如何在模拟器上获取 ios 应用 运行 的加载地址

How to get the load address of an ios app running on simulator

没有加载地址就不可能 运行 atos 在二进制文件上正确。我正在 (lldb) 中调试一个 iOS 应用程序,该应用程序报告了一条诊断消息(线程清理程序报告),其中包含如下地址列表:

  1 ==================
  2 ^[[1m^[[31mWARNING: ThreadSanitizer: data race (pid=90559)
  3 ^[[1m^[[0m^[[1m^[[34m  Write of size 4 at 0x000113050868 by thread T35:
  4 ^[[1m^[[0m    #0 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x100d5963b)
  5     #1 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x100d5b09b)
  6     #2 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x100d59c3b)
  7     #3 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x100d59f1b)
  8     #4 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x10806a8b3)
  9     #5 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x10725557f)
 10     #6 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x106c406e3)
 11     #7 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x1081cfe78)
 12     #8 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x107d076b1)
 13     #9 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x1081d1f1d)
 14     #10 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x1081d2206)
 15     #11 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x107d0735b)
 16     #12 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x107d05dc9)
 17     #13 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x108375009)
 18     #14 __tsan::invoke_and_release_block(void*) <null>:2 (libclang_rt.tsan_iossim_dynamic.dylib:x86_64+0x7428b)
 19     #15 _dispatch_client_callout <null>:2 (libdispatch.dylib:x86_64+0x4c0b)
 21 ^[[1m^[[34m  Previous write of size 4 at 0x000113050868 by thread T6:
 22 ^[[1m^[[0m    #0 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x100d5963b)
 23     #1 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x100d5b09b)
 24     #2 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x100d59c3b)
 25     #3 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x100d59f1b)
 26     #4 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x10806a8b3)
 27     #5 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x10725557f)
 28     #6 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x107255c6f)
 29     #7 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x1072520ca)
 30     #8 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x10727f576)
 31     #9 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x1072c8ded)
 32     #10 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x1072c70e3)
 33     #11 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x1072c90b7)
 34     #12 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x1072b8b4f)
 35     #13 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x1072b907a)
 36     #14 <null> <null>:2 (MyApp):x86_64+0x108375009)
 37     #15 __tsan::invoke_and_release_block(void*) <null>:2 (libclang_rt.tsan_iossim_dynamic.dylib:x86_64+0x7428b)
 38     #16 _dispatch_client_callout <null>:2 (libdispatch.dylib:x86_64+0x4c0b)
 40 ^[[1m^[[32m  Location is global '<null>' at 0x000000000000 (MyApp)+0x00010c9d2868)
 42 ^[[1m^[[0m^[[1m^[[36m  Thread T35 (tid=65692125, running) is a GCD worker thread
 44 ^[[1m^[[0m^[[1m^[[36m  Thread T6 (tid=65688838, running) is a GCD worker thread
 46 ^[[1m^[[0mSUMMARY: ThreadSanitizer: data race (MyApp):x86_64+0x100d5963b)

例如,我可以在 lldb 会话中执行 image lookup -va 0x100d5963b。我认为那太乏味了。有没有办法通过将此报告放入文件中来获取加载地址,以便我可以 运行 atos 在所有地址上?

lldb 有 target module lookup -a 显示模块名称及其加载地址的标志。


Address: MyApp[0x0000000109b99868] (MyApp.__TEXT.__cstring + 75576)
      Summary: "foo"


target module list

请注意它会打印 所有 模块及其加载地址,您可能需要 grep 查找您要查找的模块。