Return 日期间隔数组列表的重叠量

Return the amount of overlapping from arraylist of date intervals

我有以下名为 $all_data.

[Chevenez] => Array
        [41.NEwan0] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [0] => 2022-01-19 03:53:37.49459
                        [1] => 2022-01-19 04:53:37.49459

                [1] => Array
                        [0] => 2022-01-09 03:53:37.49459
                        [1] => 2022-01-09 04:53:37.49459


        [41.NEwan1] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [0] => 2022-01-19 04:23:37.49459
                        [1] => 2022-01-19 05:23:37.49459

                [1] => Array
                        [0] => 2022-01-09 04:23:37.49459
                        [1] => 2022-01-09 05:23:37.49459


        [42.NEwan0] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [0] => 2022-01-19 04:03:37.49459
                        [1] => 2022-01-19 04:33:37.49459

                [1] => Array
                        [0] => 2022-01-09 04:03:37.49459
                        [1] => 2022-01-09 04:33:37.49459


        [42.NEwan1] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [0] => 2022-01-19 04:13:37.49459
                        [1] => 2022-01-19 05:13:37.49459

                [1] => Array
                        [0] => 2022-01-09 04:13:37.49459
                        [1] => 2022-01-09 05:13:37.49459



[Barcelona] => Array
        [5.NEwan0] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [0] => 2022-01-19 03:53:37.49459
                        [1] => 2022-01-19 04:53:37.49459


        [5.NEwan1] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [0] => 2022-01-19 04:23:37.49459
                        [1] => 2022-01-19 05:23:37.49459


        [16.NEwan0] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [0] => 2022-01-19 04:03:37.49459
                        [1] => 2022-01-19 04:33:37.49459


        [16.NEwan1] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [0] => 2022-01-19 04:13:37.49459
                        [1] => 2022-01-19 05:13:37.49459




从上面的数组中,我试图获得 ChevenezBarcelona 的重叠时间间隔。假设对于 Chevenez,如果所有键 41.NEwan0、41.NEwan1、42.NEwan0 和 42.NEwan1 都重叠,则只考虑否则不重叠。

我已经尝试了 中提出的想法。

// Placeholder array to contain the periods when everyone is available.
$periods = [];

foreach($all_data as $key => $data){
    // Loop until one of the people has no periods left.
    while (count($data) && count(array_filter($data)) == count($data)) {
        // Select every person's earliest date, then choose the latest of these
        // dates.
        $start = array_reduce($data, function($carry, $ranges) {
            $start = array_reduce($ranges, function($carry, $range) {
                // This person's earliest start date.
                return !$carry ? $range[0] : min($range[0], $carry);
            // The latest of all the start dates.
            return !$carry ? $start : max($start, $carry);

        // Select each person's range which contains this date.
        $matching_ranges = array_filter(array_map(function($ranges) use($start) {
            return current(array_filter($ranges, function($range) use($start) {
                // The range starts before and ends after the start date.
                return $range[0] <= $start && $range[1] >= $start;
        }, $data));

        // Find the earliest of the ranges' end dates, and this completes our
        // first period that everyone can attend.
        $end = array_reduce($matching_ranges, function($carry, $range) {
            return !$carry ? $range[1] : min($range[1], $carry);

        // Add it to our list of periods.
        $periods[$key][] = [$start, $end];

        // Remove any availability periods which finish before the end of this
        // new period.
        array_walk($data, function(&$ranges) use ($end) {
            $ranges = array_filter($ranges, function($range) use($end) {
                return $range[1] > $end;

// Output the answer in the specified format.
foreach ($periods as $key => $period) {
    foreach ($period as $period1) {
        echo "$key : $period1[0] -> $period1[1]\n";


Chevenez : 2022-01-09 04:23:37.49459 -> 2022-01-09 04:33:37.49459
Chevenez : 2022-01-19 04:03:37.49459 -> 2022-01-19 04:33:37.49459
Barcelona : 2022-01-19 04:23:37.49459 -> 2022-01-19 04:33:37.49459


Chevenez : 2022-01-09 04:23:37.49459 -> 2022-01-09 04:33:37.49459
Chevenez : 2022-01-19 04:23:37.49459 -> 2022-01-19 04:33:37.49459
Barcelona : 2022-01-19 04:23:37.49459 -> 2022-01-19 04:33:37.49459

它给了我 Chevenez : 2022-01-19 04:03:37.49459 -> 2022-01-19 04:33:37.49459 在第二行但是应该是 Chevenez : 2022-01-19 04:23:37.49459 -> 2022-01-19 04:33:37.49459

@amirreza-noori 我在跟随 arrry 时遇到错误。

$all_data = [ 
'Chevenez' => [
    '41.NEwan0' => [['2022-01-19 03:53:37.49459', '2022-01-19 04:53:37.49459'],
                            ['2022-01-09 03:53:37.49459', '2022-01-09 04:53:37.49459']],
    '41.NEwan1' => [['2022-01-19 04:23:37.49459', '2022-01-19 05:23:37.49459'], 
                            ['2022-01-09 04:23:37.49459', '2022-01-09 05:23:37.49459']],
    '42.NEwan0' => [['2022-01-19 04:03:37.49459', '2022-01-19 04:33:37.49459'], 
                            ['2022-01-09 04:03:37.49459', '2022-01-09 04:33:37.49459']],
    '42.NEwan1' => [['2022-01-19 04:13:37.49459', '2022-01-19 05:13:37.49459'], 
                            ['2022-01-09 04:13:37.49459', '2022-01-09 05:13:37.49459']],
    '43.NEwan0' => [['2022-01-09 03:53:37.49459', '2022-01-09 04:53:37.49459']],
    '43.NEwan1' => [['2022-01-09 04:23:37.49459', '2022-01-09 05:23:37.49459']],
    '44.NEwan0' => [['2022-01-09 04:03:37.49459', '2022-01-09 04:33:37.49459']],
    '44.NEwan1' => [['2022-01-09 04:28:37.49459', '2022-01-09 05:13:37.49459']],

'Barcelona' => [
    '5.NEwan0' => [['2022-01-19 03:53:37.49459', '2022-01-19 04:53:37.49459']],
    '5.NEwan1' => [['2022-01-19 04:23:37.49459', '2022-01-19 05:23:37.49459']],
    '16.NEwan0' => [['2022-01-19 04:03:37.49459', '2022-01-19 04:33:37.49459']],
    '16.NEwan1' => [['2022-01-19 04:13:37.49459', '2022-01-19 05:13:37.49459']]


Chevenez : 2022-01-09 04:23:37.49459 -> 2022-01-09 04:33:37.49459
Barcelona : 2022-01-19 04:23:37.49459 -> 2022-01-19 04:33:37.49459


$all_data = [ 
    'Chevenez' => [
        '41.NEwan0' => [['2022-01-19 03:53:37.49459', '2022-01-19 04:53:37.49459'],
                                ['2022-01-09 03:53:37.49459', '2022-01-09 04:53:37.49459']],
        '41.NEwan1' => [['2022-01-19 04:23:37.49459', '2022-01-19 05:23:37.49459'], 
                                ['2022-01-09 04:23:37.49459', '2022-01-09 05:23:37.49459']],
        '42.NEwan0' => [['2022-01-19 04:03:37.49459', '2022-01-19 04:33:37.49459'], 
                                ['2022-01-09 04:03:37.49459', '2022-01-09 04:33:37.49459']],
        '42.NEwan1' => [['2022-01-19 04:13:37.49459', '2022-01-19 05:13:37.49459'], 
                                ['2022-01-09 04:13:37.49459', '2022-01-09 05:13:37.49459']],
        '43.NEwan0' => [['2022-01-09 03:53:37.49459', '2022-01-09 04:53:37.49459']],
        '43.NEwan1' => [['2022-01-09 04:23:37.49459', '2022-01-09 05:23:37.49459']],
        '44.NEwan0' => [['2022-01-09 04:03:37.49459', '2022-01-09 04:33:37.49459']],
        '44.NEwan1' => [['2022-01-09 04:28:37.49459', '2022-01-09 05:13:37.49459']],

    'Barcelona' => [
        '5.NEwan0' => [['2022-01-19 03:53:37.49459', '2022-01-19 04:53:37.49459']],
        '5.NEwan1' => [['2022-01-19 04:23:37.49459', '2022-01-19 05:23:37.49459']],
        '16.NEwan0' => [['2022-01-19 04:03:37.49459', '2022-01-19 04:33:37.49459']],
        '16.NEwan1' => [['2022-01-19 04:13:37.49459', '2022-01-19 05:13:37.49459']]

$periods = [];

foreach($all_data as $place => $parts) {
    // select first times of each place
    $part1_times = $parts[array_key_first($parts)];
    $periods[$place] = [];
    // walk on times parts
    foreach($part1_times as $t => $part1_time_range) {
        $range_low = $part1_time_range[0];        
        $range_up = $part1_time_range[1];
        // detect common range
        foreach($parts as $part_times) {
            if(!isset($part_times[$t])) break;
            $rlow = $part_times[$t][0];
            $rup = $part_times[$t][1];
            if($rlow > $range_low) $range_low = $rlow;
            if($rup < $range_up) $range_up = $rup;          
        if($range_low < $range_up) $periods[$place][] = [$range_low, $range_up];
    // sort times in each place from small to big
    usort($periods[$place], function($a, $b) {
        return $a[0] > $b[0] ? 1 : -1;

// Output the answer in the specified format.
foreach ($periods as $key => $periods) {
    foreach ($periods as $period) {
        echo "$key : $period[0] -> $period[1]\n";


Chevenez : 2022-01-09 04:23:37.49459 -> 2022-01-09 04:33:37.49459
Barcelona : 2022-01-19 04:23:37.49459 -> 2022-01-19 04:33:37.49459


$output = [];
foreach ($all_data as $place => $place_data) {
    foreach ($place_data as $innerplace_data) {
        $canBeAdded = true;
        foreach ($all_data as $otherplace => $otherplace_data) {
            if ($place !== $otherplace) {
                foreach($otherplace as $innerotherplace_data) {
                    $canBeAdded = $canBeAdded && (!(($innerotherplace_data[0] > $otherplace_data[1]) || ($innerotherplace_data[1] < $otherplace_data[0])));
        if ($canBeAdded) $output[]=$place . " " . $innerplace_data[0] . "->" . $innerplace_data[1];



class TimeSlots {

    private array $cities;

    private array $values;

    private array $overlaps;

    public function __construct(array $data) {

     * @param $data
    public function setData($data): void {
        $this->cities = array_keys($data);
        $this->overlaps = [];
        $this->values = array_map("array_values", array_values($data));

     * @return void
    public function clear(): void {
        $this->values = [];
        $this->cities = [];

    public function getOverlaps(): array {

        if (!empty($this->overlaps)) {
            return $this->overlaps;

        $result = [];
        if (empty($this->cities)) {
            return $result;

        foreach ($this->cities as $position => $city) {
            $computed = $this->computeCityOverlap($position);
            $result[$city] = $computed;

        $this->overlaps = $result;
        return $this->overlaps;

    private function computeCityOverlap(int $pos): array {

        $current = 0;    

        return array_reduce($this->values[$pos],function ($carry, $ranges) use ($pos,&$current) {

            foreach ($ranges as $index => $range) {
                $allRangesFlat = array_filter(array_map(function ($value) use ($index) {
                    return $value[$index] ?? null;
                }, $this->values[$pos]));
            //Don't include current range
                array_splice($allRangesFlat, $current, 1);

                $overlap = $this->inspectOverlap($allRangesFlat, $range);
                if (empty($overlap)) {
                    $carry[$index] = [];

                if(empty($start = $carry[$index][0]) || ( $overlap[0] >= max($start, $range[0]))){
                    $carry[$index][0] = $overlap[0];

                if(empty($end = $carry[$index][1]) || ($overlap[1] >= max($end,  $range[1]) )){
                    $carry[$index][1] = $overlap[1];


            $current += 1;
            return $carry;
        }, []);

    private function inspectOverlap(array $haystack, array $range): array{

        if (empty($range[0]) || empty($range[1])) {
            return [];

        $result = array_reduce($haystack, function ($carry, $val) use ($range) {
            if (empty($val[0]) || empty($val[1])) {
                return $carry;

            if ($val[0] >= $range[0] && $val[0] <= $range[1]){

                $end =  min($range[1] , $val[1]);
                if (empty($carry[0]) || ($carry[0] >= $val[0] && $carry[0] <= $val[1])) {
                    $carry[0] = $val[0];
                    $carry[1] =  $carry[1] ? min($end,  $carry[1]) : $end;
            }elseif (($val[1] >= $range[0] && $val[1] <= $range[1])){

                $start = max($val[0], $range[0]);
                if (empty($carry[1]) || ($carry[1] <= $val[1] && $carry[1] >= $val[0])) {
                    $carry[1] = $val[1];
                    $carry[0] =  $carry[0] ? min($start,  $carry[0]) : $start;

            return $carry;
        }, [null, null]);

        return array_filter($result);

$all_data = [
    'Chevenez' => [
        '41.NEwan0' => [['2022-01-19 03:53:37.49459', '2022-01-19 04:53:37.49459'],
            ['2022-01-09 03:53:37.49459', '2022-01-09 04:53:37.49459']],
        '41.NEwan1' => [['2022-01-19 04:23:37.49459', '2022-01-19 05:23:37.49459'],
            ['2022-01-09 04:23:37.49459', '2022-01-09 05:23:37.49459']],
        '42.NEwan0' => [['2022-01-19 04:03:37.49459', '2022-01-19 04:33:37.49459'],
            ['2022-01-09 04:03:37.49459', '2022-01-09 04:33:37.49459']],
        '42.NEwan1' => [['2022-01-19 04:13:37.49459', '2022-01-19 05:13:37.49459'],
            ['2022-01-09 04:13:37.49459', '2022-01-09 05:13:37.49459']],
        '43.NEwan0' => [['2022-01-09 03:53:37.49459', '2022-01-09 04:53:37.49459']],
        '43.NEwan1' => [['2022-01-09 04:23:37.49459', '2022-01-09 05:23:37.49459']],
        '44.NEwan0' => [['2022-01-09 04:03:37.49459', '2022-01-09 04:33:37.49459']],
        '44.NEwan1' => [['2022-01-09 04:28:37.49459', '2022-01-09 05:13:37.49459']],

    'Barcelona' => [
        '5.NEwan0' => [['2022-01-19 03:53:37.49459', '2022-01-19 04:53:37.49459']],
    '    5.NEwan1' => [['2022-01-19 04:23:37.49459', '2022-01-19 05:23:37.49459']],
        '16.NEwan0' => [['2022-01-19 04:03:37.49459', '2022-01-19 04:33:37.49459']],
        '16.NEwan1' => [['2022-01-19 04:13:37.49459', '2022-01-19 05:13:37.49459']]

$slots = new TimeSlots($all_data);
$o = $slots->getOverlaps();
foreach ($o as $city => $periods) {
    foreach ($periods as $period1) {
        echo "$city : $period1[0] -> $period1[1]" . PHP_EOL;


Chevenez : 2022-01-19 04:23:37.49459 -> 2022-01-19 04:33:37.49459
Chevenez : 2022-01-09 04:23:37.49459 -> 2022-01-09 04:33:37.49459
Barcelona : 2022-01-19 04:23:37.49459 -> 2022-01-19 04:33:37.49459