
Character Not hitting boundary wall for right wall and bottom wall

我一直想弄清楚如何让角色在撞到 canvas 的右墙和底墙时停止,但没有运气,请看下面的代码:

function place(id,x_pos, y_pos,)
  let element = document.getElementById(id);
  element.style.position = "absolute";
  element.style.left = x_pos + 'px';
  element.style.top = y_pos + 'px';



function update()
  document.addEventListener('keydown', keydown);

function keydown(e)
  let x = e.keyCode;

  let character = document.getElementById("character").getBoundingClientRect();
  let canvasbound = document.getElementById("canvas").getBoundingClientRect();
  let left = parseInt(character.left,10);
  let top = parseInt(character.top,10);

  switch (x) {

    case 37:
        if(!(character.left-15 < canvasbound.left))
            place('character', left-15, top);
    case 39:
        if(!(character.left+15 < canvasbound.left))
          place('character', left+15, top);
    case 38:
        if(!(character.top-15 < canvasbound.top))
            place('character', left, top-15);
    case 40:
          if(!(character.top+15 < canvasbound.down))
                place('character', left, top+15);
  return x

Case 39的意思是让角色一直跑到撞到右边的墙停下来,结果穿墙了:

case 39:
        if(!(character.left+15 < canvasbound.left))
          place('character', left+15, top);

情况 40 相同,除了角色倒下并通过了不应该通过的墙。

case 40:
          if(!(character.top+15 < canvasbound.top))
                place('character', left, top+15);


function place(id,x_pos, y_pos,)
  let element = document.getElementById(id);
  element.style.position = "absolute";
  element.style.left = x_pos + 'px';
  element.style.top = y_pos + 'px';


向右移动时,您正在测试字符是否穿过左边界 (canvasbound.left),您需要更改它以测试右边界 (canvasbound.right)。底部边界相同。

代码有点混淆了哪个键是哪个,而且条件很难阅读。例如 x、y、左、右、加号、减号、<、> 和 !。


function place(id, x_pos, y_pos, ) {
  let element = document.getElementById(id);
  element.style.position = "absolute";
  element.style.left = x_pos + 'px';
  element.style.top = y_pos + 'px';

function init() {
  const bounds = document.getElementById("canvas").getBoundingClientRect();
  place('character', 0, 0);
  document.addEventListener('keydown', keydown);

function keydown(e) {
  let key = e.keyCode;
  const character = document.getElementById("character").getBoundingClientRect();
  let dx = 0, dy = 0;

  // get x and y increments based on the key, don't worry about the bounds
  const rules = {
    37: () => dx -= character.width,  // left
    38: () => dy -= character.height, // up
    39: () => dx += character.width,  // right
    40: () => dy += character.height  // down
  if (key in rules) rules[key]();

  // functions that clamp x,y to bounds
  const bounds = document.getElementById("canvas").getBoundingClientRect();
  const clampX = x => Math.min(Math.max(x, bounds.left), bounds.right - character.width);
  const clampY = y => Math.min(Math.max(y, bounds.top), bounds.bottom - character.height);

  // increment the character position and clamp
  const newX = clampX(character.left + dx)
  const newY = clampY(character.top + dy)
  place('character', newX, newY);

  return key
html, body {
  margin: 0;
<div id="character" style="width:20px; height:20px; background-color:blue"></div>
<canvas id="canvas" style="background-color:yellow;"></canvas>

与 OP 相关的最重要的想法是“钳位”的想法。我们一直使用它来实施端点约束。它总是采用这种形式....

Math.min(upperLimit, Math.max(lowerLimit, someValue))