如何使用 COALESCE 在 WHERE IN 中模拟 "IF/ELSE" 多个值?

How can I use COALESCE to simulate "IF/ELSE" inside WHERE IN for multiple values?

如何使用 COALESCE 或其他工具实现此目的?

,但这种方法不同,因为我没有加入 table。

大小写不起作用,因为它不能 return 多个值。

select * 
from data
where fieldId in (

    --- IF there are IDs here, use this ---

    select fieldId 
    from relationNameFromField
    where relationSettingId in (

        select rs.id 
        from relationSetting rs
            left join entity e on e.id = rs.entityId
        where e.uid = 'R0izCPXH46'


    --- ELSE use this when the above returns nothing ---

    select id from field



cte as(select fieldId 
    from relationNameFromField
    where relationSettingId in (

        select rs.id 
        from relationSetting rs
            left join entity e on e.id = rs.entityId
        where e.uid = 'R0izCPXH46'
cte1 as 
(select id from field where (select count(*) from cte) = 0),
cte2 as
(select fieldid from cte
union all
select id from cte1)
select * 
from data
join cte2 on fieldId = cte2.id;