
Replace colors in image by closest color in palette using numpy

我有一个颜色列表,我有一个函数 closest_color(pixel, colors),它将给定像素的 RGB 值与我的颜色列表进行比较,并输出最接近的颜色列表。

我需要将此功能应用于整个图像。当我尝试逐个像素地使用它时,(通过使用 2 个嵌套的 for 循环)它很慢。有没有更好的方法用 numpy 实现这个?



 - any palette any time (flexible)


 - slow
 - memory for large number of colors in palette
 - not good for batch processing


 - super fast (50ms per image), independent of palette size
 - low memory, independent of image size or pallete size
 - ideal for batch processing if palette doesnt change
 - simple code 
 - requires creation of color cube (once, up to 3 minutes)
 - color cube can contain only one palette

 - color cube requires 1.5mb of space on disk in form of compressed np matrix

选项 1:

拍摄图像,创建与图像大小相同的调色板对象,计算距离,使用 np.argmin 索引检索新图像

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import requests

# get some image
im = Image.open(requests.get("https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/77/Big_Nature_%28155420955%29.jpeg/800px-Big_Nature_%28155420955%29.jpeg", stream=True).raw)
newsize = (1000, 1000)
im = im.resize(newsize)
# im.show()
im = np.asarray(im)
new_shape = (im.shape[0],im.shape[1],1,3)

# Ignore above
# Now we have image of shape (1000,1000,1,3). 1 is there so its easy to subtract from color container
image = im.reshape(im.shape[0],im.shape[1],1,3)

# test colors
colors = [[0,0,0],[255,255,255],[0,0,255]]

# Create color container 
## It has same dimensions as image (1000,1000,number of colors,3)
colors_container = np.ones(shape=[image.shape[0],image.shape[1],len(colors),3])
for i,color in enumerate(colors):
    colors_container[:,:,i,:] = color

def closest(image,color_container):
    shape = image.shape[:2]
    total_shape = shape[0]*shape[1]

    # calculate distances
    ### shape =  (x,y,number of colors)
    distances = np.sqrt(np.sum((color_container-image)**2,axis=3))

    # get position of the smalles distance
    ## this means we look for color_container position ????-> (x,y,????,3)
    ### before min_index has shape (x,y), now shape = (x*y)
    #### reshaped_container shape = (x*y,number of colors,3)
    min_index = np.argmin(distances,axis=2).reshape(-1)
    # Natural index. Bind pixel position with color_position
    natural_index = np.arange(total_shape)

    # This is due to easy index access
    ## shape is (1000*1000,number of colors, 3)
    reshaped_container = colors_container.reshape(-1,len(colors),3)

    # Pass pixel position with corresponding position of smallest color
    color_view = reshaped_container[natural_index,min_index].reshape(shape[0],shape[1],3)
    return color_view

# NOTE: Dont pass uint8 due to overflow during subtract
result_image = closest(image,colors_container)


选项 2:

根据您的调色板构建 256x256x256x3 大小的颜色立方体。换句话说,为每种现有颜色分配最接近的相应调色板颜色。保存颜色立方体(once/first 次)。加载颜色立方体。拍摄图像并将图像中的每种颜色用作颜色立方体中的索引。

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import requests
import time
# get some image
im = Image.open(requests.get("https://helpx.adobe.com/content/dam/help/en/photoshop/using/convert-color-image-black-white/jcr_content/main-pars/before_and_after/image-before/Landscape-Color.jpg", stream=True).raw)
newsize = (1000, 1000)
im = im.resize(newsize)
im = np.asarray(im)

### Initialization: Do just once
# Step 1: Define palette
palette = np.array([[255,255,255],[125,0,0],[0,0,125],[0,0,0]])

# Step 2: Create/Load precalculated color cube
    # for all colors (256*256*256) assign color from palette
    precalculated = np.load('view.npz')['color_cube']
    precalculated = np.zeros(shape=[256,256,256,3])
    for i in range(256):
        for j in range(256):
            for k in range(256):
                index = np.argmin(np.sqrt(np.sum(((palette)-np.array([i,j,k]))**2,axis=1)))
                precalculated[i,j,k] = palette[index]
    np.savez_compressed('view', color_cube = precalculated)

# Processing part
#### Step 1: Take precalculated color cube for defined palette and 

def get_view(color_cube,image):
    shape = image.shape[0:2]
    indices = image.reshape(-1,3)
    # pass image colors and retrieve corresponding palette color
    new_image = color_cube[indices[:,0],indices[:,1],indices[:,2]]
    return new_image.reshape(shape[0],shape[1],3).astype(np.uint8)

start = time.time()
result = get_view(precalculated,im)
print('Image processing: ',time.time()-start)


这可以使用 FLANN(OpenCV 自带)。代码也不多。在我的旧电脑上查找需要两秒钟。

这种方法的一个优点是它可以处理“大”调色板而不需要大量内存。然而,这并不是 FLANN 独有的。 FLANN 的独特之处可能在于它需要的代码很少 (user-side)。


FLANN 使用索引结构,可以处理任意向量,并且使用 float32 类型。由于 FLANN 中的索引结构,它执行 sub-linearly(可能 O(log(n)) 或其他),即比“线性扫描”(O(n))更好。然而,一旦调色板变得 巨大 ,FLANN 的复杂性和通用性的成本只会通过更好的查找复杂性来分摊。 “线性扫描”,带有特定于此问题的代码,我在另一个答案中使用 numba.


# set up FLANN
# somewhat arbitrary parameters because under-documented
norm = cv.NORM_L2
index_params = dict(algorithm=FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE, trees=5)
search_params = dict(checks=50)
fm = cv.FlannBasedMatcher(index_params, search_params)

# make up a palette and give it to FLANN
levels = (0, 64, 128, 192, 255)
palette = np.uint8([
    for b in levels
    for g in levels
    for r in levels
print("palette size:", len(palette))
fm.add(np.float32([palette])) # extra dimension is "pictures", unused

# find nearest neighbor matches for all pixels
queries = im.reshape((-1, 3)).astype(np.float32)
matches = fm.match(queries)

# get match indices and distances
assert len(palette) <= 256
indices = np.uint8([m.trainIdx for m in matches]).reshape(height, width)
dist = np.float32([m.distance for m in matches]).reshape(height, width)

# indices to palette colors
output = palette[indices]
# imshow(output)

这里有 两个 变体,使用 numba,python 代码的 JIT 编译器。

from numba import njit, prange

first 变体使用了更多的 numpy 基元 (np.argmin),因此使用了“更多”内存。也许一点点内存会产生影响,或者 numba 可能会按原样调用 numpy 例程,而无法优化它们。

def lookup1(palette, im):
    palette = palette.astype(np.int32)
    (rows,cols) = im.shape[:2]
    result = np.zeros((rows, cols), dtype=np.uint8)
    for i in prange(rows):
        for j in range(cols):
            sqdists = ((im[i,j] - palette) ** 2).sum(axis=1)
            index = np.argmin(sqdists)
            result[i,j] = index

    return result

我在 lena.jpg 上每 运行 得到 ~180-190 毫秒和 125 种颜色的调色板。

second 变体使用更多 hand-written 代码来替换大部分 numpy 基元,这使得它更快。

def lookup2(palette, im):
    (rows,cols) = im.shape[:2]
    result = np.zeros((rows, cols), dtype=np.uint8)
    for i in prange(rows): # parallelize over this
        for j in range(cols):
            pb,pg,pr = im[i,j] # take pixel apart
            bestindex = -1
            bestdist = 2**20
            for index in range(len(palette)):
                cb,cg,cr = palette[i] # take palette color apart
                dist = (pb-cb)**2 + (pg-cg)**2 + (pr-cr)**2
                if dist < bestdist:
                    bestdist = dist
                    bestindex = index
            result[i,j] = bestindex
    return result

30 毫秒每 运行!


  • 每个调色板条目:A = 10 ops

    3 次减法,3 次平方,3 次加法,1 次比较

  • 每像素:B = 1375 ops

    len(palette) * (A+1), 一个索引增量

  • 每行:C = 704512 ops

    ncols * (B+1), 一个索引增量

  • 每张图片:D = 360710656 ops

    nrows * (C+1), 一个索引增量

因此,在 30 毫秒内,在我具有超线程的古老四核上,给出 12000 MIPS(我不会说 flop/s,因为没有浮点数)。这意味着每个周期接近一条指令。我确信该代码缺少一些 SIMD 向量化...可以调查 LLVM 对这些循环的看法,但我现在不会为此烦恼。

cython 中的某些代码可能能够解决这个问题,因为在那里您可以进一步限制变量的类型。