如何使用 C 在位图图像上创建对角线

How to create a diagonal line on bitmap image with C



// try one
    for (int i = ystart, j = xstart; i < yend && j < xend; i++, j++)
        printf("%d ", distance);
        image[i][j].rgbtRed = 255;
        image[i][j].rgbtGreen = 255;
        image[i][j].rgbtBlue = 255;

// try two
    int distance = sqrt(pow(xend - xstart, 2) + pow(yend - ystart, 2));

    for (int w = 0, i = ystart, j = xstart; w < distance; w++)
        image[i][j].rgbtRed = 255;
        image[i][j].rgbtGreen = 255;
        image[i][j].rgbtBlue = 255;


        if (i > yend - 1 || j > xend - 1)

// I also have a two-dimensional (the image) array and width and height of the image, the image I'm using is 600x400, completely black and I want a diagonal line based on the parameters of the function

使用 middle-school 代数 class 中的直线公式,“y = mx + b”,并计算每个 x 的理想 y。

要从 (1, 7) 到 (6, 10) 画一条线,您可以这样做:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

void draw_pixel (int x, int y) {
  printf("draw pixel at (%d, %d)\n", x, y);

void main () {

  float m = (float) (10 - 7) / (6 - 1);

  float y = 7;
  for (int x = 1; x <= 6; x++) {
    draw_pixel(x, (int) round(y));
    y += m;



draw pixel at (1, 7)
draw pixel at (2, 8)
draw pixel at (3, 8)
draw pixel at (4, 9)
draw pixel at (5, 9)
draw pixel at (6, 10)

您会注意到,在 abs(x2 - x1) < abs(y2 - y1) 时效果不佳,因为它不会绘制一条连续的线。要解决这个问题,您必须使用不同的公式 x = my + b,它以相同的方式完成,但通过交换每个 x 和 y 值,以便 for() 循环遍历每个 y 值并计算x,而不是遍历每个 x 值并计算 y。

使用天真的 line-drawing 算法绘制它,使用 cartesian formula 作为平面中的一条线看起来不太好:

dx = x2 − x1
dy = y2 − y1
for x from x1 to x2 do
    y = y1 + dy*(x − x1)/dx
    matrix[x, y] = BLACK

