查找两个 CGPoint 之间的点

Find points between two CGPoints



let pointsArray = [(10.0, 10.0), (70.0, 10.0), (10.0, 200.0), (70.0, 200.0), (73.0, 10.0), (133.0, 10.0), (73.0, 200.0), (133.0, 200.0), (135.5, 10.0), (195.5, 10.0), (135.5, 200.0), (195.5, 200.0), (198.5, 10.0), (258.5, 10.0), (198.5, 200.0), (258.5, 200.0), (261.5, 10.0), (321.5, 10.0), (261.5, 200.0), (321.5, 200.0), (324.0, 10.0), (384.0, 10.0), (324.0, 200.0), (384.0, 200.0), (387.0, 10.0), (447.0, 10.0), (387.0, 200.0), (447.0, 200.0), (450.0, 10.0), (510.0, 10.0), (450.0, 200.0), (510.0, 200.0), (512.5, 10.0), (572.5, 10.0), (512.5, 200.0), (572.5, 200.0), (575.5, 10.0), (635.5, 10.0), (575.5, 200.0), (635.5, 200.0), (638.5, 10.0), (698.5, 10.0), (638.5, 200.0), (698.5, 200.0), (701.0, 10.0), (761.0, 10.0), (701.0, 200.0), (761.0, 200.0), (764.0, 10.0), (824.0, 10.0), (764.0, 200.0), (824.0, 200.0), (10.0, 390.0), (70.0, 390.0), (73.0, 390.0), (133.0, 390.0), (135.5, 390.0), (195.5, 390.0), (198.5, 390.0), (258.5, 390.0), (261.5, 390.0), (321.5, 390.0), (324.0, 390.0), (384.0, 390.0), (387.0, 390.0), (447.0, 390.0), (450.0, 390.0), (510.0, 390.0), (512.5, 390.0), (572.5, 390.0), (575.5, 390.0), (635.5, 390.0), (638.5, 390.0), (698.5, 390.0), (701.0, 390.0), (761.0, 390.0), (764.0, 390.0), (824.0, 390.0), (10.0, 580.0), (70.0, 580.0), (73.0, 580.0), (133.0, 580.0), (135.5, 580.0), (195.5, 580.0), (198.5, 580.0), (258.5, 580.0)]

let startPoint = CGPoint(x: 80, y: 20)
let endPoint = CGPoint(x: 170, y: 440)



extension CGPoint {
    func distance(to point: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
        return sqrt(pow(x - point.x, 2) + pow(y - point.y, 2))






  • 开始 x 和开始 y 将 <= 结束 x 和结束 y。
  • 起点和终点可以是一条直线
  • 起点和终点可以是同一点
  • 但end不能在start的下方或左侧


  • 开始 x 和开始 y 将 <= 结束 x 和结束 y。
  • 起点和终点可以是一条直线
  • 起点和终点可以是同一点
  • 但end不能在start的下方或左侧

所以为了支持这一点,我添加到您的 CGPoint 扩展中以检查该点是否存在于该区域

extension CGPoint
    func distance(to point: CGPoint) -> CGFloat
        return sqrt(pow(x - point.x, 2) + pow(y - point.y, 2))
    /// Checks if the current point exists in a region. The x and y coordinate of
    /// `regionStart` has  to be less than or equal to `regionEnd` for a
    /// valid check to occur.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - regionStart: The top left of the region
    ///   - regionEnd: The bottom right of the region
    /// - Returns: True if the current point falls within the region
    func doesExistInRegion(regionStart: CGPoint, regionEnd: CGPoint) -> Bool
        // Check if we have an invalid region
        if regionStart.x > regionEnd.x || regionStart.y > regionEnd.y
            return false
        // Check if the current point is outside the region
        if x < regionStart.x ||
            y < regionStart.y ||
            x > regionEnd.x ||
            y > regionEnd.y
            return false
        // The point is within the region
        return true


let pointsArray = [(10.0, 10.0), (70.0, 10.0), (10.0, 200.0), (70.0, 200.0), (73.0, 10.0), (133.0, 10.0), (73.0, 200.0), (133.0, 200.0), (135.5, 10.0), (195.5, 10.0), (135.5, 200.0), (195.5, 200.0), (198.5, 10.0), (258.5, 10.0), (198.5, 200.0), (258.5, 200.0), (261.5, 10.0), (321.5, 10.0), (261.5, 200.0), (321.5, 200.0), (324.0, 10.0), (384.0, 10.0), (324.0, 200.0), (384.0, 200.0), (387.0, 10.0), (447.0, 10.0), (387.0, 200.0), (447.0, 200.0), (450.0, 10.0), (510.0, 10.0), (450.0, 200.0), (510.0, 200.0), (512.5, 10.0), (572.5, 10.0), (512.5, 200.0), (572.5, 200.0), (575.5, 10.0), (635.5, 10.0), (575.5, 200.0), (635.5, 200.0), (638.5, 10.0), (698.5, 10.0), (638.5, 200.0), (698.5, 200.0), (701.0, 10.0), (761.0, 10.0), (701.0, 200.0), (761.0, 200.0), (764.0, 10.0), (824.0, 10.0), (764.0, 200.0), (824.0, 200.0), (10.0, 390.0), (70.0, 390.0), (73.0, 390.0), (133.0, 390.0), (135.5, 390.0), (195.5, 390.0), (198.5, 390.0), (258.5, 390.0), (261.5, 390.0), (321.5, 390.0), (324.0, 390.0), (384.0, 390.0), (387.0, 390.0), (447.0, 390.0), (450.0, 390.0), (510.0, 390.0), (512.5, 390.0), (572.5, 390.0), (575.5, 390.0), (635.5, 390.0), (638.5, 390.0), (698.5, 390.0), (701.0, 390.0), (761.0, 390.0), (764.0, 390.0), (824.0, 390.0), (10.0, 580.0), (70.0, 580.0), (73.0, 580.0), (133.0, 580.0), (135.5, 580.0), (195.5, 580.0), (198.5, 580.0), (258.5, 580.0)]

let startPoint = CGPoint(x: 80, y: 20)
let endPoint = CGPoint(x: 170, y: 440)

let validPoints = extractValidPoints()

private func extractValidPoints() -> [CGPoint]
    var validPoints: [CGPoint] = []
    for point in pointsArray
        let coordinate = CGPoint(x: point.0, y: point.1)
        if coordinate.doesExistInRegion(regionStart: startPoint, regionEnd: endPoint)
    return validPoints


从上面的数组中,我得到了区域内的 4 个有效坐标,它们存储在 validPoints 数组中:

(133.0, 200.0)
(135.5, 200.0)
(133.0, 390.0)
(135.5, 390.0)


struct PointPair: Comparable, Hashable
    private(set) var startPoint = CGPoint.zero
    private(set) var endPoint = CGPoint.zero
    private(set) var distance = CGFloat.zero
    init(withStartPoint start: CGPoint, andEndPoint end: CGPoint)
        startPoint = start
        endPoint = end
        distance = startPoint.distance(to: endPoint)
        // Just for convenience
    func display()
        print("Distance (\(startPoint.x), \(startPoint.y)) and (\(endPoint.x), \(endPoint.y)): \(distance)")
    // Needed to implement this so that we conform to Comparable and
    // can compare 2 points
    static func < (lhs: PointPair, rhs: PointPair) -> Bool
        return lhs.distance < rhs.distance
    // Need to implement this to conform to Hashable so we can insert a PointPair
    // into dictionaries and data strcutures that work with Hashable types
    func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)

现在我可以遍历 validPoints 数组并像这样检查对:

if let nearestPoint = retrieveClosestPairUsingSort(fromPoints: validPoints)
    print("The nearest pair using sort O(n log n) is")

private func retrieveClosestPairUsingSort(fromPoints points: [CGPoint]) -> PointPair?
    var pairs: [PointPair] = []
    // Loop through all the points
    for index in 0 ..< points.count
        for secondIndex in index + 1 ..< points.count
            let pointPair = PointPair(withStartPoint: points[index],
                                      andEndPoint: points[secondIndex])
    return pairs.sorted().first


Distance (133.0, 200.0) and (135.5, 200.0): 2.5
Distance (133.0, 200.0) and (133.0, 390.0): 190.0
Distance (133.0, 200.0) and (135.5, 390.0): 190.01644665659865
Distance (135.5, 200.0) and (133.0, 390.0): 190.01644665659865
Distance (135.5, 200.0) and (135.5, 390.0): 190.0
Distance (133.0, 390.0) and (135.5, 390.0): 2.5
The nearest pair using sort O(n log n) is
Distance (133.0, 200.0) and (135.5, 200.0): 2.5


如果你有大量的过滤点,你可以考虑将坐标放入最小堆中以在 O(log n) - I have an implementation of a heap here

if let nearestPoint = retrieveClosestPairUsingHeap(fromPoints: validPoints)
    print("The nearest pair using heap O(n) is")

private func retrieveClosestPairUsingHeap(fromPoints points: [CGPoint]) -> PointPair?
    // Instantiate a min heap so the root will be the closest pair
    var heap = Heap<PointPair>(withProperty: .min)
    // Loop through all the points
    for index in 0 ..< points.count
        for secondIndex in index + 1 ..< points.count
            let pointPair = PointPair(withStartPoint: points[index],
                                      andEndPoint: points[secondIndex])
    return heap.peek()


Distance (133.0, 200.0) and (135.5, 200.0): 2.5
Distance (133.0, 200.0) and (133.0, 390.0): 190.0
Distance (133.0, 200.0) and (135.5, 390.0): 190.01644665659865
Distance (135.5, 200.0) and (133.0, 390.0): 190.01644665659865
Distance (135.5, 200.0) and (135.5, 390.0): 190.0
Distance (133.0, 390.0) and (135.5, 390.0): 2.5
The nearest pair using heap O(n) is
Distance (133.0, 390.0) and (135.5, 390.0): 2.5

我创建了一个示例,其中所有这些代码作为一个简单的控制台应用程序协同工作以进行测试 - you can grab that from here.
