42996854423028,
2.10287709536259, 1.15310473651356, 0.930494475702483, 0.800362608672448,
0.670946160047344, 0.917149369794335, 0.969963623056172, 0.356546865546547,
1.01767041791117, 0.437905647321569, 0.628994758168588, 0.475946636660009,
0.41227308378791, 0.453016082808868, 0.504440080025434, 0.423426859723028,
0.355655416919196, 0.549594966348079, 0.371544423161221, 0.396618119014455,
0.426581724604903, 0.457564804982094, 0.406227408970275, 0.66592753876014,
0.429242005148684, 0.308938181405404, 0.357491106253483, 0.400417939035907,
0.452558426733727, 0.332516184043711, 0.336734593477769, 0.385984313372426,
0.415257522282799, 0.416877219867739, 0.437870609858534, 0.504826034458151,
0.3692029958207, 0.421086132923672, 0.398797799365072, 0.345820252410603,
0.428961656779362, 0.343022005040261, 0.43859585449659, 0.351397709779422,
0.441831474644956, 0.395322591846656, 0.42707677378149, 0.383038227789757,
0.419372655758695, 1.20999057171145, 1.0324754309382, 1.15390937655487,
1.27269225907284, 1.52681925668428, 1.24850012592141, 1.25692362442215,
1.66191343132771, 1.52396351968135, 1.30216898419267, 0.979390794690607,
0.84785205830123, 0.964426984707154, 0.977438888352537, 0.792711561574157,
2.02183603756457, 0.813045009817121, 1.22303796362965, 1.29689832478866,
1.47601961377895, 0.900469664727307, 0.982591604164768)), row.names = 300:585, class = "data.frame")
a <- fig + geom_abline(data = lines, aes(intercept=intercept, slope=slope, color=name, size=name, linetype=name))+
values=c("Sw ~ Re^13/15" ='#e66419', "Sw ~ Re^9/10" ='#e66419',
"Sw ~ Re^2/3" ='#278ccf', "Sw ~ Re^3/4" ='#278ccf',
'Fish' = '#e66419', 'Larvae' = '#278ccf'),
breaks=lines$name) +
values=c("Sw ~ Re^13/15" =1, "Sw ~ Re^9/10" =1.25, "Sw ~ Re^2/3" =1, "Sw ~ Re^3/4" = 1.25)) +
values=c("Sw ~ Re^13/15" ='solid', "Sw ~ Re^9/10" ='dashed',
"Sw ~ Re^2/3" ='solid', "Sw ~ Re^3/4" ='dashed'))
b <- fig2 + geom_abline(data = lines1, aes(intercept=intercept, slope=slope, color=name, size=name, linetype=name))+
values=c("St ~ Re^-2/15" ='#e66419', "St ~ Re^-1/10" ='#e66419',
"St ~ Re^-1/3" ='#278ccf', "St ~ Re^-1/4" ='#278ccf',
'Fish' = '#e66419', 'Larvae' = '#278ccf'),
breaks=lines$name) +
values=c("St ~ Re^-2/15" =1, "St ~ Re^-1/10" =1.25, "St ~ Re^-1/3" =1, "St ~ Re^-1/4" = 1.25)) +
values=c("St ~ Re^-2/15" ='solid', "St ~ Re^-1/10" ='dashed',
"St ~ Re^-1/3" ='solid', "St ~ Re^-1/4" ='dashed'))
尝试绘制两者(我使用 cowplot
plot_grid(a, b, labels = NA, nrow = 2)
我有两个名为 fig 和 fig2 的图。每个地块包含 4 个 geom_ablines,一个地块还包含图例。
我想将它们绘制成一个 window 垂直对齐。我在 R 中使用 ggarrange 函数,但是当它绘制它们时,它不显示 geom_ablines 并且还会弄乱图例。
# First Plot
fig <- ggplot(scalingdata, aes(x=Re, y=Sw, color=Size)) +
geom_point(size=3) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#f0f4f5",
size = 0.5, linetype = "solid"),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_rect(color = "black",fill = NA,size = 1),
plot.title = element_text(size = 25, face = "italic"),
axis.title.y = element_text(size=17.5),
axis.text.y = element_text(size=15, face="bold"),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
legend.title =element_blank(),
legend.text = element_text(size=15, face="bold"),
legend.position = c(0.2, 0.7))+
scale_x_log10(limits = c(1,10^8), breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) +
scale_y_log10(limits = c(1,10^8), breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) + annotation_logticks()
lines <- data.frame(name = c("Sw ~ Re^13/15", "Sw ~ Re^9/10", "Sw ~ Re^2/3", "Sw ~ Re^3/4"),
intercept = c(1, 0.79, 1.35, 1.1),
slope = c(13/15, 9/10, 2/3, 3/4))
fig + geom_abline(data = lines, aes(intercept=intercept, slope=slope, color=name, size=name, linetype=name))+
values=c("Sw ~ Re^13/15" ='#e66419', "Sw ~ Re^9/10" ='#e66419',
"Sw ~ Re^2/3" ='#278ccf', "Sw ~ Re^3/4" ='#278ccf',
'Fish' = '#e66419', 'Larvae' = '#278ccf'),
breaks=lines$name) +
values=c("Sw ~ Re^13/15" =1, "Sw ~ Re^9/10" =1.25, "Sw ~ Re^2/3" =1, "Sw ~ Re^3/4" = 1.25)) +
values=c("Sw ~ Re^13/15" ='solid', "Sw ~ Re^9/10" ='dashed',
"Sw ~ Re^2/3" ='solid', "Sw ~ Re^3/4" ='dashed'))
# Second Plot
fig2 <- ggplot(scalingdata, aes(x=Re, y=St, color=Size)) +
geom_point(size=3) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#f0f4f5",
size = 0.5, linetype = "solid"),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_rect(color = "black",fill = NA,size = 1),
plot.title = element_text(size = 25, face = "italic"),
axis.text = element_text(size=15, face="bold"),
legend.position ="none") + # If no legend to be shown
scale_x_log10(limits = c(1,10^8), breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) +
scale_y_log10(limits = c(10^-1,10^1), #breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) + annotation_logticks()
lines1 <- data.frame(name = c("St ~ Re^-2/15", "St ~ Re^-1/10", "St ~ Re^-1/3", "St ~ Re^-1/4"),
intercept = c(0.15, 0.03, 0.55, 0.38),
slope = c(-2/15, -1/10, -1/3, -1/4))
fig2 + geom_abline(data = lines1, aes(intercept=intercept, slope=slope, color=name, size=name, linetype=name))+
values=c("St ~ Re^-2/15" ='#e66419', "St ~ Re^-1/10" ='#e66419',
"St ~ Re^-1/3" ='#278ccf', "St ~ Re^-1/4" ='#278ccf',
'Fish' = '#e66419', 'Larvae' = '#278ccf'),
breaks=lines$name) +
values=c("St ~ Re^-2/15" =1, "St ~ Re^-1/10" =1.25, "St ~ Re^-1/3" =1, "St ~ Re^-1/4" = 1.25)) +
values=c("St ~ Re^-2/15" ='solid', "St ~ Re^-1/10" ='dashed',
"St ~ Re^-1/3" ='solid', "St ~ Re^-1/4" ='dashed'))
ggarrange(fig, fig2, widths=c(1.8,1.8),heights=c(1.8,1.5),ncol=1,nrow=2, align='v')
MRE 是:
structure(list(Sw = c(118612, 119946, 122211, 122442, 124753,
126631, 128301, 128781, 135193, 137232, 137489, 137744, 138263,
141664, 144336, 150394, 152376, 152664, 156417, 158480, 160867,
162985, 170000, 172000, 172000, 175000, 183000, 185000, 185000,
193000, 198000, 202000, 206000, 209000, 213000, 213000, 214000,
221000, 221000, 221000, 221000, 232000, 236000, 236000, 240000,
240000, 241000, 248000, 251000, 256000, 258000, 260000, 271000,
272000, 274000, 292000, 297000, 299000, 308000, 315000, 327000,
327000, 329000, 342000, 359000, 366000, 368000, 376000, 377000,
387000, 394000, 396000, 407000, 416000, 420000, 428000, 431000,
456000, 456000, 463000, 473000, 490000, 491000, 498000, 512000,
518000, 524000, 528000, 574000, 592000, 609000, 611000, 631000,
634000, 646000, 669000, 672000, 677000, 703000, 751000, 762000,
781000, 794000, 823000, 846000, 849000, 853000, 882000, 887000,
898000, 941000, 979000, 1030000, 1060000, 1070000, 1080000, 1090000,
1140000, 1170000, 6469900, 7584900, 7914000, 7995300, 8139300,
8254100, 8482100, 8485600, 8557900, 8642000, 8730800, 8734400,
8779000, 8812900, 8869100, 8902600, 8914600, 8975200, 9075000,
9203000, 9269900, 9481200, 9565700, 9656200, 9664300, 9821400,
9825700, 9989900, 10410400, 10552900, 10820800, 10959400, 11449900,
11855900, 41766.8, 44815, 46421, 51017, 52530, 54453, 55151,
60703, 60748, 61022, 61850, 62083, 64308, 65524, 66017, 66115,
66963, 69001, 70887, 74872, 74928, 76174, 85619, 85940, 300720,
349790, 414460, 507870, 538620, 540430, 570270, 595730, 617120,
667810, 687150, 697620, 704690, 717830, 741100, 754920, 760010,
769000, 825210, 875180, 899020, 1042220, 1665250, 1687780, 1930520,
2071620, 1484730, 1560040, 2205640, 3198090, 3225130, 4840500,
73.698, 91.148, 91.843, 126.687, 130.467, 155.199, 232.717, 602.22,
615.05, 619.05, 626.62, 655.73, 677.34, 747.73, 768.65, 778.66,
816.82, 859.61, 885.06, 906.12, 925.43, 975.49, 1020.79, 1024.12,
1091.84, 1094.5, 1114.2, 1122.36, 1165.94, 1290.31, 1291.33,
1302.88, 1361.19, 1477.34, 1543.46, 1564.86, 1609.89, 1679.22,
1720.21, 1748.66, 1769.04, 1778.18, 1804.09, 1816.32, 1842.21,
1861.27, 1861.88, 1875.09, 1957.71, 1975.41, 2028.23, 2049.21,
2193.15, 2214.41, 2320.91, 190.301, 213.437, 215.963, 217.451,
226.594, 227.932, 243.172, 244.607, 292.403, 297.318, 308.91,
310.428, 319.697, 332.16, 339.738, 345.449, 363.165, 388.971,
399.016, 414.572, 415.794, 453.714), Re = c(77600, 36434, 49900,
70000, 81300, 54900, 83300, 73400, 49100, 70000, 78800, 53200,
86600, 79400, 71700, 50700, 58000, 97400, 64200, 92200, 79400,
70000, 69500, 95900, 54800, 74500, 128000, 61200, 94400, 121000,
108000, 139000, 102000, 156000, 46100, 125000, 83200, 113000,
123000, 94400, 146000, 88600, 82600, 155000, 102000, 155000,
125000, 169000, 122000, 81900, 114000, 159000, 133000, 155000,
114000, 169000, 144000, 209000, 156000, 189000, 137000, 168000,
186000, 187000, 184000, 186000, 246000, 152000, 231000, 332000,
202000, 222000, 239000, 214000, 302000, 219000, 307000, 260000,
312000, 241000, 348000, 235000, 196000, 324000, 244000, 324000,
357000, 250000, 357000, 380000, 337000, 3e+05, 351000, 414000,
389000, 293000, 417000, 335000, 374000, 512000, 401000, 343000,
537000, 414000, 595000, 392000, 448000, 421000, 633000, 496000,
633000, 466000, 648000, 524000, 729000, 516000, 504000, 795000,
802000, 4114000, 3809200, 4687400, 4130800, 4228400, 4891300,
3757100, 3974800, 4798000, 4516600, 4074300, 4310400, 4479500,
3904400, 4358000, 6464600, 3851100, 4824400, 4412200, 5069000,
4642300, 4316300, 6473400, 4096700, 4572600, 5340600, 5041200,
5224500, 5429300, 5481800, 5952800, 7097300, 7165900, 7781600,
25778, 29630, 20784, 28523, 38410, 36744, 33414, 56160, 41702,
49165, 30384, 42771, 33623, 46439, 47329, 24810, 38161, 56150,
51390, 47929, 54400, 56860, 59810, 67890, 303110, 236540, 282380,
354240, 408170, 391180, 377560, 408170, 391180, 402420, 526760,
435040, 411070, 585800, 508420, 450730, 497730, 463680, 477010,
745400, 553540, 846800, 889800, 935100, 1047300, 1148400, 553800,
723800, 746600, 1720200, 2939400, 2374500, 10.115, 10.11, 12.227,
29.025, 20.106, 10.165, 17.613, 83.12, 105.2, 123.1, 148.64,
113.79, 111.14, 333.77, 120.21, 283, 206.68, 287.45, 341.67,
318.34, 291.98, 366.66, 456.8, 296.57, 467.7, 439.2, 415.7, 390.39,
456.8, 308.38, 478.8, 671.2, 606, 587.2, 542.8, 749, 760.9, 692.4,
659.3, 667.6, 643, 560.6, 777.7, 686.5, 735.2, 856.6, 690.8,
870, 710.4, 894.7, 730.6, 825, 817.3, 920.1, 880.8, 25.031, 32.901,
29.787, 27.193, 23.62, 29.056, 30.791, 23.425, 30.537, 36.339,
50.199, 58.272, 52.758, 54.085, 68.21, 27.193, 71.09, 50.617,
48.967, 44.702, 73.49, 73.49), Species = c("Dace, Trout, and Goldfish",
"Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish",
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"Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish",
"Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Dace, Trout, and Goldfish",
"Dace, Trout, and Goldfish", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna",
"Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Giant Bluefin Tuna", "Stingrays", "Stingrays",
"Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays",
"Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays",
"Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays",
"Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Stingrays",
"Stingrays", "Stingrays", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel",
"Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel",
"Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel",
"Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel",
"Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel",
"Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel",
"Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel",
"Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel",
"Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel", "Saithe and Mackerel",
"Sharks", "Sharks", "Sharks", "Sharks", "Sharks", "Sharks", "Ascidian Larvae",
"Ascidian Larvae", "Ascidian Larvae", "Ascidian Larvae", "Ascidian Larvae",
"Ascidian Larvae", "Ascidian Larvae", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish40",
"Larval Zebrafish40", "Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61",
"Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61",
"Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61",
"Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61",
"Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61",
"Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61",
"Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61",
"Larval Zebrafish61", "Larval Zebrafish61"), Size = c("Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae",
"Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae", "Larvae"
), St = c(0.243268582034501, 0.523959877133545, 0.389788362056428,
0.278388628178544, 0.244219067477153, 0.367102048635318, 0.245134340978561,
0.279238212500755, 0.438219631492664, 0.31201571537706, 0.277690390877163,
0.412078707080919, 0.254101483129468, 0.283960618825043, 0.320386808203692,
0.472108334099284, 0.418126498248202, 0.249457632595693, 0.387764494072905,
0.273566338387061, 0.322452372293089, 0.370568682018262, 0.38929895045003,
0.285449282566378, 0.499536244491161, 0.373853018937899, 0.227541300611154,
0.481104503595853, 0.311902495975278, 0.253858117251408, 0.291783380018674,
0.231289376443841, 0.321429819699716, 0.213226316167493, 0.73535626042963,
0.271199388846448, 0.409363920393332, 0.311266904187258, 0.28596065181431,
0.372597035732629, 0.240912055980549, 0.416747860646413, 0.454727345483648,
0.242325669270641, 0.374481343339475, 0.246432884004042, 0.306850012732366,
0.233552269751365, 0.327440961481463, 0.497479489076128, 0.360191923659416,
0.260252757478063, 0.324292396384391, 0.279290601871247, 0.382529407297209,
0.274988962771768, 0.328256302521008, 0.227690032080688, 0.314228255404726,
0.265257618198795, 0.37987988825258, 0.309783004110735, 0.281515343185172,
0.291074135050228, 0.310524407391415, 0.313175123421803, 0.23808488657843,
0.393698149116106, 0.259745771586872, 0.185520538993253, 0.310430202684134,
0.283897342720872, 0.271028913657513, 0.309384586459903, 0.221340793993696,
0.311041809833107, 0.223438501844327, 0.279132632073809, 0.232610526728174,
0.305761686039938, 0.216322161048327, 0.331854211704024, 0.398698440415127,
0.244626470116666, 0.333963689797827, 0.254450826346251, 0.233605028464149,
0.336134453781513, 0.255895584615308, 0.247946068379505, 0.287611672670147,
0.324144809438927, 0.286115482193914, 0.243729463678313, 0.264302963531755,
0.363393883771318, 0.256479308531784, 0.321634759738359, 0.299159527690512,
0.233447427266361, 0.302433374165808, 0.362389853900744, 0.235323518267981,
0.316386985184939, 0.226293726046568, 0.344699568138944, 0.303033145076212,
0.333430716272689, 0.223017542504579, 0.288146783640142, 0.236594709692005,
0.334361212296077, 0.252977172911813, 0.321953903004644, 0.233601359236799,
0.333114218203138, 0.344203337900817, 0.228221648865378, 0.232183102213908,
0.250295128437197, 0.316909457357351, 0.268709577645423, 0.308048935041855,
0.306358622430061, 0.268574355248053, 0.359310368633893, 0.339771064454215,
0.283874302307228, 0.3045241557553, 0.341051647591493, 0.322503638696486,
0.311913824779625, 0.359239145081061, 0.323900368274474, 0.219176667244061,
0.368414047393468, 0.296087410852063, 0.327348653980426, 0.288952360656955,
0.317805173505505, 0.349599499061661, 0.23518164782688, 0.375138127690756,
0.336377010833042, 0.292686346632698, 0.310204924915008, 0.304323523404437,
0.30517060120053, 0.306385178491378, 0.289305836077696, 0.245760867447159,
0.254302170218483, 0.242484923070044, 0.257870165748749, 0.240719274240546,
0.355471244064845, 0.2846681185215, 0.217661796677678, 0.235860109140741,
0.262690301692974, 0.17202920082822, 0.231843122013434, 0.197537480456343,
0.323976771042564, 0.231016184479705, 0.304402110063851, 0.224562202134299,
0.221997238656593, 0.424123516982184, 0.279276421804133, 0.195580134425664,
0.219536681625896, 0.248622358777944, 0.219212016357345, 0.213215622321579,
0.227832389358595, 0.20146919759615, 0.157899648862937, 0.235354178413181,
0.233597292524979, 0.228178161508506, 0.210019930393074, 0.219878073423756,
0.240388487016993, 0.232288390949214, 0.251079985698921, 0.264114641433334,
0.207614593756514, 0.255216558855981, 0.272835854188107, 0.19502547907645,
0.231992157091137, 0.266565280053204, 0.243021448263837, 0.263953297612413,
0.27533163553866, 0.186864632918074, 0.258487448689974, 0.195883416277148,
0.297855865613987, 0.287261150364813, 0.293374469828208, 0.28710187409247,
0.426691163020906, 0.343033292092993, 0.47018174096222, 0.295890385833758,
0.17462549544427, 0.32444207224037, 1.15960193451398, 1.43487842039073,
1.1954881211204, 0.694670633111126, 1.03274740893889, 2.42996854423028,
2.10287709536259, 1.15310473651356, 0.930494475702483, 0.800362608672448,
0.670946160047344, 0.917149369794335, 0.969963623056172, 0.356546865546547,
1.01767041791117, 0.437905647321569, 0.628994758168588, 0.475946636660009,
0.41227308378791, 0.453016082808868, 0.504440080025434, 0.423426859723028,
0.355655416919196, 0.549594966348079, 0.371544423161221, 0.396618119014455,
0.426581724604903, 0.457564804982094, 0.406227408970275, 0.66592753876014,
0.429242005148684, 0.308938181405404, 0.357491106253483, 0.400417939035907,
0.452558426733727, 0.332516184043711, 0.336734593477769, 0.385984313372426,
0.415257522282799, 0.416877219867739, 0.437870609858534, 0.504826034458151,
0.3692029958207, 0.421086132923672, 0.398797799365072, 0.345820252410603,
0.428961656779362, 0.343022005040261, 0.43859585449659, 0.351397709779422,
0.441831474644956, 0.395322591846656, 0.42707677378149, 0.383038227789757,
0.419372655758695, 1.20999057171145, 1.0324754309382, 1.15390937655487,
1.27269225907284, 1.52681925668428, 1.24850012592141, 1.25692362442215,
1.66191343132771, 1.52396351968135, 1.30216898419267, 0.979390794690607,
0.84785205830123, 0.964426984707154, 0.977438888352537, 0.792711561574157,
2.02183603756457, 0.813045009817121, 1.22303796362965, 1.29689832478866,
1.47601961377895, 0.900469664727307, 0.982591604164768)), row.names = 300:585, class = "data.frame")
a <- fig + geom_abline(data = lines, aes(intercept=intercept, slope=slope, color=name, size=name, linetype=name))+
values=c("Sw ~ Re^13/15" ='#e66419', "Sw ~ Re^9/10" ='#e66419',
"Sw ~ Re^2/3" ='#278ccf', "Sw ~ Re^3/4" ='#278ccf',
'Fish' = '#e66419', 'Larvae' = '#278ccf'),
breaks=lines$name) +
values=c("Sw ~ Re^13/15" =1, "Sw ~ Re^9/10" =1.25, "Sw ~ Re^2/3" =1, "Sw ~ Re^3/4" = 1.25)) +
values=c("Sw ~ Re^13/15" ='solid', "Sw ~ Re^9/10" ='dashed',
"Sw ~ Re^2/3" ='solid', "Sw ~ Re^3/4" ='dashed'))
b <- fig2 + geom_abline(data = lines1, aes(intercept=intercept, slope=slope, color=name, size=name, linetype=name))+
values=c("St ~ Re^-2/15" ='#e66419', "St ~ Re^-1/10" ='#e66419',
"St ~ Re^-1/3" ='#278ccf', "St ~ Re^-1/4" ='#278ccf',
'Fish' = '#e66419', 'Larvae' = '#278ccf'),
breaks=lines$name) +
values=c("St ~ Re^-2/15" =1, "St ~ Re^-1/10" =1.25, "St ~ Re^-1/3" =1, "St ~ Re^-1/4" = 1.25)) +
values=c("St ~ Re^-2/15" ='solid', "St ~ Re^-1/10" ='dashed',
"St ~ Re^-1/3" ='solid', "St ~ Re^-1/4" ='dashed'))
尝试绘制两者(我使用 cowplot
plot_grid(a, b, labels = NA, nrow = 2)