
Destination resolver returned non-existent partition

我正在使用 Spring-Kafka 来使用来自 Confluent Kafka 的消息,并且我正在使用 RetryTopicConfiguration Bean 来配置主题和退避策略。我的应用程序工作正常,但我在日志中看到很多警告日志,如下所示,我想知道我的配置是否不正确。

DeadLetterPublishingRecovererFactory : Destination resolver returned non-existent partition flow-events-retry-0-4, KafkaProducer will determine partition to use for this topic


    public KafkaTemplate kafkaTemplate() {
        return new KafkaTemplate<>(producerFactory());

    public RetryTopicConfiguration myRetryableTopic(KafkaTemplate<String, Object> template) {
        return RetryTopicConfigurationBuilder

重试主题单独创建,分区为 1,复制因子为 3。

默认使用与原主题相同的分区;您可以通过覆盖 DeadLetterPublishingRecovererFactory @Bean:

DeadLetterPublishingRecovererFactory factory(DestinationTopicResolver resolver) {
    DeadLetterPublishingRecovererFactory factory = new DeadLetterPublishingRecovererFactory(resolver) {

        protected TopicPartition resolveTopicPartition(ConsumerRecord<?, ?> cr, DestinationTopic nextDestination) {
            return new TopicPartition(nextDestination.getDestinationName(), -1); // Kafka Chooses
//          return new TopicPartition(nextDestination.getDestinationName(), 0);  // explict

    factory.setDeadLetterPublishingRecovererCustomizer(dlpr -> {
        // ...
    return factory;

如您在此示例中所见,您也可以在此处自定义 DLPR 属性。

 * Creates and returns the {@link TopicPartition}, where the original record should be forwarded.
 * By default, it will use the partition same as original record's partition, in the next destination topic.
 * <p>{@link DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer#checkPartition} has logic to check whether that partition exists,
 * and if it doesn't it sets -1, to allow the Producer itself to assign a partition to the record.</p>
 * <p>Subclasses can inherit from this method to override the implementation, if necessary.</p>
 * @param cr The original {@link ConsumerRecord}, which is to be forwarded to DLT
 * @param nextDestination The next {@link DestinationTopic}, where the consumerRecord is to be forwarded
 * @return An instance of {@link TopicPartition}, specifying the topic and partition, where the cr is to be sent
protected TopicPartition resolveTopicPartition(final ConsumerRecord<?, ?> cr, final DestinationTopic nextDestination) {
    return new TopicPartition(nextDestination.getDestinationName(), cr.partition());