如何在 Django 中为外键字段使用 django-filter 包?

How to use django-filter package for foreign key fields in Django?


Django新手,一头雾水,不胜感激!我创建了一个 table, ,感谢 Whosebug 用户,例如:

Organization Total amount of appeals Amount of written form appeals Amount of oral form appeals
Organization 1 3 1 2
Organization 2 2 1 1


class Organization(models.Model):
    organization_name = models.CharField(max_length=50)

class AppealForm(models.Model):
    form_name = models.CharField(max_length=50)

class Appeal(models.Model):
    organization = models.ForeignKey(Organization, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    appeal_form = models.ForeignKey(AppealForm, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    applicant_name = models.CharField(max_length=150)
    appeal_date = models.DateField()


Organization 1
Organization 2

AppealForm 模型的对象:

In written form
In oral form


organization appeal_form applicant_name
Organization 1 In written form First and Last name
Organization 1 In oral form First and Last name
Organization 1 In oral form First and Last name
Organization 2 In written form First and Last name
Organization 2 In oral form First and Last name

views.py 文件的函数中,我创建了一个要呈现的查询,例如:

from django.db.models import Count, Q

organizations = Organization.objects.annotate(
    total_written=Count('appeal', filter=Q(appeal__appeal_form__form_name='in written form')),
    total_oral=Count('appeal', filter=Q('appeal__appeal_form__form_name='in oral form'))

现在我想通过 AppealForm 模型和上诉日期过滤 table 内容(appeal_date 上诉模型 的领域)。案例:用户打开 table 并从 table 上方的搜索栏中选择要查看的日期范围 and/or 的申诉表单。

问题:如何使用 django-filter 包过滤 views.py 上面的查询?


import django-filters as DF

class SomeFilters( DF.FilterSet):

    name = DF.xxxFilter( method='my_method', field_name='object_field', label='whatever',  ...)

    def my_method( self, qs, name, value):
        # in here you create a new more restrictive queryset based on qs
        # to implement your filter, and return it.
        # name is the field name. Note, you don't have to use or follow it
        # value is the value that the user typed

        qs = qs.filter( ...) # or .exclude, or complicated stuff  
        return qs

这是我编写的一个相当简单的方法,用于创建一个带有去除空格的字段值的注释,然后对其执行 text-contains 过滤器。

    def filter_array_desc( self, qs, name, value):
        value = value.replace(' ','')
        qs = qs.annotate(
            arr_d_nospaces = Replace( 'array_desc', Value(' '), Value('')) # delete all spaces
            arr_d_nospaces__icontains = value )
        return qs


    YESNO = (('Y','Yes'), ('N','No'))
    marr_b = FD.ChoiceFilter( field_name='marr', label='M_array is blank',  method='filter_blank_yesno', 
                              choices=YESNO, empty_label="Don't Care" )

    def filter_blank_yesno( self, qs, name, value):
        if value=="Y":
            return qs.filter(**{ name:'' })
        elif value=="N":
            return qs.exclude( **{ name:'' })
        raise ValueError(f'filter_blank_yesno received value="{value}" which is neither "Y" nor "N"')

希望这对您有所帮助。您基本上将通过遵循模型之间的关系进行过滤,使用 double-underscores 在模型之间移动,并可能在注释上进行注释和过滤,或者使用 Q 对象等进行操作。