将文本标签添加到来自不同数据集的折线图时出现 geom_text_repel 错误

Error with geom_text_repel when adding text labels to line graph from a different data set

免责声明:我在另一个 中发现了与此问题类似的问题,但解决方案并不是我所需要的。


>    TGA
# A tibble: 16,662 x 4
   `t [s]` `Ts [°C]` `Value [mg]` Treatment   
     <int> <chr>     <chr>        <chr>       
 1       0 28.686    68.9369      C_Water_Air,
 2       1 28.657    68.9368      C_Water_Air,
 3       2 28.688    68.937       C_Water_Air,
 4       3 28.751    68.9373      C_Water_Air,
 5       4 28.939    68.9377      C_Water_Air,
 6       5 29.123    68.9378      C_Water_Air,
 7       6 29.324    68.9381      C_Water_Air,
 8       7 29.51     68.9386      C_Water_Air,
 9       8 29.721    68.9379      C_Water_Air,
10       9 29.922    68.9341      C_Water_Air,
# ... with 16,652 more rows

然后我将此数据绘制为 geom_path,我从另一个数据集添加一些文本标签,该数据集是根据 TGA 数据集计算的,称为 decar_cotton_air.

> decar_cotton_Air    
Groups:   Treatment [6]
      `t [s]` `Ts [°C]` `Value [mg]` Treatment       round_temp weight_difference reaction     
        <int>     <dbl>        <dbl> <chr>                <dbl>             <dbl> <chr>        
    1    2629      900.         65.7 C_Water_Air,           900             1.16  Decarbonation
    2    2629      900.         45.2 C_TSB_Air,             900             1.57  Decarbonation
    3    2630      900.         83.1 C_Sp1_Air,             900             0.972 Decarbonation
    4    2630      900.         84.8 C_Sh1_Air,             900             0.763 Decarbonation
    5    2629      900.         73.2 C_Positive_Air,        900             1.14  Decarbonation
    6    2630      900.         76.7 C_Open_Air,            900             3.90  Decarbonation

基本上,我正在使用第二个数据集来标记我的图表,其中包含治疗名称和一个值,该值是从 x = 600 到 x = 900 的权重差异。到目前为止没问题。

ggplot(TGA, aes(`Ts [°C]`, `Value [mg]`, group = Treatment)) + 
      geom_path(aes(color = Treatment)) +
      labs(x = "Temperature [°C]", y = "Change in mass [mg]", title = "Thermogravimetric curve (TGA)", subtitle = "of lime mortar carbonated with Cotton") + 
      coord_cartesian(xlim = c(24, 950), ylim = c(45, 90)) +
      theme(legend.position = "none") + 
      geom_vline(xintercept = c(300,600,900), linetype = 3) +
      annotate("text", x = 450, y = 90, label = "dehydroxylation") + 
      annotate("text", x = 750, y = 90, label = "decarbonation") +
      geom_text_repel(aes(colour = Treatment), data= decar_cotton_Air, label = decar_cotton_Air$weight_difference, x = 750) +
      geom_text_repel(aes(colour = Treatment), data= decar_cotton_Air, label = decar_cotton_Air$Treatment, x = 100, nudge_y = 3)

现在的问题是,当我尝试 运行 具有不同数据集的相同代码时,出现以下代码错误:

Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : object 'mean_weight_loss' not found


> TGA_averages
# A tibble: 16,662 x 3
# Groups:   t [s] [2,777]
   `t [s]` Treatment  mean_weight_loss
     <int> <chr>                 <dbl>
 1       0 C_open                100  
 2       0 C_positive            100  
 3       0 C_sh1                 100. 
 4       0 C_sp1                 100  
 5       0 C_tsb                 100  
 6       0 C_water               100  
 7       1 C_open                100  
 8       1 C_positive            100.0
 9       1 C_sh1                 100. 
10       1 C_sp1                 100.0
# ... with 16,652 more rows

在这段代码中,我清理了治疗标签,mean_weight_loss 是对 TGA$Value [mg] 变量百分比的转换。

新情节的代码如下。我更改了 aes 以适应新数据集,其中 x 是时间而不是温度,y 是 mean_weight_loss 变量。

ggplot(TGA_averages, aes(`t [s]`, mean_weight_loss, group = Treatment)) + 
  geom_path(aes(color = Treatment)) +
  labs(x = "Time [s]", y = "Percentage change of mass [%]", title = "Thermogravimetric curve (TGA)", subtitle = "of lime mortars with Cotton") + 
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 3200), ylim = c(93.88025, 100)) +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = c(300,600,900), linetype = 3) +
  annotate("text", x = 1200, y = 100, label = "dehydroxylation") + 
  annotate("text", x = 2100, y = 100, label = "decarbonation") +
  geom_text_repel(aes(colour = Treatment), data= decar_cotton_Air, label = decar_cotton_Air$weight_difference, x = 750) 

我不知道这与我以前的代码有何不同,但我到处搜索,但终究无法解决这个问题。我知道它是 geom_text_repel,因为 运行 没有它也很好。注意:在这张图片中,我使用 geom_dl(aes(label = Treatment, color = Treatment), method = list(dl.combine("last.qp"))) 插入标签,但它并没有给我很好的结果,因为我希望它们在图表中。

问题是 geom_text_repel() 需要 xy 审美。这在第一个有效的示例中不是问题,因为 y 美学被映射到 Value [mg],并且该列同时存在于 TGAdecar_cotton_Air.

在第二个示例中,您使用 TGA_averages 和映射 y = mean_weight_loss 进行绘图。由于在这种情况下 geom_text_repel() 设置为查看 decar_cotton_Air,因此它会期望在 xy 映射中指定一列...在此在这种情况下,它期望指定 x 和 y 列。

解决方案是将 decar_cotton_Air 中的列重命名为 mean_weight_loss,或者在每个 geom 中单独指定 y 映射,而不是在绘图中整体指定。这里有一些伪代码可以给你一个想法:

ggplot(TGA_averages, aes(x = `t [s]`, group = Treatment)) +  # only x and group aes

  # specify y aesthetic here
  geom_path(aes(y = mean_weight_loss, color = Treatment)) +

  labs(x = "Time [s]", y = "Percentage change of mass [%]", title = "Thermogravimetric curve (TGA)", subtitle = "of lime mortars with Cotton") + 
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 3200), ylim = c(93.88025, 100)) +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = c(300,600,900), linetype = 3) +
  annotate("text", x = 1200, y = 100, label = "dehydroxylation") + 
  annotate("text", x = 2100, y = 100, label = "decarbonation") +

  # specify a different y aes here in decar_cotton_Air
    aes(colour = Treatment, y = `Value [mg]`),
    data= decar_cotton_Air,
    label = decar_cotton_Air$weight_difference, x = 750) 

如果您需要标签的位置与基础数据相匹配,我建议您引用 decar_cotton_Air 以外的其他数据框,或者合并两个数据集以确保您拥有共同的列。