如何检查 Google 云中的 CloudShell 永久磁盘?

How to inspect CloudShell persistent disk in Google Cloud?


Cloud Shell provisions 5 GB of free persistent disk storage mounted as your $HOME directory on the virtual machine instance. This storage is on a per-user basis and is available across projects. Unlike the instance itself, this storage does not time out on inactivity. All files you store in your home directory, including installed software, scripts and user configuration files like .bashrc and .vimrc, persist between sessions. Your $HOME directory is private to you and can't be accessed by other users.

但是我无法在 GUI 中找到这个永久磁盘并检查它的大小和内容。它位于 GCP 控制台的什么位置?我可以检查和更改它的规格吗?例如指定固态硬盘?

per-user 存储由 Google 管理,您不能直接访问它 - 只有连接到云 Shell 容器时才能访问。