按 sql 提取主题标签

Extracting hashtags by sql

我有这个问题 - 目前我正在 C# 应用程序中提取主题标签,但现在我想将它移动到 SQL 服务器。

在 C# 中,我有使用正则表达式的代码:

var regex = new Regex(@"#\w+");
var matches = regex.Matches(item.Contents).ToList();


--I have table #Keywords like this:
    Word nvarchar(400),
    Id int

INSERT INTO #Keywords VALUES ('This is #text1 with #hashtag1', 1);
INSERT INTO #Keywords VALUES ('This is #text2 with #hashtag2', 2);
INSERT INTO #Keywords VALUES ('This is #text3 with #hashtag3', 3);

SELECT * FROM #Keywords

-- In result I want table like this:
CREATE TABLE #HashtagsResult 
    Word nvarchar(400),
    Id int

INSERT INTO #HashtagsResult VALUES ('#text1', 1);
INSERT INTO #HashtagsResult VALUES ('#hashtag1', 1);
INSERT INTO #HashtagsResult VALUES ('#text2', 2);
INSERT INTO #HashtagsResult VALUES ('#hashtag2', 2);
INSERT INTO #HashtagsResult VALUES ('#text3', 3);
INSERT INTO #HashtagsResult VALUES ('#hashtag3', 3);

SELECT * FROM #HashtagsResult

使用 string_split

SELECT id, s.value 
FROM #Keywords
cross apply string_split(Word, ' ') s
where s.value like '#%'