[Environment]::Is64BitProcess 和 [Environment]::Is32BitProcess 什么都不返回

[Environment]::Is64BitProcess and [Environment]::Is32BitProcess is returning nothing

我试图使用 PowerShell 检测计算机的体系结构 - 32 位或 64 位。

我曾经使用这个条件,对于 64 位:

if ([Environment]::Is64BitProcess -ne [Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem){}

我曾经使用这个条件,对于 32 位:

if ([Environment]::Is32BitProcess -ne [Environment]::Is32BitOperatingSystem){}

但最近它不能在 PC 上运行,所以我尝试调试它,但它一次就失败了。所以我打开 PowerShell 并尝试获取这些命令的 returns。事实证明它没有 return 任何 Environment 范围变量。


您可以使用一个使用 [Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem 的小辅助函数,但如果不可用,则恢复为 WMI:

function Get-Architecture {
    # What bitness does Windows use
    switch ([Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) {   # needs .NET 4
        $true  { 64; break }
        $false { 32; break }
        default {
            (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem).OSArchitecture -replace '\D'
            # Or do any of these:
            # (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).SystemType -replace '\D' -replace '86', '32'
            # (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Processor).AddressWidth   # this is slow...

Get-Architecture  # returns either `64` or `32` 

要同时拥有 return PowerShell 进程的位数,您可以将其扩展为

function Get-Architecture {
    # What bitness does Windows use
    $windowsBitness = switch ([Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) {   # needs .NET 4
        $true  { 64; break }
        $false { 32; break }
        default {
            (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem).OSArchitecture -replace '\D'
            # Or do any of these:
            # (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).SystemType -replace '\D' -replace '86', '32'
            # (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Processor).AddressWidth   # slow...

    # What bitness does this PowerShell process use
    $processBitness = [IntPtr]::Size * 8
    # Or do any of these:
    # $processBitness = $env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -replace '\D' -replace '86|ARM', '32'
    # $processBitness = if ([Environment]::Is64BitProcess) { 64 } else { 32 }

    # return the info as object
    New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
        'ProcessArchitecture' = "{0} bit" -f $processBitness
        'WindowsArchitecture' = "{0} bit" -f $windowsBitness