python 贪心着色
python greedy coloring
我制作了一个脚本,我在其中生成了一个图表,然后用四种颜色为它着色。然后使用 networkx 绘制着色图。该程序不应将两种颜色彼此相邻,但是当您 运行 程序时,您可以看到它确实如此。我真的不知道问题出在哪里,我最好的猜测是我将生成的图 d
错误地传递给函数 coloring
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from random import sample, randrange
#function that colors graph with four colors
def coloring(adj, V):
result = [-1] * V
result[0] = 0
available = [False] * V
for u in range(1, V):
for i in adj[u]:
if (result[i] != -1):
available[result[i]] = True
cr = 0
while cr < V:
if (available[cr] == False):
cr += 1
result[u] = cr
for i in adj[u]:
if (result[i] != -1):
available[result[i]] = False
for u in range(V):
print("Vertex", u, " ---> Color", result[u])
global options
options = {
'node_color': result,
'node_size': 4,
'width': .1,
#creating random graph
q = [0,1,2,3,4]
d = {i: sample([j for j in q if i != j], randrange(1, len(q) -1)) for i in q}
coloring([node for node in d.values()], 5)
G = nx.Graph()
#adding graph d to networkx
def passToNx():
for k in d:
for j in d[k]:
G.add_edge(k, j)
#drawing graph
subax1 = plt.subplot(121)
nx.draw(G, **options)
d = {i: sample([j for j in q if i != j], randrange(1, len(q) -1)) for i in q}
{0: [1], 1: [4, 3], 2: [4], 3: [4], 4: [0, 2]}
如您所见,它没有创建适当的邻接矩阵(3 与 1 相连,但 1 不在其邻接矩阵中)。
def coloring(adj, V):
result = [-1] * V
result[0] = 0
available = [False] * V
# add values to adj matrices
for y in range(0, V):
for x in adj[y]:
if y not in adj[x]:
for u in range(1, V):
for i in adj[u]:
if (result[i] != -1):
available[result[i]] = True
cr = 0
while cr < V:
if (available[cr] == False):
cr += 1
result[u] = cr
for i in adj[u]:
if (result[i] != -1):
available[result[i]] = False
for u in range(V):
print("Vertex", u, " ---> Color", result[u])
global options
options = {
'node_color': result,
'node_size': 100,
'width': 0.1,
q = [0,1,2,3,4]
d = {0: [1], 1: [4, 3], 2: [4], 3: [4], 4: [0, 2]}
coloring([node for node in d.values()], 5)
G = nx.Graph()
color = [x for x in options['node_color']]
color_use = [x for x in color]
#adding graph d to networkx
def passToNx():
for k in d:
for j in d[k]:
G.add_edge(k, j)
# add color to nodes
for i, node in enumerate(G):
color_use[node] = color[i]
#drawing graph
subax1 = plt.subplot(121)
nx.draw(G, node_color= color_use, with_labels = True)
我制作了一个脚本,我在其中生成了一个图表,然后用四种颜色为它着色。然后使用 networkx 绘制着色图。该程序不应将两种颜色彼此相邻,但是当您 运行 程序时,您可以看到它确实如此。我真的不知道问题出在哪里,我最好的猜测是我将生成的图 d
错误地传递给函数 coloring
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from random import sample, randrange
#function that colors graph with four colors
def coloring(adj, V):
result = [-1] * V
result[0] = 0
available = [False] * V
for u in range(1, V):
for i in adj[u]:
if (result[i] != -1):
available[result[i]] = True
cr = 0
while cr < V:
if (available[cr] == False):
cr += 1
result[u] = cr
for i in adj[u]:
if (result[i] != -1):
available[result[i]] = False
for u in range(V):
print("Vertex", u, " ---> Color", result[u])
global options
options = {
'node_color': result,
'node_size': 4,
'width': .1,
#creating random graph
q = [0,1,2,3,4]
d = {i: sample([j for j in q if i != j], randrange(1, len(q) -1)) for i in q}
coloring([node for node in d.values()], 5)
G = nx.Graph()
#adding graph d to networkx
def passToNx():
for k in d:
for j in d[k]:
G.add_edge(k, j)
#drawing graph
subax1 = plt.subplot(121)
nx.draw(G, **options)
d = {i: sample([j for j in q if i != j], randrange(1, len(q) -1)) for i in q}
{0: [1], 1: [4, 3], 2: [4], 3: [4], 4: [0, 2]}
如您所见,它没有创建适当的邻接矩阵(3 与 1 相连,但 1 不在其邻接矩阵中)。
def coloring(adj, V):
result = [-1] * V
result[0] = 0
available = [False] * V
# add values to adj matrices
for y in range(0, V):
for x in adj[y]:
if y not in adj[x]:
for u in range(1, V):
for i in adj[u]:
if (result[i] != -1):
available[result[i]] = True
cr = 0
while cr < V:
if (available[cr] == False):
cr += 1
result[u] = cr
for i in adj[u]:
if (result[i] != -1):
available[result[i]] = False
for u in range(V):
print("Vertex", u, " ---> Color", result[u])
global options
options = {
'node_color': result,
'node_size': 100,
'width': 0.1,
q = [0,1,2,3,4]
d = {0: [1], 1: [4, 3], 2: [4], 3: [4], 4: [0, 2]}
coloring([node for node in d.values()], 5)
G = nx.Graph()
color = [x for x in options['node_color']]
color_use = [x for x in color]
#adding graph d to networkx
def passToNx():
for k in d:
for j in d[k]:
G.add_edge(k, j)
# add color to nodes
for i, node in enumerate(G):
color_use[node] = color[i]
#drawing graph
subax1 = plt.subplot(121)
nx.draw(G, node_color= color_use, with_labels = True)