当 odoo 13 中两个日期相差 15 天时更改树视图中的颜色

Changing the color in tree view when there is a difference of 15 days between two dates in odoo 13

我正在努力改变 odoo 13 中树视图的颜色,以便在两个日期之间相差 15 天时为树视图着色 当一个比另一个大时我有这个

tree decoration-danger=" (date1 > date2)"

但是当两个日期相差 15 天时我需要。


DateTimerelativedelta 在评估上下文中不可用。

您可以查看 _setDecorationClasses 函数文档,了解如何呈现这些属性:

Each line can be decorated according to a few simple rules. The arch
description of the list may have one of the decoration-X attributes with
a domain as value. Then, for each record, we check if the domain matches
the record, and add the text-X CSS class to the element. This method is
concerned with the computation of the list of CSS classes for a given

您只能访问字段的值和一些特殊变量,例如 uidactive_id

您应该保留一个布尔字段 diff_15:如果 difference(date1, date2) > 15 则为 True,否则为 False,然后在您的 XML 中使用此字段以实现正确的 class decoration-danger="diff_15 == True"
