
Identifier not found when calling a function under a function

我正在尝试开发一个同时显示 12 小时和 24 小时时钟的程序。但是每当我编译时,我都会收到一个构建错误,提示 'GetAM_PM': identifier not found。尽管从我的函数参数中使用了相同的变量,但我在第 26 行收到了这个错误。这个问题的根源可能是什么?这是我的代码:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

//converting it into 12 hour format
int TwelveHourFormat(int twelve_hours) {
return (twelve_hours == 0 || twelve_hours == 12) ? 12 : 
twelve_hours % 12;

//printing the 12 hour format
void Display_12_HourFormat(int seconds, int minutes, int 
twelve_hours) {

cout << TwelveHourFormat(twelve_hours) << ":" << minutes << ":" 
<< seconds << " " << GetAM_PM(twelve_hours);

//printing the 24 hour format
void Display_24_HourFormat(int seconds, int minutes, int 
twenty_four_hours) {
cout << twenty_four_hours << ":" << minutes << ":" << seconds;
void AddHour(int hour) {

hour = (hour + 1) % 24;

void AddMinute(int hour, int min) {
if (min == 59) {
min = (min + 1) % 60;

void AddSecond(int min, int sec) {

if (sec == 59) {
    AddMinute(min, sec);
sec = (sec + 1) % 60;

// function return AM/PM respect to hour of time
string GetAM_PM(int twelve_hours) {

return twelve_hours >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM";

// This method prints the menu options
void DisplayMenu() {
cout << "Chada Tech Clocks Menu" << endl;
cout << "[1] Add one hour" << endl;
cout << "[2] Add one minute" << endl;
cout << "[3] Add one second" << endl;
cout << "[4] Exit program" << endl;


 int main()
int seconds, minutes, hours;

//obtains current time in seconds
time_t total_seconds = time(0); 

//getting values of seconds, minutes and hours
struct tm ct;
localtime_s(&ct, &total_seconds);

seconds = ct.tm_sec;
minutes = ct.tm_min;
hours = ct.tm_hour;

    // Variable declared
    int option;
    // DisplayMenu function is called
    cin >> option;
    // If user input is 1, Clock function is called
    if (option == 1) {

        Display_12_HourFormat(seconds, minutes, hours);
        Display_24_HourFormat(seconds, minutes, hours);
    // If the option is 2, the Clock function is called
    else if (option == 2) {

        AddMinute(minutes, seconds);

    // If the option is 3, the Clock function is called
    else if (option == 3) {

        AddSecond(minutes, seconds);
    // If the option is 4, exit message prints and application 
    stops running
    else if (option == 4) {

        cout << "You have exited the application.";
    else {
        cout << "You have entered an invalid input." << endl;
} while (option != 4);

您需要在定义 Display_12_HourFormat 之前声明 GetAM_PM。否则编译器在解析调用 GetAM_PMDisplay_12_HourFormat 函数时将不知道它。


// function return AM/PM respect to hour of time
string GetAM_PM(int twelve_hours) {

return twelve_hours >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM";
