如何在子类型 table 中插入数据并从 T-SQL 中的超类型获取密钥?

how to insert data in subtype table and get key from super type in T-SQL?


create table Userr
    id int primary key identity,
    firstName nvarchar(20),
    lastName nvarchar(20),
    email nvarchar(15) unique not null,
    userName nvarchar(15) unique not null,
    passKey nvarchar(15) not null,
    sex nvarchar(1),
    userType nvarchar(1),
    depID nvarchar(5) ,


create table Student
    stuID int primary key,
    gradYear date ,
    constraint c2 foreign key(stuID) references Userr(id)

create table Instructor
    insID int primary key,
    salary money ,
    constraint c3 foreign key(insID) references Userr(id)


all I want is to add new student and new instructor ,how can I make it in efficient way?

"subtype table"的意思不清楚,但是为了INSERT new student和new instructor你应该使用简单的INSERT查询。

INSERT Userr(firstName,lastName,email, userName, passKey)
    VALUES ('Ronen','Ariely', 'NotForYou','pituach','NoWay')
INSERT Student(stuID, gradYear) VALUES (1, '2001-02-27')

您必须首先在 userr table 中包含引用的用户。这意味着您必须先插入引用的用户(如果它不存在)。