未显示 nuxt ssr 应用程序的服务器端日志

Logs on server side for nuxt ssr app not appear

嘿,我正在尝试将我的缓存转换为使用 Redis。 我创建了从 AWS 获取我的秘密并更新的模块 store.host 和 store.auth_pass.
我正在使用 ECS 运行 我的服务器,在将我的更改提交到服务器之后,对域的每个请求都被卡住,直到出现 504。 我不知道进程的哪一部分被卡住了 我服务器端的所有日志都没有出现在我的云手表中,当我尝试使用 vs 调试服务器时,它们仅在我通过终端 运行 时出现.


  // Create a Secrets Manager client
    const client = new AWS.SecretsManager({
      region: region });

    // In this sample we only handle the specific exceptions for the 'GetSecretValue' API.
    // See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/apireference/API_GetSecretValue.html
    // We rethrow the exception by default.
    try {
      const data = await client.getSecretValue({ SecretId: secretName }).promise();

      if ("SecretString" in data) {
        secret = data.SecretString;
        secret = JSON.parse(secret);
        this.options.cache.store.auth_pass = secret.password;
        this.options.cache.store.host = secret.host;
    } catch (err) {

我的 nuxt 配置模块部分:

  modules: [

  cache: {
    // if you're serving multiple host names (with differing
    // results) from the same server, set this option to true.
    // (cache keys will be prefixed by your host name)
    // if your server is behind a reverse-proxy, please use
    // express or whatever else that uses 'X-Forwarded-Host'
    // header field to provide req.hostname (actual host name)
    useHostPrefix: false,
    pages: ["/"],
    key(route, context) {
      return route;
    store: {
      type: "redis",
      host: "localhost",
      auth_pass: "XXXXX",

      // maximum number of pages to store in memory
      // if limit is reached, least recently used page
      // is removed.
      max: 1000,
      // number of seconds to store this page in cache
      ttl: 15,
      configure: [
        ["maxmemory", "500mb"],
        ["maxmemory-policy", "allkeys-lru"]

AWS Redis 与 SSL 通信,所以我不得不将我的代码更改为这种方式:

 this.options.cache.store.url = `rediss://default:${secret.password}@${secret.host}:6379`;