php 返回重复值的数组

php array returning duplicate values


Please be noted we should keep on same code structure multiple foreach it's requirement i already posted this question here but didn't get solution instead of solution entire new code as answer imposed on me and nobody is actually taking care of it

Here is example of my current code and result (click here)


    $data2 = array(
        'category_name' => '33287*100*prescription*1,32457*1250*lab*1'
    $result = array('0' => (object)$data2);

    foreach ($result as $key => $category) {
        $category_name = explode(',', $category->category_name);

    foreach ($category_name as $key) {
        $category->category_name = $key;

    $category->items_count = 0;
    foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
        list($sale_key, $sale_value) = explode('*', $value->category_name);
        // $category->items_count += count($sale_value);



    [0] => stdClass Object
            [category_name] => 33287*100*prescription*1

    [1] => stdClass Object
            [category_name] => 33287*100*prescription*1



下面的代码将底部循环 置于顶部循环的 内部,因为这是上下文真正存在的地方。创建一个临时循环只会增加潜在的混乱。如果这不适用于附加逻辑,则需要进行更多更改。我还更改了一堆变量名,希望能让事情变得更明显。详情请见代码中的注释。

$reporting_data = array(
    'category_name' => '33287*100*prescription*1,32457*1250*lab*1,32459*1500*lab*1,32460*400*lab*1,32461*600*lab*1,32468*950*lab*1,32470*950*lab*1,33291*2500*lab*1,33292*2500*lab*1,47516*2000*lab*1,49209*0*lab*1,56835*2400*lab*1,56836*2400*lab*1',
    'patient' => '28370',
    'date' => 1643030497,
    'ref' => '371',

// Create array of objects
$reporting_data_as_objects[] = (object)$reporting_data;

$results = [];
foreach ($reporting_data_as_objects as &$obj) {

    // Setup base data that is shared across all items
    $obj->reception_data_sum = 0;
    $obj->references_data_sum = 0;
    $obj->actual_price = 0;

    $category_names = explode(',', $obj->category_name);

    // Loop over the comma-delimited parts of category_name
    foreach ($category_names as $category_name) {

        // Clone our template object
        $tmp = clone $obj;

        // The second item of the asterisk-delimted field is the price
        // We used $_ to indicate that we aren't interested in the first item.
        list($_, $sale_value) = explode('*', $category_name);

        // Set object-specific fields on our clone
        $tmp->category_name = $category_name;
        $tmp->actual_price = (int)$sale_value;

        // Add the clone to the array
        $results[] = $tmp;

// Always unset by-ref variables of a foreach

