为链表中的链接重载运算符 ++ (c++)

Overloading operator ++ for links in a linked list (c++)

考虑 LinkedList 在 c++ 中的 class Link 的标准实现。 我想知道在这个 class 中重载运算符 ++ 是否是个好主意(我注意到在处理 linked 列表时我重复了行 link = link->next; 很多,所以我我认为如果我重载这个运算符会更容易)。这是我的实现:

#ifndef LINK_H
#define LINK_H
#include <iostream>
#include "typeinfo.h"
#include "LinkedList.h"

template <class T> class LinkedList;                                //|Forward declaration of the generic LinkedList.

template <class T>
class Link
    //|-------------------- Constructors --------------------
        Link(T data): m_data(data), next(NULL){}
    //|-------------------- Methods --------------------
         T getData(){
            return m_data;

         T& getNext(){
            return next;

         void setNext(Link* newLink){
            next = newLink;

         void setData(T data){
            m_data = data;
    //|-------------------- Operator overload --------------------
        bool operator==(Link& other){
            if(this->m_data == other.m_data)
                return true;
            return false;

        void operator++(){                           //Is this okay?
            this = this->next;

    //|-------------------- Friend functions --------------------

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,const Link<T>& link){

        return out;

    //|-------------------- Destructor --------------------
        virtual ~Link(){}


    //|-------------------- Private fields --------------------
        T m_data;
        Link<T>* next;

    friend class LinkedList<T>;

#endif // LINK_H

我想我尝试做的方式并不好(它确实像我预期的那样工作)。我尝试使用 this 因为我希望它在指向某个 link.





link,或者更好的说法是节点,通常作为自己的 class 实现。 this class 嵌入到 LinkedList class 中。并且那个节点class应该是完全封装的,不对外展示

class 的用户将只处理数据值。应该隐藏所有指针内容。

并且为了能够迭代您的 class,这类似于 std::forward_list,您可以添加超简单的迭代器功能。大多数功能都可以使用一个衬里来实现。



通过添加的迭代器功能,您可以使用基于范围的 for 循环和 std:: 算法等。


#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <algorithm>

// Very simple implementation of a forward list
template <class T>
class SinglyLinkedList {

    // The node
    struct Node {
        T data{};     // Data. Would normally be a templated argument
        Node* next{};   // And the pointer to the next node

        Node(const T& i, Node* n = nullptr) : data(i), next(n) {}; // Simple constructor to set a value and next pointer

    Node* head{};       // This is the start of the list
    // It would be advisable to have a tail pointer. We use the more inefficient approach here
    Node* getLast() const { Node* n{ head }; while (n and n->next) n = n->next; return n; }

    // Constructor / Destructor --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ~SinglyLinkedList() { clear(); }

    // Default constuctor
    SinglyLinkedList() {}   // Default

    // From an initialization list
    SinglyLinkedList(const std::initializer_list<T>& il) { clear();  for (const T& i : il) push_back(i); } // From initializer list

    // Copy constructor
    SinglyLinkedList(const SinglyLinkedList& other) { clear(); for (const T &i : other) push_back(i); }

    // Move constructor. Will steal the elements from the other 
    SinglyLinkedList(SinglyLinkedList&& other) noexcept { head = other.head; other.head = nullptr; }

    // Assignment operator
    SinglyLinkedList& operator = (const SinglyLinkedList& other) { clear(); for (const T &i : other) push_back(i); }

    // Move assignment operator 
    SinglyLinkedList& operator = (SinglyLinkedList&& other) { head = other.head; other.head = nullptr; }

    // Housekeeping --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    void clear() { Node* tmp{ head }; while (tmp) { Node* toDelete{ tmp }; tmp = tmp->next; delete toDelete; } head = nullptr; }
    int empty() const { return head == nullptr; }
    int size() const { int k{}; Node* n{ head }; while (n) { ++k; n = n->next; } return k; }

    // Modify content --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    void push_front(const T& i) { Node* n = new Node(i); n->next = head; head = n; };
    void push_back(const T& i) { Node* n = new Node(i); Node* l = getLast(); if (l) l->next = n; else head = n; }
    void pop_front() { if (head) { Node* tmp = head->next; delete head; head = tmp; } }
    void pop_back() { // This is a little bit more difficult in a singly linked list
        if (head) {
            Node* n{ head }, * previous{};
            while (n and n->next) {
                previous = n;
                n = n->next;
            delete n;
            if (previous)
                previous->next = nullptr;
                head->next = nullptr;

    // Access elements --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    T front() const { return head ? head->data : 0; };
    T back() const { Node* n = getLast(); return n ? n->data : 0; }

    // Add iterator properties to class ---------------------------------------------------------------
    struct iterator {                           // Local class for iterator
        Node* iter{};                           // Iterator is basically a pointer to the node

        // Define alias names necessary for the iterator functionality
        using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
        using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
        using value_type = T;
        using pointer = T*;
        using reference = T&;

        // Constructor
        iterator() {}
        iterator(Node* n) : iter(n) {}

        // Dereferencing
        reference operator *() const { return iter->data; }
        pointer operator ->() const { return &iter->data; }

        // Aithmetic operations
        iterator& operator ++() { if (iter) iter = iter->next; return *this; }
        iterator operator ++(int) { iterator temp{ *this }; ++* this; return temp; }
        iterator operator +(const difference_type& n) const { iterator temp{ *this };  difference_type k{ n }; while (k--)++temp; return temp; }
        iterator& operator +=(const difference_type& n) { difference_type k{ n }; while (k--)++* this; return *this; };

        // Comparison
        bool operator != (const iterator& other) const { return iter != other.iter; }
        bool operator == (const iterator& other) const { return iter == other.iter; }
        bool operator < (const iterator& other) const { return iter < other.iter; }
        bool operator > (const iterator& other) const { return iter > other.iter; }
        bool operator <= (const iterator& other) const { return iter <= other.iter; }
        bool operator >= (const iterator& other) const { return iter >= other.iter; }

        // Difference. Also complicated, because no random access
        difference_type operator-(const iterator& other) const {
            difference_type result{};
            Node* n{ iter };
            while (n and n != other.iter) {
                n = n->next;
            return result;

    // Begin and end function to initialize an iterator
    iterator begin() const { return iterator(head); }
    iterator end() const { return iterator(); }

    // Functions typcical for forward lists ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Easy, becuase we can operate form the current iterator and do not need the "previous" element
    iterator insertAfter(iterator& pos, const T& i) {
        iterator result{};
        if (pos.iter and pos.iter->next) {
            Node* n = new Node(i, pos.iter->next);
            pos.iter->next = n;
            result = n;
        return result;
    iterator eraseAfter(iterator& pos) {
        iterator result{};
        if (pos.iter and pos.iter->next) {
            Node* tmp = pos.iter->next->next;
            delete pos.iter->next;
            pos.iter->next = tmp;
            result = pos.iter->next;
        return result;
// Test/Driver Code
int main() {

    // Example for initilizer list
    SinglyLinkedList<int> sllbase{ 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 };
    // Show move constructor
    SinglyLinkedList<int> sll(std::move(sllbase));

    // Add some values in the front

    // Delete 1st element (Number 1)
    // Delete last element

    // Use a std::algorithm on our custom linked list. Works because we have an interator
    SinglyLinkedList<int>::iterator iter = std::find(sll.begin(), sll.end(), 8);

    // Now add an element after 8
    iter = sll.insertAfter(iter, 88);
    // End delete the 9
    iter = sll.eraseAfter(iter);

    // Use range based for loop. Works because, we have iterators
    for (int i : sll)
        std::cout << i << ' ';