Wordpress 仪表板:"Sorry you are not allowed to access this page" 将实时网站移动到本地主机后

Wordpress dashboard : "Sorry you are not allowed to access this page" after moving live website to localhost

我尝试手动备份我的 Wordpress 网站。

  1. 我备份了我的 htdocs 文件夹。
  2. 我导出了我的数据库的 .sql 文件备份,它以“mas”作为前缀。 (后面没有下划线)
  3. 我在我的所有数据库(使用 PowerShell)中为新的 URL 更新了旧的 URL。
  4. 我更新了 wp-config.php 文件。
  5. 我在我的本地主机服务器上创建了一个同名的新数据库。
  6. 我在 PhpMyAdmin 上导入了 .sql 文件。


我收到以下消息:Désolé,vous n’avez pas l’autorisation d’accéder à cette page。


所以我停用了所有插件。 我将 .htaccess 文件更改为 .htaccess.old .

在我的数据库中,我的 table usermeta 是为我的用户帐户配置的。出于某种原因,我有两次“prefix_capabilites”和“prefix_user_level”:

meta_key meta_value
mascapabilites a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;}
masuser_level 10
wp_capabilities a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;}
wp_user_level 10

然后,我尝试用 PHPStorm 调试我的网站。


// plugin.php

function user_can_access_admin_page() {
    global $pagenow, $menu, $submenu, $_wp_menu_nopriv, $_wp_submenu_nopriv,
        $plugin_page, $_registered_pages;

    $parent = get_admin_page_parent();

// I omitted some functions here...

if ( empty( $parent ) ) { // $parent is empty ""
        if ( isset( $_wp_menu_nopriv[ $pagenow ] ) ) { // $pagenow is "index.php"
            return false; // It returns here.

然后,它 returns 在这里 :

// menu.php

if ( ! user_can_access_admin_page() ) {

     * Fires when access to an admin page is denied.
     * @since 2.5.0
    do_action( 'admin_page_access_denied' );

    wp_die( __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.' ), 403 ); // And displays this.

因此,据我了解,我的页面 index.php 对于 table $_wp_menu_nopriv[].



但是我不明白这个变量 $_wp_menu_nopriv[] 是什么意思?


更新 1:

我试图将我的用户 wp_capabilites 值更改为: 'a:1:{s:13:"administrator";s:1:"1";}'



更新 2:

我从这个 website.


This occurs when you have (at some point) changed the database prefix using a utility that also altered capability records in the database.

To repair it, make note of your current database prefix. The default is 'wp_' and for simplicity we're going to assume the target prefix is 'wp_'. If the database prefix you wish to use is different, make sure to replace all instances of 'wp_' with your new prefix.

Use phpMyAdmin in Plesk for the database and complete these searches (using LIKE %...%):

In the wp_options table, look for the option_name that ends with "user_roles" and change its prefix so it reads "wp_user_roles" In the wp_usermeta table, look for all entries that begin with the wrong prefix and replace the incorrect prefix with wp_ Now login or refresh the page and you should find your user permissions have returned.

您可以尝试更改 wp_capalities

update wp_usermeta
set meta_value = 'a:1:{s:13:"administrator";s:1:"1";}'
where user_id = YOUR USER ID
and meta_key = 'wp_capabilities';

否则你可以考虑安装一个全新的 wordpress 并使用插件迁移:https://wordpress.org/plugins/all-in-one-wp-migration/

我从另一个 website :


This occurs when you have (at some point) changed the database prefix using a utility that also altered capability records in the database.

To repair it, make note of your current database prefix. The default is 'wp_' and for simplicity we're going to assume the target prefix is 'wp_'. If the database prefix you wish to use is different, make sure to replace all instances of 'wp_' with your new prefix.

Use phpMyAdmin in Plesk for the database and complete these searches (using LIKE %...%):

In the wp_options table, look for the option_name that ends with "user_roles" and change its prefix so it reads "wp_user_roles" In the wp_usermeta table, look for all entries that begin with the wrong prefix and replace the incorrect prefix with wp_ Now login or refresh the page and you should find your user permissions have returned.