hook call error: Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component

hook call error: Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component

我是 React 组件的新手,在使用 react-hooks 时出现此错误,这是我的代码,有人可以帮助我吗?这是错误的详细信息。


  1. 您的 React 和渲染器版本可能不匹配(例如 React DOM)
  2. 您可能违反了 Hooks 规则
  3. 您可能在同一个应用程序中拥有多个 React 副本 有关如何调试和修复此问题的提示,请参阅 https://reactjs.org/link/invalid-hook-call
const newParams = "params"

// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
const history = useHistory();
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
const location = useLocation();

export class FullscreenDialog extends React.Component{

    constructor(props: any) {

        this.state = { dialogShow: false };

        this.onDismissFullscreen = this.onDismissFullscreen.bind(this);
        this.openDialogWithButton = this.openDialogWithButton.bind(this);

    openDialogWithButton() {
        updateSearch({history, location, newParams})

    onDismissFullscreen() {

        closeDialog({ history, location, key: 'key' })

        const uniqueDialogId3 = 'notes';

        return (
                <DialogRoute id={uniqueDialogId3}>
                    <Layer id="fullscreenDialog" >
                        <UitkFullscreenDialog ariaLabel="Demo" dialogShow={true} returnFocusOnClose={true}>
                                header="Toolbar heading"
                                iconLabel="Close the dialog"
                            <UitkDialogContent key="UitkDialogContent-1">
                                <UitkParagraph key="UitkDialogContentParagraph" size={2}>
                <UitkLink inline={true}>
                    <button onClick={this.openDialogWithButton}>Open Fullscreen Dialog</button>

一般的经验法则是任何以“use”开头的东西都将是一个钩子,并且不会在基于 class 的组件中工作。如果你想坚持使用基于 class 的组件 ,你可以将组件包装在 react router dom 的 withRouter 中以访问 history prop。否则,您可以切换到如下所示的功能组件:

import React, {useState} from 'react';
const newParams = "params"

// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
const history = useHistory();
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
const location = useLocation();

const FullscreenDialog = ({closeDialog, updateSearch}) => {
const [dialogShow, setDialogShow] = useState(false)

const openDialogWithButton = () => {
    updateSearch({history, location, newParams})

const onDismissFullscreen = () => {
    closeDialog({ history, location, key: 'key' })

const uniqueDialogId3 = 'notes';

return (
    <DialogRoute id={uniqueDialogId3}>
        <Layer id="fullscreenDialog" >
            <UitkFullscreenDialog ariaLabel="Demo" dialogShow={true} returnFocusOnClose={true}>
                    header="Toolbar heading"
                    iconLabel="Close the dialog"
                <UitkDialogContent key="UitkDialogContent-1">
                    <UitkParagraph key="UitkDialogContentParagraph" size={2}>
    <UitkLink inline={true}>
        <button onClick={openDialogWithButton}>Open Fullscreen Dialog</button>