未找到 LabelledGeneric 的无形映射器
shapeless Mapper for LabelledGeneric not found
sealed trait Section
final case class Header(...) extends Section
final case class Customer(...) extends Section
final case class Supplier(...) extends Section
final case class Tech(...) extends Section
我想介绍一些案例 类 由该池中的类型组成,如下所示:
final case class ContractViewPartners(customer: Customer, supplier: Supplier)
final case class ContractView(header: Header, partners: ContractViewPartners, tech: Tech)
由于它们将大量用于通过使用 here 描述的方法转换为 HList
s 实现的特征生成器,我想确保呈现类型的每个字段都是
个 Section
- 记录显示为
个子类型的 HList
object traverseView extends Poly1 {
implicit def caseSection[S <: Section] = at[S](_ => ())
implicit def caseSectionList[L <: HList]
(implicit evt: ToTraversable.Aux[L, List, Section]) = at[L](_ => ())
implicit def caseRecord[R, L <: HList]
(implicit lgen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[R, L],
trav: ToTraversable.Aux[L, List, Section]) = at[R](_ => ())
private def contractViewIsMultiSection(v: ContractView) = {
val gen = LabelledGeneric[ContractView].to(v)
gen map traverseView
could not find implicit value for parameter mapper:
Mapper[traverseView.type,::[Header with KeyTag[Symbol with
Tagged[String("header")],Header],::[ContractViewPartners with
KeyTag[Symbol with
Tagged[String("partners")],ContractViewPartners],::[Tech with
KeyTag[Symbol with Tagged[String("tech")],Tech],HNil]]]]
如果我从 ContractView
中删除 partners
部分,它会起作用,如果我尝试在 ContractViewPartners
上解析 implicits
再次写问题时,我找到了添加 .values
private def contractViewIsMultiSection(v: ContractView) = {
val gen = LabelledGeneric[ContractView].to(v)
.values //!!!
gen map traverseView
会不会是类型 with KeyTag[...]
作为 LabelledGeneric
问题在于 Case
是不变的,因此您拥有 ContractViewPartners
的 Case
实例这一事实并不意味着您拥有 [=13] 的案例实例=] 带有类型级标签(它只是 ContractViewPartners
的子类型)。您可以通过为例如生成实例来非常直接地解决这个问题。 FieldType[K, ContractViewPartners]
(对于某些任意 K
sealed trait Section
final case class Header(s: String) extends Section
final case class Customer(s: String) extends Section
final case class Supplier(s: String) extends Section
final case class Tech(s: String) extends Section
final case class ContractViewPartners(customer: Customer, supplier: Supplier)
final case class ContractView(header: Header, partners: ContractViewPartners, tech: Tech)
import shapeless._, labelled.FieldType, ops.hlist.ToList
object traverseView extends Poly1 {
implicit def caseSection[S <: Section] = at[S](_ => ())
implicit def caseSectionList[K, L <: HList](implicit
lub: ToList[L, Section]
) = at[FieldType[K, L]](_ => ())
implicit def caseRecord[K, C, L <: HList](implicit
gen: Generic.Aux[C, L],
lub: ToList[L, Section]
) = at[FieldType[K, C]](_ => ())
private def contractViewIsMultiSection(v: ContractView) = {
val gen = LabelledGeneric[ContractView].to(v)
gen map traverseView
如果您不关心标签,您也可以在 contractViewIsMultiSection
中使用 Generic[ContractView]
不过,我可能会建议不要对这种事情使用 Poly1
。如果你只是想证明类型是正确的,你可以使用自定义类型 class.
sealed trait Section
final case class Header(...) extends Section
final case class Customer(...) extends Section
final case class Supplier(...) extends Section
final case class Tech(...) extends Section
我想介绍一些案例 类 由该池中的类型组成,如下所示:
final case class ContractViewPartners(customer: Customer, supplier: Supplier)
final case class ContractView(header: Header, partners: ContractViewPartners, tech: Tech)
由于它们将大量用于通过使用 here 描述的方法转换为 HList
s 实现的特征生成器,我想确保呈现类型的每个字段都是
个子类型- 记录显示为
object traverseView extends Poly1 {
implicit def caseSection[S <: Section] = at[S](_ => ())
implicit def caseSectionList[L <: HList]
(implicit evt: ToTraversable.Aux[L, List, Section]) = at[L](_ => ())
implicit def caseRecord[R, L <: HList]
(implicit lgen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[R, L],
trav: ToTraversable.Aux[L, List, Section]) = at[R](_ => ())
private def contractViewIsMultiSection(v: ContractView) = {
val gen = LabelledGeneric[ContractView].to(v)
gen map traverseView
could not find implicit value for parameter mapper: Mapper[traverseView.type,::[Header with KeyTag[Symbol with Tagged[String("header")],Header],::[ContractViewPartners with KeyTag[Symbol with Tagged[String("partners")],ContractViewPartners],::[Tech with KeyTag[Symbol with Tagged[String("tech")],Tech],HNil]]]]
如果我从 ContractView
中删除 partners
部分,它会起作用,如果我尝试在 ContractViewPartners
上解析 implicits
再次写问题时,我找到了添加 .values
private def contractViewIsMultiSection(v: ContractView) = {
val gen = LabelledGeneric[ContractView].to(v)
.values //!!!
gen map traverseView
会不会是类型 with KeyTag[...]
作为 LabelledGeneric
问题在于 Case
是不变的,因此您拥有 ContractViewPartners
的 Case
实例这一事实并不意味着您拥有 [=13] 的案例实例=] 带有类型级标签(它只是 ContractViewPartners
的子类型)。您可以通过为例如生成实例来非常直接地解决这个问题。 FieldType[K, ContractViewPartners]
(对于某些任意 K
sealed trait Section
final case class Header(s: String) extends Section
final case class Customer(s: String) extends Section
final case class Supplier(s: String) extends Section
final case class Tech(s: String) extends Section
final case class ContractViewPartners(customer: Customer, supplier: Supplier)
final case class ContractView(header: Header, partners: ContractViewPartners, tech: Tech)
import shapeless._, labelled.FieldType, ops.hlist.ToList
object traverseView extends Poly1 {
implicit def caseSection[S <: Section] = at[S](_ => ())
implicit def caseSectionList[K, L <: HList](implicit
lub: ToList[L, Section]
) = at[FieldType[K, L]](_ => ())
implicit def caseRecord[K, C, L <: HList](implicit
gen: Generic.Aux[C, L],
lub: ToList[L, Section]
) = at[FieldType[K, C]](_ => ())
private def contractViewIsMultiSection(v: ContractView) = {
val gen = LabelledGeneric[ContractView].to(v)
gen map traverseView
如果您不关心标签,您也可以在 contractViewIsMultiSection
中使用 Generic[ContractView]
不过,我可能会建议不要对这种事情使用 Poly1
。如果你只是想证明类型是正确的,你可以使用自定义类型 class.