在衬底运行时平衡 AccountStore 定义

Balances AccountStore definition in substrate runtime

在余额托盘中,配置特征有一项定义为 type AccountStore: StoredMap<Self::AccountId, AccountData<Self::Balance>>;。这对我来说有点奇怪,因为我期待一个普通的存储映射来存储从 AccountIdAccountData 的映射,但是在查看 StoredMap 的文档后我意识到这是一个特征也在 StorageMaps 上实现。现在这更有意义了,所以我继续研究运行时如何定义这个字段,令我惊讶的是我在 runtime/src/lib.rs 中找到了它:type AccountStore = System;。现在我以前从未见过这样的运行时定义,因为如果我是正确的,System 应该代表 frame_system 托盘。所以我去查看运行时的 frame_system::Config,我发现这个定义:

type AccountData = pallet_balances::AccountData<Balance>;.

现在我不知道这些定义是如何进入 pallet_balances' 配置实现的,但我可以看到 System 包含两种成分,即:一种 AccountData 和一种AccountId。所以最后我的两个问题是

  1. 为什么会出现如此令人费解的设计?
  2. type AccountStore = System;如何计算出具体类型?
  1. 在系统托盘中存储帐户余额还会维护一些 other frame_system information,对于某些运行时配置来说可能很重要。但是在具有多个 pallet 的运行时中具有 consumersproviderssufficients 并可能与其他运行时交互变得非常重要。
  2. AccountStore 定义了余额的存储位置,因为 this case is frame_system::Pallet<Runtime>. If we follow the lead and check the configuration of frame_system we will see that the type for AccountData 定义为
type AccountData = pallet_balances::AccountData<Balance>

很好,现在我们知道 frame_system 中存储的 AccountData 将是 defined in pallet_balances.


/// Information of an account.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Default, RuntimeDebug, Encode, Decode, TypeInfo)]
pub struct AccountInfo<Index, AccountData> {
    /// The number of transactions this account has sent.
    pub nonce: Index,
    /// The number of other modules that currently depend on this account's existence. The account
    /// cannot be reaped until this is zero.
    pub consumers: RefCount,
    /// The number of other modules that allow this account to exist. The account may not be reaped
    /// until this and `sufficients` are both zero.
    pub providers: RefCount,
    /// The number of modules that allow this account to exist for their own purposes only. The
    /// account may not be reaped until this and `providers` are both zero.
    pub sufficients: RefCount,
    /// The additional data that belongs to this account. Used to store the balance(s) in a lot of
    /// chains.
    pub data: AccountData,

其中 AccountData 符合前面提到的 pallet_balances 中的定义。

请也检查此提交以获取有关如何对其进行调整的更多信息 -> https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/commit/31d90c202d6df9ce3837ee55587b604619a912ba