模型绑定 editable table 表单中的字段 (Razor Pages)

Model Binding editable table fields within a form (Razor Pages)

我的 Asp.Net 6 - Razor Pages 应用程序在表单中有一个 editable table。

我正在尝试将 editable table 字段绑定到模型,但不确定如何操作,因为 td 字段不能与 asp-for 一起使用标记助手。

我希望能够从页面模型的 OnPost() 方法中的 table 检索编辑后的值。

这些是我要从中检索值的两个 editable table 列的 ID:

.cshtml 格式:

<form method="post" asp-antiforgery="true">
   <table id="columnsToImportTable" class="display roundedCorners" width="100%">
            <th class="centreText">Column Name</th>
            <th class="centreText">Import Column</th>
            <th class="centreText">Database Column Name</th>
         @for (var i = 0; i < Model.newLayer.ColumnNames.Count(); i++)
            <td class="greyOutBackground centreText defaultCursor">@Model.newLayer.ColumnNames[i]</td>
            <td id="importColumn" class="greyOutBackground centreText pointerCursor green tick true">&#10004;
               <input type="hidden" asp-for="@Model.newLayer.ImportColumn[i]" value="true">
            <td id="modifiedColumnNames">
               <div contenteditable>@Model.newLayer.ColumnNames[i]</div>
               <input type="hidden" asp-for="@Model.newLayer.ColumnNames[i]">
      <input id="importButton" type="submit" value="Import">

Javascript/Jquery 点击处理程序:

$('#columnsToImportTable td.tick').click(function(e) {
    var $this = $(this);

    if ($this.hasClass('true')) {
        $this.html('<td id="importColumn" class="greyOutBackground centreText pointerCursor red tick false centreElement">&#10006;<input type="hidden" asp-for="@Model.newLayer.ImportColumn[i]" value="false"></td>');
    } else {
        $this.html('<td id="importColumn" class="greyOutBackground centreText pointerCursor green tick true centreElement">&#10004;<input type="hidden" asp-for="@Model.newLayer.ImportColumn[i]" value="true"></td>');



public class NewLayer
        public List<string> ColumnNames { get; set; } = new List<string>();
        public List<string> ColumnDataTypes { get; set; } = new List<string>();
        public List<string> LayerNames { get; set; } = new List<string>();
        public List<string> ImportColumn { get; set; } = new List<string>();
        public string SelectedLayer { get; set; } = null!;
        public string SelectedNameField { get; set; } = null!;


public class IndexModel: PageModel {
  private FileProcessor _FileProcessor = new FileProcessor();
  private AppContext _context;

  [BindProperty(SupportsGet = true)]
  public NewLayer newLayer {get;set;}

  public IndexModel(AppContext context) {
    _context = context;
    newLayer = new NewLayer();

  public void OnGet() {
    var filePath = "[FilePath]";

      var ColumnNamesAndDatatypes = _FileProcessor.GetColumnNamesAndTypes(filePath);

      for (var i = 0; i < ColumnNamesAndDatatypes.Count(); i++) {

      newLayer.LayerNames = _context.Layers.Select(l => l.LayerName).ToList();

  public void OnPost(NewLayer newLayer) {
    var test = this.newLayer;

由于您使用模型绑定方法提交表单并将数据从客户端传输到 back-end,我们应该根据视图模型设置隐藏字段的名称 属性 和索引。

importColumn列,当用户点击单元格时,可以使用clone()方法获取importColumn隐藏字段,然后更改其值属性,最后添加它到新的 td 元素。

对于modifiedColumnNames列,当用户修改值时,需要将contenteditable div内容复制到隐藏字段。您可以使用 div 的 input 事件。


Html 元素:为 modifiedColumnNames 隐藏字段添加 class。

<form method="post" asp-antiforgery="true">
   <table id="columnsToImportTable" class="display roundedCorners" width="100%">
            <th class="centreText">Column Name</th>
            <th class="centreText">Import Column</th>
            <th class="centreText">Database Column Name</th>
         @for (var i = 0; i < Model.newLayer.ColumnNames.Count(); i++)
            <td class="greyOutBackground centreText defaultCursor">@Model.newLayer.ColumnNames[i]</td>
            <td id="importColumn" class="greyOutBackground centreText pointerCursor green tick true">&#10004;
               <input type="hidden" asp-for="@Model.newLayer.ImportColumn[i]" value="true">
            <td id="modifiedColumnNames">
               <div class="editdiv" contenteditable>@Model.newLayer.ColumnNames[i]</div>
               <input type="hidden" asp-for="@Model.newLayer.ColumnNames[i]">
      <input id="importButton" type="submit" value="Import">


        $('#columnsToImportTable td.tick').click(function(e) {
            var $this = $(this);
            // get the ImportColumn hidden field.
            var hiddentag = $(this).find("input[type='hidden']").clone();
            if ($this.hasClass('true')) {
                //change the hidend field' value 
                //get the html 
                var newtag = $(hiddentag)[0].outerHTML;
                $this.html('<td id="importColumn" class="greyOutBackground centreText pointerCursor red tick false centreElement">&#10006;' + newtag + '</td>');
            } else {
                var newtag = $(hiddentag)[0].outerHTML;
                $this.html('<td id="importColumn" class="greyOutBackground centreText pointerCursor green tick true centreElement">&#10004;' + newtag + '</td>');
        $(".editdiv").each(function(index, item){
            $(item).on('propertychange input', function (e) {


public class IndexModel : PageModel
    //private FileProcessor _FileProcessor = new FileProcessor();
    //private AppContext _context;

    [BindProperty(SupportsGet = true)]
    public NewLayer newLayer { get; set; }

    public IndexModel()
        newLayer = new NewLayer();

    public void OnGet()
        for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            newLayer.ColumnNames.Add("Name " + i.ToString());
            newLayer.ColumnDataTypes.Add("DataType " + i.ToString());

        newLayer.LayerNames = new List<string>() { "L1", "L2" };

    public void OnPost(NewLayer newLayer)
        var test = this.newLayer;
