如何在 R 中动态地对时间范围内的重叠值求和?

How to sum overlapping values in a time range dynamically in R?

我有一个数据集,其中包含项目名称、开始日期、结束日期以及分配给每个项目的价值点,描述了它的强度。我想动态地可视化这些数据(f.ex.with plotly)并显示在给定时间范围内重叠的值点的总和。这是一些示例数据:

Project Title Start date End date Points
Project A 20/04/2019 14/07/2023 10
Project B 18/06/2020 15/05/2022 5
Project C 01/12/2021 19/04/2023 3
Project D 09/07/2023 17/08/2024 2


在上面的例子中,项目A、B、C重叠,共20分,后来项目A和D重叠了一小段时间,共计12分几天。 我已将数据框融化为长格式以制作甘特图,例如:

df_tidy <- dataset2 %>% 
           id.vars = "Project Title", "Points"),  
           measure.vars = c("start_date", "finish_date"), 
        variable.name = "variable") 

我现在需要找到一种方法来对时间重叠的点求和,并以某种方式将其绘制在甘特图中。目标是能够在任何给定时间查看项目计划的总点数。我的主要想法是在任何给定时间悬停时让它以 plotly 显示,但我找不到办法做到这一点。有人对如何做有意见吗?谢谢!!

这不是情节,但你明白了。特别是,我创建了一个新的数据框,其中包含对点数发生变化的每个时间点的观察。然后可以用 geom_step().

# Data
d <- structure(list(name = c("Project A", "Project B", "Project C", 
"Project D"), start = structure(c(18006, 18431, 18962, 19547), class = "Date"), 
    end = structure(c(19552, 19127, 19466, 19952), class = "Date"), 
    pts = c(10, 5, 3, 2)), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"
), row.names = c(NA, -4L))

# Generate interval variable
d <- d |> 
  mutate(interval = start %--% end) 
# New data set with point values where changes occur
points <- 
  tibble(dates = c(d$start, d$end + days(1))) |> 
  arrange(dates) |> 
  mutate(pts = map_dbl(dates, \(x) d$pts[x %within% d$interval] |> sum()))

pts_range <- range(points$pts)

# Calculate positions for combining discrete and continuous scale of names and points in plot
d <- d |> 
  mutate(pos = name |> 
           factor() |> 
           as.numeric() |> 
           {\(x) (x - 1) / (max(x)-1) * (pts_range[2] - pts_range[1] - 1) + pts_range[1] + 1}()
ggplot(d) +
  geom_linerange(aes(xmin = start, 
                     xmax = end,
                     y = pos, 
                     color = name), 
                 size = 12) +
  geom_text(aes(x = start + ((end - start) / 2),
                y = pos, 
                label = name)) +
  geom_step(data = points, 
            aes(x = dates, y = pts), 
            alpha = .6,
            size = 2) + 
  labs(x = NULL, 
       y = "Points") + 
  theme(legend.position = "none")

reprex package (v2.0.1)

创建于 2022-02-01