SendGrid 电子邮件替换不适用于 Gmail 电子邮件

SendGrid email substitutions does not work for Gmail emails

我正在使用 SendGrid API 发送电子邮件,并且我正在使用动态电子邮件模板。


电子邮件同时发送到 Gmail 和使用我的域创建的电子邮件,例如。

我正在使用电子邮件替换来替换模板中的 {{substitutables}}。这些替换似乎适用于来自我域的电子邮件,但不适用于 Gmail 电子邮件。

Gmail 电子邮件如下所示。我正在为我的 Gmail 电子邮件使用网络浏览器。

这是我的域电子邮件的样子。我使用 MS Outlook 作为域电子邮件的邮件客户端。


public function sendEmail(
    string $templateId,
    array $recipiants,
    array $substitutions = [],
    array $ccs = [],
    array $bccs = [],
    array $replyTo = [],
    array $attachments = []

    $emailParams = $this->params->get('email');

    $apiKey = $emailParams['sendgrid']['api_key'];

    $sendgrid = new \SendGrid($apiKey);

    $email = new Mail();

    if (!$recipiants || !is_array($recipiants) || count($recipiants) == 0){
        throw new NotFoundHttpException("Email Recipients Not Found!");

    $email->setFrom(new From($emailParams['from']['email'], $emailParams['from']['name']));

    // adding recients to the emial
    foreach ($recipiants as $recipiant){
        $personalization = new Personalization();
        $toEmail = new To($recipiant['email'], $recipiant['name']);

    // adding CCs to email
    if (count($ccs) > 0) {
        foreach ($ccs as $cc) {
            $ccEmail = new Cc($cc['email'], $cc['name']);

    // adding BCCs to email
    if (count($ccs) > 0) {
        foreach ($bccs as $bcc) {
            $bccEmail = new Bcc($bcc['email'], $bcc['name']);

    // adding template substitutions
    if (count($substitutions) > 0) {

    // sending email
    /** @var Response $response */
    $response = $sendgrid->send($email);

    if ($response->statusCode() != 202){
        throw new AccessDeniedHttpException("Failed to Send Email!");


终于弄清楚我的代码出了什么问题。显然,即使您使用 $email = new Mail(); 创建一个电子邮件对象,您也可以有多个收件人。

当您使用个性化设置时,它会向每个收件人发送单独的电子邮件。因此,您必须分别为每个个性化设置 DynamicTemplateData、CC 和 BCC。除非它只替代 $recipiants 数组中的第一个收件人。


public function sendEmail(
    string $templateId,
    array $recipiants,
    array $substitutions = [],
    array $replyTo = [],
    array $attachments = []

    $emailParams = $this->params->get('email');

    $apiKey = $emailParams['sendgrid']['api_key'];

    $sendgrid = new \SendGrid($apiKey);

    $email = new Mail();

    if (!$recipiants || !is_array($recipiants) || count($recipiants) == 0){
        throw new NotFoundHttpException("Email Recipients Not Found!");

    $email->setFrom(new From($emailParams['from']['email'], $emailParams['from']['name']));

    // adding recients to the emial
    foreach ($recipiants as $recipiant){

        $personalization = new Personalization();

        $toEmail = new To($recipiant['email'], $recipiant['name']);


        // adding substitutions to individual personalization
        foreach ($substitutions as $key => $value) {
            $personalization->addDynamicTemplateData($key, $value);

        // adding CCs to email
        if (array_key_exists('cc', $recipiant)) {

            foreach ($recipiant['cc'] as $cc) {

                $ccEmail = new Cc($cc['email'], $cc['name']);


        // adding BCCs to email
        if (array_key_exists('bcc', $recipiant)) {

            foreach ($recipiant['bcc'] as $bcc) {

                $bccEmail = new Bcc($bcc['email'], $bcc['name']);


        // bcc every email to Zone101
        $bccEmail = new Bcc($emailParams['bcc']['email'], $emailParams['bcc']['name']);


    // sending email
    /** @var Response $response */
    $response = $sendgrid->send($email);

    if ($response->statusCode() != 202){
        throw new AccessDeniedHttpException("Failed to Send Email!");