
Get Timestamp of date In a different timezone


例如 - 现在时间戳 (new Date().valueOf()) 是:


在我的时区是 (new Date(1643530435160)):

Sun Jan 30 2022 10:13:55 GMT+0200 (Israel Standard Time)

我需要这个日期 (10:13:55) 但作为时间戳但在时间戳中 - 这意味着我正在寻找这个时间戳:



 export const getTimeStampOfDateInEnvTimeZone = (timeStamp:number, timezoneForTesting:string = null):number => {
    const envTimeZoneOffset = moment.tz.names()
        .filter((name: string) => name === (timezoneForTesting || EnvSelector.TIME_ZONE))
        .map((zone:string) => moment.tz(zone).format('Z'))[0];

    return new Date(`${new Date(timeStamp)} GMT${envTimeZoneOffset}`).valueOf();

它看起来像工作 - 但是:

  1. 我不太乐意使用 momentmoment-timezone,因为它们应该很快就会被弃用。
  2. 看起来这段代码在本地完美运行——我从浏览器、邮递员和单元测试中尝试过——但在产品中——我们在这段代码上遇到了一些问题,我们每次都没有得到预期的结果。

所以我想我们可能因为 AWS 远程服务器上的不同时区或类似的原因而遇到此代码问题?

寻找更好的解决方案 - 谢谢!

我相信有一种更简单的方法可以做到这一点, 但我发现的唯一方法, 没有时刻和moment-timezone,是:


const getTimeZoneOffset = (date, timeZone) => {

   // Abuse the Intl API to get a local ISO 8601 string for a given time zone.
   const options = {
       timeZone, calendar: 'iso8601', year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit', hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit', second: '2-digit', hour12: false,
  // @ts-ignore
  const dateTimeFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, options);
  const parts = dateTimeFormat.formatToParts(date);
  const map = new Map(parts.map((x) => [x.type, x.value]));
  const year = map.get('year');
  const month = map.get('month');
  const day = map.get('day');
  const hour = map.get('hour');
  const minute = map.get('minute');
  const second = map.get('second');
  const ms = date.getMilliseconds().toString().padStart(3, '0');
  const iso = `${year}-${month}-${day}T${hour}:${minute}:${second}.${ms}`;

  // Lie to the Date object constructor that it's a UTC time.
  const lie = new Date(`${iso}Z`);

  // Return the difference in timestamps, as minutes
  // Positive values are West of GMT, opposite of ISO 8601
  // this matches the output of `Date.getTimeZoneOffset`
  // @ts-ignore
  return -(lie - date) / 60 / 1000;


export const getTimeStampOfDateInEnvTimeZone = (timeStamp:number, userTimezone: string, timezoneForTesting:string = null) => {

   const envTimeZoneOffsetInMinutes = getTimeZoneOffset(new Date(timeStamp), timezoneForTesting || EnvSelector.TIME_ZONE);
   const userTimeZoneOffsetInMInutes = getTimeZoneOffset(new Date(timeStamp), userTimezone);
   const difference = userTimeZoneOffsetInMInutes - envTimeZoneOffsetInMinutes;
   const diffInMilliseconds = difference * 60000;
   return timeStamp - diffInMilliseconds;



describe('test getTimeStampOfDateInEnvTimeZone method', () => {
it('should verify that is we get the correct ts when user is in "Asia/Jerusalem" tz of and env is in "America/New_York" time zone', () => {
    expect(getTimeStampOfDateInEnvTimeZone(1643530435160, 'Asia/Jerusalem', 'America/New_York')).toBe(1643555635160);

it('should verify that is we get the correct ts when user is in "Asia/Jerusalem" tz of and env is in "America/Santa_Isabel" time zone', () => {
    expect(getTimeStampOfDateInEnvTimeZone(1643303881092, 'Asia/Jerusalem', 'America/Santa_Isabel')).toBe(1643339881092);

it('should verify that is we get the correct ts when user is in "America/New_York" tz of and env is in "Asia/Jerusalem" time zone', () => {
    expect(getTimeStampOfDateInEnvTimeZone(1643555635160, 'America/New_York', 'Asia/Jerusalem')).toBe(1643530435160);

it('should verify that is we get the correct ts when user is in "America/Santa_Isabel" tz of and env is in "Asia/Jerusalem" time zone', () => {
    expect(getTimeStampOfDateInEnvTimeZone(1643339881092, 'America/Santa_Isabel', 'Asia/Jerusalem')).toBe(1643303881092);

it('should verify that is we get the correct ts when user is in "America/Santa_Isabel" tz of and env is in "America/Santa_Isabel" time zone', () => {
    expect(getTimeStampOfDateInEnvTimeZone(1643339881092, 'America/Santa_Isabel', 'America/Santa_Isabel')).toBe(1643339881092);

it('should verify that is we get the correct ts when user is in "Africa/Douala" tz of and env is in "Pacific/Tahiti" time zone', () => {
    expect(getTimeStampOfDateInEnvTimeZone(1643808653000, 'Africa/Douala', 'Pacific/Tahiti')).toBe(1643848253000);

it('should verify that is we get the correct ts when user is in "Pacific/Tahiti" tz of and env is in "Africa/Douala" time zone', () => {
    expect(getTimeStampOfDateInEnvTimeZone(1643555635000, 'Pacific/Tahiti', 'Africa/Douala')).toBe(1643516035000);