从不同的文本框中减去 2 个日期并在第三个文本框中自动填充年龄

Subtract 2 dates from different textbox and auto populate age in 3rd textbox

How to populate age automatically after i enter Date of birh

我想从不同的文本框中减去 2 个日期并在第 3 个文本框中自动填充年龄

Textbox7 的日期是今天

Textbox3 有出生日期

在 textbox4 中,我只想在(年)内自动填充 AGE。




为每个有效条目格式使用 If/ElseIf 代码块并适当添加世纪。

Private Sub TextBox3_AfterUpdate()

    Dim s As String, dob As Date
    Dim age As Long, bday As Date
    s = TextBox3.Text 'dob
    TextBox4 = "" ' age
    If Len(s) = 0 Then
         Exit Sub
    End If
    If IsNumeric(s) Then
        If s Like "##" Then
            dob = DateSerial("19" & s, 1, 1)
        ElseIf TextBox3 Like "0##" Then
            dob = DateSerial("2" & s, 1, 1)
        ElseIf TextBox3 Like "####" Then
            dob = DateSerial(s, 1, 1)
            TextBox3 = ""
            Exit Sub
        End If
    ElseIf s Like "*#/*#/*##" And IsDate(s) Then
        dob = DateValue(s)
        TextBox3 = ""
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' calc age if valid dob
    If IsDate(dob) Then
        If dob > Date Then
            MsgBox "Birthday in future ?"
            TextBox3 = Format(dob, "dd/mm/yyyy")
            '  had birthday this year ?
            bday = DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(dob), Day(dob))
            age = Year(Date) - Year(dob)
            If Date < bday Then age = age - 1
            TextBox4 = age
        End If
        TextBox3 = ""
    End If
End Sub