
Coq: trying to use dependent induction


Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.

Inductive type : Set :=
| TInt
| TFun: type -> type -> type
| TStar

Reserved Infix "<|" (at level 80).

(* Inductive TPrecision : type -> type -> Prop := *)
Inductive TPrecision : type -> type -> Type :=   (* see below *)
| PRInt : TInt <| TInt
| PRFun : forall t1 t2 t1' t2',
    t1 <| t2 -> t1' <| t2' -> TFun t1 t1' <| TFun t2 t2'
| PRStar : forall t, t <| TStar

  where "x '<|' y" := (TPrecision x y).

我想证明“x <| y”的证明是唯一的:

Lemma TP_unique: forall t1 t2 (P1 P2 : t1 <| t2), P1 = P2.


  dependent induction P1; dependent destruction P2; trivial.
  f_equal; auto.

然而,对于 TPrecision 的“正确”定义,使用 Prop,策略“依赖归纳”不起作用,出现以下错误:

Cannot infer this placeholder of type
"DependentEliminationPackage (t1 <| t2)" (no type class instance found) in
t1, t2 : type
P1 : t1 <| t2

如何提供这个缺失的实例? (或者如何以另一种方式证明引理?)如果我只使用“归纳法”而不是“依赖归纳法”,则该策略不会进行类型检查。 我也尝试用 JMeq 代替常规相等来说明引理,但它也没有用。

问题是,默认情况下,Coq 不会 为命题生成依赖归纳原则。我们可以通过覆盖此默认值来解决此问题:

Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.

Inductive type : Set :=
| TInt
| TFun: type -> type -> type
| TStar

Reserved Infix "<|" (at level 80).

(* Ensure Coq does not generate TPrecision_ind when processing this definition *)
Unset Elimination Schemes.
Inductive TPrecision : type -> type -> Prop :=   (* see below *)
| PRInt : TInt <| TInt
| PRFun : forall t1 t2 t1' t2',
    t1 <| t2 -> t1' <| t2' -> TFun t1 t1' <| TFun t2 t2'
| PRStar : forall t, t <| TStar

  where "x '<|' y" := (TPrecision x y).
(* Re-enable automatic generation *)
Set Elimination Schemes.

(* Compare the following induction principle with the one generated by Coq by
default. *)
Scheme TPrecision_ind := Induction for TPrecision Sort Prop.

Lemma TP_unique: forall t1 t2 (P1 P2 : t1 <| t2), P1 = P2.
  dependent induction P1; dependent destruction P2; trivial.
  f_equal; auto.