Powershell 使用列将数据导出到 CSV

Powershell export data to CSV with columns

我想导出 SharePoint 场的所有用户并找到下面的代码。我是 PowerShell 的新手,所以解决方案可能很简单,但我很难解决。

该代码运行良好,只是它在单列中输出数据,每一行条目的数据都在彼此之后列出(“类型、用户、组、weburl、webtitle”)。当它像这样将它输出到 5 列时我会喜欢它

type user group weburl webtitle
type 1 user 1 group 1 weburl 1 webtitle 1
type 1 user 2 group 2 weburl 1 webtitle 1
type 1 user 3 group 1 weburl 2 webtitle 2
Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 
$Currentime = get-date -format "yyyyMMdd_hhmmtt" 
$filename = "FarmUsers" 
$datafile = ("{0}{1}.csv" -f $filename, $Currentime) 
$headerfile = "type,user,group,weburl,webtitle" 
$headerfile | out-file -FilePath $datafile 
$iissitedata = get-spwebapplication  
foreach($farmsite in $iissitedata) 
    foreach ($SiteCollection in $farmsite.sites) 
        foreach ($web in $SiteCollection.Allwebs) 
             foreach ($usersite in $web.users) 
                    $data = ("RootUser,{0},-,{1},{2}" -f $usersite, $web.url,$web.name)  
                    $data | out-file -FilePath $datafile  -append 
             foreach ($group in $web.Groups) 
                 foreach ($user in $group.users) 
                          $data = ("GroupUser,{0},{1},{2},{3}" -f $user, $group, $web.url, $web.name) 
                          $data | out-file -FilePath $datafile  -append 



与其手动格式化 CSV 中的每一行,您需要创建一系列 对象 ,其属性与您想要的列名称相对应,然后让 Export-Csv 负责为您构建 CSV 文件:

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 
$Currentime = Get-Date -format "yyyyMMdd_hhmmtt" 
$filename = "FarmUsers" 
$datafile = ("{0}{1}.csv" -f $filename, $Currentime) 
$iissitedata = Get-SPWebApplication  
foreach ($farmsite in $iissitedata)
    foreach ($SiteCollection in $farmsite.sites)
        foreach ($web in $SiteCollection.Allwebs)
            foreach ($usersite in $web.users)
                $data = [pscustomobject]@{
                    type     = "RootUser"
                    user     = $usersite
                    group    = '-'
                    weburl   = $web.url
                    webtitle = $web.name
                $data | Export-Csv -LiteralPath $datafile -NoTypeInformation -Append
            foreach ($group in $web.Groups)
                foreach ($user in $group.users)
                    $data = [pscustomobject]@{
                        type     = "GroupUser"
                        user     = $user
                        group    = $group
                        weburl   = $web.url
                        webtitle = $web.name
                    $data | Export-Csv -LiteralPath $datafile -NoTypeInformation -Append