API 异常过滤器 returns ASP.NET MVC 中异常的 200 响应代码

API exception filter returns 200 response code on exception in ASP.NET MVC

我为 API 编写了一个异常过滤器来处理 API:

using System;
using System.Net;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters;

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method)]
public class ApiExceptionFilter : ExceptionFilterAttribute {

    public override void OnException(ExceptionContext context) {

        // First, generate the status code based on the exception type
        HttpStatusCode status = context.Exception switch {
            UnauthorizedAccessException => HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized,
            ArgumentException => HttpStatusCode.BadRequest,
            MissingHeaderException => HttpStatusCode.BadRequest,
            NotFoundException => HttpStatusCode.NotFound,
            _ => HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,

        // Next, inject the status code and exception message into
        // a new error response and set the result with it
        context.Result = new JsonResult(new ErrorResponse {
            StatusCode = status,
            Message = context.Exception.Message

        // Finally, call the base function

此函数按预期拦截异常,但我遇到的问题是它总是 returns OK 响应。如何确保响应包含异常消息并且响应代码是非 200 值?

而不是 returning JsonResult - 它不会公开要设置的状态代码 属性 - return 一个 ExceptionResult 并设置状态代码如下:

context.Result = new ExceptionResult(context.Exception, true)
{ StatusCode = status };

如果您仍想使用 ErrorResponse 对象,只需使用一个对象结果:

context.Result = new ObjectResult(new ErrorResponse {
    StatusCode = status,
    Message = context.Exception.Message
    // set status code on result
    { StatusCode = status };