Iterate through/compare values in arrays and print string based on result, IndexError: out of bounds

Iterate through/compare values in arrays and print string based on result, IndexError: out of bounds

正在尝试根据团队分数创建 win/loss/tie 列表。我的尝试:

#import numpy
import numpy as np

#create array for week numbers
week_number = np.array(['Week 1','Week 2','Week 3','Week 4','Week 5','Week 6'])

#create arrays for scores
my_team_score = np.array([41,17,28,21,10,18])
opposing_team_score = np.array([33,11,30,28,17,30])

#create iteration to check win, tie, or loss and print result
for i in my_team_score:
    if my_team_score[i] > opposing_team_score[i]:
        print(week_number[i] + ': Win')
    elif my_team_score[i] == opposing_team_score[i]:
        print(week_number[i] + ': Tie')
        print(week_number[i] + ': Loss')


IndexError: index 41 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 6

当迭代一个可迭代对象时,你拥有的是一个值本身,而不是一个索引。这里 i 将在每次迭代时取值 41, 17, 28, 21, 10, 18

要获取索引,您将使用 for i in range(len(my_team_score)):

但使用 zip 以获得更好的代码

for a_score, b_score, week in zip(my_team_score, opposing_team_score, week_number):
    if a_score > b_score:
        print(week + ': Win')
    elif a_score == b_score:
        print(week + ': Tie')
        print(week + ': Loss')