Ansible 内置 Shell:如何获得 table 输出而不是“\t”分隔符?

Ansible Builtin Shell: how can I get a table output instead of "\t" delimiters?


  - name: bash commands |
      grep -E '\b(500[0-9]|50[1-9][0-9]|5[1-4][0-9]{2}|5500)' \
      /etc/services | sort -k 2
      chdir: /root
      executable: /bin/bash
    async: 2000
    poll: 3
    register: output
  - debug: msg="{{ output.stdout_lines }}"
  - debug: msg="{{ output.stderr_lines }}"

我得到以下示例输出,其中所有内容都与 \t 分隔符连接:

ok: [sea_r] => {
    "msg": [
        "enbd-cstatd\t5051/tcp\t\t\t# ENBD client statd",
        "enbd-sstatd\t5052/tcp\t\t\t# ENBD server statd",
        "sip\t\t5060/tcp\t\t\t# Session Initiation Protocol",
        "pcrd\t\t5151/tcp\t\t\t# PCR-1000 Daemon",
        "xmpp-client\t5222/tcp\tjabber-client\t# Jabber Client Connection",
        "xmpp-server\t5269/tcp\tjabber-server\t# Jabber Server Connection",
        "mdns\t\t5353/udp\t\t\t# Multicast DNS",
        "noclog\t\t5354/tcp\t\t\t# noclogd with TCP (nocol)",
        "noclog\t\t5354/udp\t\t\t# noclogd with UDP (nocol)",
        "hostmon\t\t5355/tcp\t\t\t# hostmon uses TCP (nocol)",
        "hostmon\t\t5355/udp\t\t\t# hostmon uses UDP (nocol)",
        "postgresql\t5432/tcp\tpostgres\t# PostgreSQL Database"

但是 运行 与下面的 bash 脚本相同,

for r in "${IPS[@]}"; do
  ssh -tt root@"$r" "
   grep -E --color=always '\b(500[0-9]|50[1-9][0-9]|5[1-4][0-9]{2}|5500)' \
   /etc/services | sort -k 2
   echo -e "continue to next node"; read


是否可以使用剧本而不是那些 \t 分隔符来获得这样的 table 输出?

要允许 Ansible 显示新行 (\n) 和制表符 (\t) 等值,您可以使用 debug callback.

这可以通过修改 ansible.cfg 来完成,如果你想在整个 Ansible 安装上应用它,例如

stdout_callback = debug

或者,以这种方式调用 ansible-playbook

ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=debug ansible-playbook play.yaml


- debug:
    msg: "some\tfields\tin\ttable\nfoo\tbar\tbaz\tqux"

当 运行 与 debug 回调时,这会产生:

TASK [debug] ***************************************************************
ok: [node1] => {}


some    fields  in      table
foo     bar     baz     qux


- debug:
    msg: "{{ output.stdout_lines | join('\n') }}"

使用 debug 回调会产生:

TASK [debug] ***************************************************************
ok: [node1] => {}


enbd-cstatd     5051/tcp                        # ENBD client statd
enbd-sstatd     5052/tcp                        # ENBD server statd
sip             5060/tcp                        # Session Initiation Protocol
sip             5060/udp
sip-tls         5061/tcp
sip-tls         5061/udp
pcrd            5151/tcp                        # PCR-1000 Daemon
xmpp-client     5222/tcp        jabber-client   # Jabber Client Connection
xmpp-server     5269/tcp        jabber-server   # Jabber Server Connection
cfengine        5308/tcp
mdns            5353/udp                        # Multicast DNS
noclog          5354/tcp                        # noclogd with TCP (nocol)
noclog          5354/udp                        # noclogd with UDP (nocol)
hostmon         5355/tcp                        # hostmon uses TCP (nocol)
hostmon         5355/udp                        # hostmon uses UDP (nocol)
postgresql      5432/tcp        postgres        # PostgreSQL Database