
What's the best way of dealing with optional and dynamic function parameters?

这是我生成和 returns 数组的函数(请参阅下面代码中的注释):

const getStylesArray = (noteBlockSettings, blockId, key, value) => {

    // ---------------------------------------------------
    // noteBlockSettings parameter will be passed to this function no matter what. 
    // So it is definetely not undefined.

    // NoteBlockSettings has bgOpacity, bgColor, primaryColor, secondaryColor, textColor keys and values.

    // key and value parameters of this function are optional, so they may be undefined or not.

    // ***** What i am trying to achieve is : *****
    // If key parameter is passed (can be bgOpacity, bgColor, primaryColor, secondaryColor, textColor)
    // use this passed parameter rather than the value in noteBlockSettings object. 
    // If key parameter is undefined, use the value in noteBlockSettings object.
    // ---------------------------------------------------

    let { bgColor, primaryColor, secondaryColor, bgOpacity, textColor } = noteBlockSettings

    if (key === 'bgColor') {
         bgColor = value

    if (key === 'primaryColor') {
         primaryColor = value

    if (key === 'secondaryColor') {
         secondaryColor = value

    if (key === 'bgOpacity') {
         bgOpacity = value

    if (key === 'textColor') {
         textColor = value

    const stylesArray = [
         // Here i am using the variables defined above to dynamically generate the array
         // Like bgOpacity, bgColor, primaryColor, secondaryColor, textColor etc..
              styleClass: '.head',
              styleValue: `background:${addAlpha(colord(bgColor).lighten(0.075).toHex(), bgOpacity)}; border-color:${addAlpha(colord(bgColor).darken(0.06).toHex(), bgOpacity)};`,
              styleTriggers: 'bgColor bgOpacity',

              styleClass: '.head .options .btn-icon',
              styleValue: `color:${addAlpha(colord(textColor), 0.4)};`,
              styleTriggers: 'textColor',

              styleClass: '.head .options .btn-icon:hover',
              styleValue: `color:${primaryColor};`,
              styleTriggers: 'primaryColor',

    // Finally returning the generated array 
    return stylesArray



您只需获取 noteBlockSettings 的副本,然后提取其中的每个值。

  1. 通过
  2. 复制值
let copy = {...original};
  1. 修改任意键:
copy[key] = value;
  1. 像以前一样提取值
let {a, b, c, d, e, ...} = copy 

const mutateStyles = (noteBlockSettings, blockId, key, value) => {

    // ---------------------------------------------------
    // noteBlockSettings parameter will be passed to this function no matter what. 
    // So it is definetely not undefined.

    // NoteBlockSettings has bgOpacity, bgColor, primaryColor, secondaryColor, textColor keys and values.

    // key and value parameters of this function are optional, so they may be undefined or not.

    // ***** What i am trying to achieve is : *****
    // If key parameter is passed (can be bgOpacity, bgColor, primaryColor, secondaryColor, textColor)
    // use this passed parameter rather than the value in noteBlockSettings object. 
    // If key parameter is undefined, use the value in noteBlockSettings object.
    // ---------------------------------------------------

    let noteBlockSettingsCopy = {...noteBlockSettings}

    noteBlockSettingsCopy[key] = value;
    let { bgColor, primaryColor, secondaryColor, bgOpacity, textColor } = noteBlockSettingsCopy

    return noteBlockSettingsCopy;

let data = { bgColor: "#fff", primaryColor: '#0ff', secondaryColor: "#ff0", bgOpacity: "0.1", textColor: "#000" };

console.log(mutateStyles(data, 1, "bgColor", "#f0f"));


// If `key` is passed and a valid key in the object, copy the object and overwrite
// the property. 
const finalSettings = key in noteBlockSettings ? 
   {...noteBlockSettings, [key]: value} :

const { bgColor, primaryColor, secondaryColor, bgOpacity, textColor } = finalSettings;
// ...

{...noteBlockSettings, [key]: value} 基本上复制了noteBlockSettings 并将名字在key 中的属性 设置为value.

话虽如此,我想知道为什么调用站点根本不传递完整的设置对象。这将使 API 更清晰。