从 aws ec2 到 sendgrid 的 telnet 超时

telnet timing out from aws ec2 to sendgrid

我正在尝试配置 listmonk with AWS EC2 and sendgrid. However I'm getting timeout while sending mails. I tried debugging using the documentation,当我尝试 telnet 时,出现超时:

# Command
telnet smtp.sendgrid.net 25


我还需要做什么才能远程登录到 smtp.sendgrid.net?

默认情况下,AWS blocks outbound traffic on port 25,您必须提交申请才能取消限制。

我通常只是使用不同的 SMTP 端口,而不是尝试打开端口 25。 SendGrid's documentation states:

SendGrid accepts unencrypted and TLS connections on ports 25, 587, & 2525. You can also connect via SSL on port 465. Many hosting providers and ISPs block port 25 as a default practice. If your Telent session continually times out or will not connect using port 25, it is likely that your ISP or hosting provider is blocking the port. You can contact your host/ISP to find out which ports are open for outgoing SMTP relay. We recommend using port 587 to avoid any rate limiting that your server host may apply.

我建议只切换到使用端口 587