Conda:直接从 github 安装会产生 ERROR File "" not found for legacy project

Conda: Installing directly from github yields ERROR File "" not found for legacy project

我是 Anaconda、Python 等的新手。我想直接从 github 安装,直到我找到更好的安装方法。从 github 下载软件包时出现错误。我进行如下操作:

我打开 Anaconda Navigator。在 Navigator 中,我转到 EnvironmentName。在 EnvironmentName 中,我安装 CMD.exe Prompt。我发射。 在 CMD.exe 提示符中:

(EnvironmentName) C:\Users\jmlhe>conda install git pip
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done

## Package Plan ##

  environment location: C:\Users\jmlhe\anaconda3\envs\EnvironmentName

  added / updated specs:
    - git
    - pip

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

  git                pkgs/main/win-64::git-2.34.1-haa95532_0

Proceed ([y]/n)? *y*

Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done

(EnvironmentName) C:\Users\jmlhe>pip install git+[

Collecting git+
  Cloning to c:\users\jmlhe\appdata\local\temp\pip-req-build-kfgodn_t
  Running command git clone -q 'C:\Users\jmlhe\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-req-build-kfgodn_t'
  Resolved to commit f3f195c59ada21b60dcfbe501edec48d13158271
ERROR: File "" not found for legacy project git+

该项目 无法与 pip 一起安装,因为它既不包含用于 PEP 518 构建的 pyproject.toml,也不包含用于遗留构建的

从外观上看,您应该只是从 Git 中获取一个克隆并使用它。