如何创建临时 URL 以使用 PHP 将文件上传到 RackSpace 云文件?

How to create Temporary URL to upload file to RackSpace Cloud Files using PHP?

我有这段代码可以从 rackspace 云文件中获取文件:

$username = getenv('RS_USERNAME');
$apikey = getenv('RS_APIKEY');
$containerName = 'imagenesfc';
$region = 'DFW';
$client = new Rackspace(Rackspace::US_IDENTITY_ENDPOINT, array(
    'username' => $username,
    'apiKey'   => $apikey,
$filename = "myfile.ext";

$service = $client->objectStoreService(null, $region);
$container = $service->getContainer($containerName);

$object = $container->getObject($filename);

$account = $service->getAccount();
$tempUrl = $object->getTemporaryUrl(15, 'GET');

open php cloud documentation says you can change 'GET' to 'PUT' to what I imagine is being able to put a file, instead of getting it, the problem is that the file doesn't exist yet, and apparently the only way to create a file is uploading it first? PHP SDK Container

在 Amazon s3 中,我可以执行以下操作来获得我想要的内容:

$keyname = "myfile.ext";

$arr = array(
    'Bucket' => 'bucket',
    'Key'    => $keyname

$cmd = $s3Client->getCommand('PutObject', $arr);

$request = $s3Client->createPresignedRequest($cmd, '+10 minutes');
$presignedUrl = (string) $request->getUri();

然后我可以按照我喜欢的方式写入 presignedUrl,例如 Java:

url = new URL(jObj.get("presignedUrl").toString().replace("\", ""));
connection=(HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
out = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream());

所以,基本上我想做的是从 RackSpace 上传 URL 并像我使用 Amazon s3 一样写入它。


我需要这样做,因为我的 API 将只提供下载和上传链接,所以没有流量直接通过它。我无法将文件保存到我的 API 服务器,然后将其上传到云端。

是的,您可以模拟文件上传而无需实际将内容上传到 API - 您需要做的就是确定文件名。您需要的代码是:

$object = $container->getObject();

$account = $service->getAccount();

echo $object->getTemporaryUrl(100, 'PUT');

getObject 方法 returns 一个空对象,您所做的只是在该对象上设置远程名称。创建临时 URL 时,它会使用您刚刚设置的名称并提供一个临时 URL 供您使用 - 无论该对象是否存在于远程。然后可以使用临时 URL 创建对象。