如何恢复已删除的 Sharepoint 页面?

How can I restore a deleted Sharepoint page?

同事误删了一个Sharepoint 2013的页面,我在回收站里能找到,但是恢复的时候遇到错误:

A file named "P10.aspx" already exists in "PORG/OAN/Pages". To restore the file, rename the existing file and retry.

事实是,当我进入“PORG/OAN”,站点内容,页面时,我找不到任何“P10.apsx”。我还尝试在整个 Sharepoint 上搜索现有的“P10.aspx”文件,但没有找到任何内容。



In the Pages library settings, click on "Manage files which have no checked in version" and check if the offending page is shown there. – Monte_fisto