将换行符附加到要 "echo"ed 的变量

Appending newlines to a variable to be "echo"ed out

过去 12 年我一直在 Linux 工作,之前使用 Windows 和命令行,最近不得不恢复那些批处理文件技能,以便于使用/ 编辑实用程序。但是,我在找出如何使用换行符构建字符串变量时遇到了一些问题(相当于 Linux 的 echo -e "Line1\nLine2"

基本上我的实用程序会询问用户三个问题并检查输入的有效性。如果有效性失败,每个输入都有一个略有不同的“错误消息”。然后我检查 errMsg 变量是否包含任何内容,如果包含,它会列出来自 3 次有效性检查的整理错误消息。除了错误消息在一行之外,这一切都完美无缺,我想将每个错误放在它自己的行上。然后我“仅仅”在字符串中添加换行符......这就是这个问题的症结所在。

我使用 this link 作为参考点并使用基本字符串,新行按预期出现。但是,当我使用变量时,新行不会出现,我希望有人能向我解释原因。


@echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion

set \n=^

set NL=^^^%\n%%\n%^%\n%%\n%

echo This does indeed put in a newline%NL%and this is the 2nd line
:: output follows:
::This does indeed put in a newline
::and this is the 2nd line

set var=Line1%NL%
set var=%var%Line2%NL%
:: output follows:

set errMsg=This would be the first custom error message%NL%
set errMsg=%errMsg%This would be the second custom error message%NL%
set errMsg=%errMsg%This would be the third custom error message%NL%
:: output follows
::This would be the first custom error messageThis would be the third custom error message

显然,此时我希望 Line1Line2 示例分为两行,然后最后一个示例将所有自定义错误消息分为三行(而实际上,它缺少第二个/中间的错误消息也是)




@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

(set \n=^
%=empty line=%

echo Line1!\n!Line2

set "multiline_var=First Line!\n!Second Line"

echo !multiline_var!


主要问题是 %-扩展发生得太早,当变量包含这样的内容时,这似乎会干扰对 line-breaks 的识别。

每次解析器扩展包含 line-breaks 的 % 变量时,line-break 后面的所有内容都会被忽略,因此必须转义它们,从而导致多种转义序列。这可以通过以下脚本进行演示:

@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion

rem // Define a line-feed character:
set \n=^

rem // Define an escaped line-feed character:
set NL=^^^%\n%%\n%^%\n%%\n%
::rem // Redefine the escaped new-line character; it does not change, because the parser first expands `%`-variables before it recognises line-breaks in them:
::set NL=^^%NL%%NL%
rem // Define multi-escaped sequences needed when the same expanded value passes through the parser several times:
set NLNL=^^^^^^^^^^^^^^%NL%%NL%^^%NL%%NL%^^^^^^%NL%%NL%^^%NL%%NL%
set NLNLNL=^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^%NL%%NL%^^%NL%%NL%^^^^^^%NL%%NL%^^%NL%%NL%^^^^^^^^^^^^^^%NL%%NL%^^%NL%%NL%^^^^^^%NL%%NL%^^%NL%%NL%
::set NLNLNL=^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^%NLNL%%NLNL%^^^^^^^^%NLNL%%NLNL%
echo  ---- DEFINITION ---- 
set NL
echo  -------------------- 

echo !\n! ***** IMMEDIATE EXPANSION ***** !\n!

rem // The more parser passes the more escaping is needed:
echo  -- VARIABLE CHECK -- 
set errMsg=This would be the first custom error message%NLNLNL%
set errMsg
set errMsg=%errMsg%This would be the second custom error message%NLNL%
set errMsg
set errMsg=%errMsg%This would be the third custom error message%NL%
set errMsg
echo  -- MESSAGE OUTPUT -- 
echo %errMsg%
echo  -------------------- 

echo !\n! ***** `CALL` EXPANSION ***** !\n!

echo  -- VARIABLE CHECK -- 
set errMsg=This would be the first custom error message%%NL%%
set errMsg
set errMsg=%errMsg%This would be the second custom error message%%NL%%
set errMsg
set errMsg=%errMsg%This would be the third custom error message%%NL%%
set errMsg
echo  -- MESSAGE OUTPUT -- 
call echo %errMsg%
echo  -------------------- 

echo !\n! ***** DELAYED EXPANSION ***** !\n!

echo  -- VARIABLE CHECK -- 
set errMsg=This would be the first custom error message!\n!
set errMsg
set errMsg=!errMsg!This would be the second custom error message!\n!
set errMsg
set errMsg=!errMsg!This would be the third custom error message!\n!
set errMsg
echo  -- MESSAGE OUTPUT -- 
echo !errMsg!
echo  -------------------- 

exit /B


 ---- DEFINITION ----















errMsg=This would be the first custom error message^^^^^^^




errMsg=This would be the first custom error message^^^


This would be the second custom error message^^^


errMsg=This would be the first custom error message^

This would be the second custom error message^

This would be the third custom error message

This would be the first custom error message
This would be the second custom error message
This would be the third custom error message

 ***** `CALL` EXPANSION *****

errMsg=This would be the first custom error message%NL%
errMsg=This would be the first custom error message%NL%This would be the second custom error message%NL%
errMsg=This would be the first custom error message%NL%This would be the second custom error message%NL%This would be the third custom error message%NL%
This would be the first custom error message
This would be the second custom error message
This would be the third custom error message



errMsg=This would be the first custom error message

errMsg=This would be the first custom error message
This would be the second custom error message

errMsg=This would be the first custom error message
This would be the second custom error message
This would be the third custom error message

This would be the first custom error message
This would be the second custom error message
This would be the third custom error message


IMMEDIATE EXPANSION部分,当命令行多次通过解析过程时,需要复杂的转义序列来维护line-breaks。

<code>CALL EXPANSION 部分说明了一种更简单的方法,使用 call 命令,它引入了另一个解析阶段,它让文字字符串部分 %NL% 被扩展,它实际上包含在 errMsg 变量而不是 line-breaks 中。请注意,call 很慢,并且有 side-effects,如插入符-(^-)加倍和丢失 &|< > 在某些情况下。

最好的选择当然是使用延迟扩展,如 DELAYED EXPANSION 部分所示,因为这允许变量 errMsg 实际上包含 line-breaks 并安全地扩展它们而不用过早被解析器识别。